I don't like dogs either...
Short and simple..I can not stand dogs! I am a Cat person and like my cats more than I like most people. They never talk back to you, they don't bark and they don't eat shit. Nothing else needs to be said.
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Short and simple..I can not stand dogs! I am a Cat person and like my cats more than I like most people. They never talk back to you, they don't bark and they don't eat shit. Nothing else needs to be said.
Gahaha, Agreed on that "they don't eat shit" part. My old dog did that, gross! yehh, cats are better.
I like both dogs and cats. But prefer cats more. I have 2 cats and a dog. But dogs need more attention. Can't go away for a weekend. Gotta find a dog sitter. I do like having the security of a barking dog though when someone rings the doorbell. Even though the dog is a real wimp.
I like cats. Dogs are just so smelly and leave so much hair everywhere and bark all the fucking time for no reason. No thanks.
Cat's are the most worthless creatures on this planet.
Boring as fuck. I feed them to my snakes.
Taylor said it. Dogs are awesome and cats suck ass. They are for really old people that can't move and shit that wear pink sweaters with the cats picture on them. Dogs are excellent judges of character so if dogs don't like you your completely useless. But hey in your defense cats are usefull....they can scratch and meow and kill mice....awesome. I'm convinced I'm gonna go get some cats right now!
Your a weirdo!! How can a cat fetch the paper off the front lawn for u? Queer!!!
What's the matter with you A-Hole? Can't you pick up your own fu*king paper?
Cats + Dogs are for companionship.. Not for doing deeds that you can't get off your lazy ass for.
Dogs were NOT bred (created) for companionship. They were bred to herd animals and for other purposes, NOT to be pets. People turning what was intended to be a working animal into pets is the reason we're always reading about dog attacks and kids killed by the family "pet". However, those "purposes" were not to pick up a fuc*ing newspaper that people can easily do themselves.
Dogs stick their noses in each other's asses, they lap up human sh*t and vomit like it was ice cream, they wallow on dead animals, and they are the filthiest creatures on earth. Anyone who likes dogs is as filthy as they are!
Alright, you hate cats. Big deal, just because people who like cats like cats, it doesn't make them gay. You are just an ignorant asshole and like to troll like several users and misuse words like "gay."