I don't like anyone to know my music taste.

I listen to a ton of music. My taste is all over the map and some songs that I wouldn't like normally, I love because of a specific memory associated with the song. But anyway whenever someone asks what music I listen to I get really uncomfortable and avoid answering. Everyone I know has such different taste, and half of my friends might love a band while the other half thinks they are absolute crap. I just don't want people to label or analyze me based on my music when it doesn't really represent me. I enjoy the music, but if it's an indie sing that doesn't make me a hipster, if it's a rock song that doesn't mean I'm a punk or whatever.

Is it normal to be this uncomfortable about my taste?

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83% Normal
Based on 35 votes (29 yes)
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Comments ( 11 )
  • Short4Words

    I try to avoid people the immediately try to put me in a box based on x y and z. Maybe you should do the same.

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  • mypenisinyourmouth

    I like Polka. I party hard to that shit.

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  • KingTermite

    Make up band names and act like you're astonished when they haven't heard of them. Or just say what everyone does... "I like a lot of different stuff..." be sure to use a dumb sounding voice if you take that route, it's more convincing.

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  • snarkygirl

    People think my taste is weird but I don't give a quack

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  • TheCockRoach

    Why feel you have to conform? I get it in the business and social since but why give a fuck what others think in this realm are you not an individual with a personal preference?

    Stop being a pussy. I listen to Dire Straits and the albums "brothers in arms" and "on every street" are my favs.

    There's also The Mentors and my favorite song is "Constantly Jackin" I slip in the mix at my house parties. It gets a little awkward

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    • Mytwin295

      Eeeppp! People think im crazy for listening to Dire Straits but they know its part of my personality.

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    or tell em something ridiculous like yall only listen to vivaldi and rick james

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  • Potatoskins

    Psssttt I like Vaporwave and Frank Sidebottom stuff so it's ok

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  • seaturtle

    No, it's not normal. YOu like the music cause you like it. It's your own taste. Nothing to be embarrassed or uncomfortable about. YOu don't need to impress anybody with your music style.

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  • 7114garrett

    I am the exact same way. I never let anybody tell me what genre to listen to. I listened to music that brought back good memories, and still do. I am a 48 y/o black guy. Back in '77 when I was 10 y/o, a friend of mine took me shoe shining with him at the local bars. Pretty soon I had my own kit and was making my own money. Most of the music at the bars was country, but I listened to that along with funk, jazz, disco, rock, pop, soul, and just about anything else, and learned to like all kinds of music. I would go to the Greyhound and Trailways bus depots, the bars downtown like: The Manhattan, Buena Vista, Shamrock, Esquire, Wagon Wheel, Pete's Water Hole, The Ozark, The Chicago, Hurricane (punk rock bar) The Brown Derby... I had just as many adult friends as kids that I hung out with that were my own age. I'd walk home around 1:00am, and If a bus driver saw me, they'd usually pull over to give me a ride even if they were out of service and going to the garage for the night. I don't want to make this into an autobiography, I'm just saying that if YOU like the music, To hell with anybody else that tells you to listen to something different because your choice in music isn't the same kind they like.

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  • Koda

    If someone asks, I'll share, but I won't bring it up in expectance of the usual "sighs". People tend not to think a taste that includes anything they dislike is valid. If the genre doesn't have a cool reputation by virtue of being rare/underground, associated with an edgy lifestyle/counter-culture, or having a history of youth acceptance among successive generations, it's seen as one of two things: mainstream or obscure.

    Mainstream pop music, no matter how well composed or performed it is, is seen as for kids or idiots. It's a shame, because pop music is one of the most varied and eclectic "genres" (especially prior to c. 2006), if you can even call it that.

    If you listen to anything pre-1960, your taste is obscure owing to being out of date. If you listen to anything non-Western/English, your taste is obscure owing to being unintelligible (which is dumb, as most lyrics are absolutely meaningless anyway). If you listen to art music, jazz or folk music, your taste is obscure owing to not being popular. If you listen to too much electronic music, your taste has no soul. If you listen to complex, experimental music, your taste is inaccessible. You can't win, especially if you listen to anything people in the generation immediately prior to your own would have liked.

    What's cool and what isn't can almost seem arbitrary decade to decade. The fact is, nowadays, most people like only one or two of the following short list: classic rock, hip-hop/trap/R n B, dubstep, metal, country, boy bands, k-pop, top 40/dance-pop, and, of course, "indie". The following are pretty much dead to people under 20 (in effect, they might as well have never existed): alternative rock, punk, new wave, folk-pop/rock, trip-hop, electronica, funk, techno/house, latin, J-pop, disco, etc. But don't worry, they'll all be back eventually.

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