I don't know what to do

I've been with my boyfriend for 5 years now but last night just really ticked me off. I'm not gonna go into details but he assaulted me in his sleep without realizing it and he never done it before. I understand that people aren't in their right state of mind when sleeping but this never happened before and I'm scared to sleep in the same bed with him now.

But anyways I'm thinking of breaking up with him, I have been for 2 years now. I don't feel as happy as I was the other years with him. But I don't know what to do- if I break up with him I'm gonna have to move out and go to an abusive household and deal with drama from his family. So the reality is, I don't think it's a good idea for me to break up with him but yet why should I stay with him if all I am is unhappy? I don't get it I want to do the right thing but I'm at the point where I don't want to tell him and just leave but I can't

Advice please?

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Comments ( 11 )
  • GeekyGold

    You should either talk honestly to him and try to work things out to be happy again, or put money on the side and leave when you find a place. That’s my advice

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  • You can wait it out and be a manipulative PoS to give yourself a better standing post break up or you can work hard to break up with him to be a mature adult

    Kinda a catch 22

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  • raisinbran

    What did he do?

    Sleep in separate beds.

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  • _________E_________

    I would talk to him about it. Honesty cannot hurt, especially in a bloody 5 year relationship. Perhaps you both can work on a solution to this. I'm sure if he was *sleeping* he didn't mean to actually assault you or anything (and....he is your bf, right?).

    If he responds very negatively to you being honest about your discomfort, then why are you in a relationship? If he tries to understand you, then great, and you should try to understand his perspective on the issue too. I think the bigger question is how you think that an online forum will give you better insight into this issue than the person who you've apparently trusted to be with you for 5 years...

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  • mafioso

    If he did it when he was asleep, I don't think that you should be worried. It's quite normal, that after approximately 2 years you will lose "love chemicals" and then it's mostly about compromises and trying to understand each other. If you feel unhappy, you should talk with him and if nothing changes, then put money aside and try to find your own apartment.

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  • darefu

    If you been planning on leaving for 2 years then you're the abuser and are just using him. Get out of his bed matter of fact get out of his house.

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    • _________E_________

      I don't think that's what's happening here....

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  • RoseIsabella

    Maybe he has a sleep disorder?

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  • Mini69

    If he was asleep then he clearly didn’t intend to hurt you. Perhaps he had some sort of nightmare! If it is the first time anything like this happened in 5 years then it is pretty unlikely to happen again. Does he even know what happened or that he hurt you? Have you spoken to him about it?

    In your post it does sound like you are a bit of a drama queen! Why would you stay with someone for 5 years if you have been unhappy for the last 2? If you leave why would you go somewhere you will be abused? You have had 2 years to work through both these issues and make a plan to go somewhere you will be safe. Also why would you want to leave without talking things through with him. Does he even know you are unhappy?

    As I type this reply I think more and more how immature and overdramatic you sound. Perhaps you should break up to allow him to pursue a relationship with a proper adult!

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  • Clunk42

    I question why you would be sleeping in the same bed as someone if you don't consent to such things. However, the actual important question I have for you is, "Why does it matter at all, if he was asleep?"

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    • The underlying thought process is that he's so cavalier about her presence that he doesn't even go to sleep with the forbearance to not be abusive

      I'd like to know how though, did he roll over and his arm landed on her or did he react to a nightmare

      Going at it from the outside in I agree with you, but I can't help but think I'd feel similar to op in her shoes

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