I don't like age being used to determine maturity
I'm sure you know about how these days 18 is considered an adult and anything under is considered a minor. Personally, I do not like this system. I know that the brains of say a 14 year old is not as physically developed as that of a 30 year old, but even then, I don't think that age should be the sole determining factor on how ready someone is for the adult world. I've heard of teens under 18 who are mature and leading responsible and mature lives, and there are emotionally immature 30-year olds who live in their mother's basements. I myself am 20 and I do not think I am 100% ready for the adult world either.
Am I saying that age doesn't play a factor? No. Recent studies show that our brains continue developing well into our 40s. Our brains develop gradually, and obviously a 10-year old isn't going to be as mature as a 19-year old. But I don't like how society puts so much emphasis on how old someone is to determine how mature they are. Personally, I think that restrictions based on age should end at age 16 and from that point on one should be forced to take a series of tests before being legally considered an adult. If a 17-year old passes all the tests with flying colours, then he/she should be considered an adult and given age of majority rights. If a 30-year old repeatedly fails, too bad, still a minor.
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