I don't like people who shove freedom of speech down my throat

I know that the USA is perhaps one of the freest countries in the world when it comes to freedom of speech, even protecting hate speech and others. I respect that. However, I really dislike how SOME Americans (note the emphasis on some) seem to like showing off their freedom of speech in unsavoury ways.

Those people seem to worship freedom of speech like it is a deity, and act all condescending to others who come from countries with even the slightest restriction. For example, I've seen some calling places like Canada tyrants just because there is a minor exception to provocative hate speech, and they seem to act like people in those countries are TOTALLY oppressed and can't say a single thing. Heck, even the North Koreans can talk about the weather.

I realize that the overwhelming majority of Americans aren't like this, and it's not exclusive to the USA, but I'm talking about the ones that are like this (regardless of nationality). Is it normal to be annoyed by such people?

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70% Normal
Based on 61 votes (43 yes)
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Comments ( 47 )
  • Terence_the_viking

    No country is free thats just bullshit they feed you to keep you paying your taxes and stuff.

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    • Gamzeee

      So fucking true.

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  • thegypsysailor

    Have you not heard of Edward Snowden and his NSA leaks?
    I think it would behoove ALL Americans to be aware that their government is now monitoring all electronic communications and that the Patriot Act gives them the right to take anyone away without charges, a lawyer or notification to family.
    Just like the fascist regimes of Latin America, there are "the disappeared" in the USA now.

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    • Snowden exposed the American government for commiting treason against its people......is now being hunted for treason.

      Says it all doesn't it, see how fast they swept it all under the rug. People are already starting to forget what the US is doing.

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      • Sog

        Keeping a log of telephone calls to use as evidence against terrorists is not treason. Far from it.

        Snowden was a fool who fashioned himself to be some kind of real-life V (from "V for Vendetta") who could do whatever he wished in the name of fighting against his imagined oppressive government. His actions were guided by his own arrogance to become a self-fashioned superhero. And they were also reckless and without doubt criminal. He has done irreparable harm to the US, and if he ever sets foot in this country again he should be tried for treason and locked up for life.

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        • "A self-fashioned superhero?" No matter what your opinion on this issue is, he's not stupid. He will live the rest of his life without an income, constantly looking over his shoulder, unable to live in his own country or ever see or talk to anyone he loves again. He knew it going in, but exposed this evil anyway. That takes courage beyond anything most of us could possibly muster.

          He didn't do "irreparable harm to the U.S.," the U.S. government did. He exposed the unethical, illegal, and arrogant arm of an unchecked, power-hungry government. Would you blame a witness for turning in a murderer?

          Bush created this law. Big fan of him are you? Obama, riding on a wave of starry-eyed worshipers, just took it to levels Bush/Cheney could only dream of.

          They're not just "keeping a log of telephone calls to use as evidence against terrorists." Good god...some of them were keeping track of their fucking lovers and exes. That must be part of your "imagined oppressive government."

          Wtf happened to American culture? We used to boast our cynicism of government. Now so many seem to follow blindly, ignoring the "Prestone" label hidden beneath the handwritten "Kool-Aid" sticker as we fill our cups...and bring it to our lips.

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        • Hahahaha. Oh my...

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        • westoptic

          This is what your Government thinks of your comment


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      • dybex

        People haven't forgotten. They understand the situation and have okayed it.

        Let's say you're the president of a country. Countless terrorist threats (internal and external) are made against your country each day. These threats come from countries and groups who view children and heavily pregnant women as legitimate targets. 1000s of your citizens have already died at the hands of terrorism.

        As president, you're tasked with keeping your people safe. You have a limited budget to do this.

        If sticking your head in the sand and hoping it all goes away isn't an option, then what would you do?

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        • How many non domestic terrorist attacks have you had in the US in the last decade?

          Stop regurgitating the shit you are fed. That mindless rhetoric only works on the dumbest of Americans, everyone else sees straight through it.

          This sort of thing will open the floodgates to the big brother future, we cannot let that happen, and people like you are letting it happen. The US people themselves are the ones killing each other in record numbers last I checked, not the once in a blue moon terrorist attacks. Sticking your head in the sand is letting your government do as they please by exploiting your fear, as they have done by getting you to blindly accept treason, something they'd give you a life sentence for.

          The government was commiting an act of treason against its people, there's no other way to look at it. That's why Snowden said something, the guy left a 200k a year job and became a fugitive to do this. It's a serious criminal act my friend, the "fighting the terrorists" excuse that they use for everything illeagal they do is wearing thin on those who can think for themselves.

          Go and hide with the rest of the sheeple scum.

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          • +1

            Quiver in fear, offer to sacrifice rights, and beg the government for safety...and we will all be left neither safe...nor free.

            ...this is not a new issue. It was warned about over 200 years ago.

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            • I can feel and see it happening a little more every day. The single person feels powerless and so does not act, thinking those in power will sort it out. This in turn creating entire populations who will do nothing to stop the oncoming tyranny inflicted upon them by those in power.

              Our entire societal structure will be flushed in the fallout should people ever unite against it. We can end the tyranny of politics, but we will have to go back to square one to do it. People as a whole are too ignorant to do this, and have no idea how to start over. I firmly believe that the near future is a very grim path with no exits.

              I for one would love to see this pathetic excuse for human advancement go down right down the the drain, along with all those who put profiteering before the protection and love of all people.

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          • dybex

            Thank you for your hysterical rant and name calling. But I didn't quite get what "your" better solution to fight global terrorism is, from that. Might it be that you don't have one?

            The reason you have had so few attacks in American is because of the clandestine work of the NSA and information provided by the security agencies of other countries. I understand that you might have issues with some of their methods, but even you must realize that that's true. You can't be naive enough to think that the terrorists have gone away?

            Call me cynical, but I think deep down you don't really care what the NSA are doing. You're just upset that Mr Snowden opened your eyes and now you feel you have some pseudo-moral obligation to publicly show us that you're upset.

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            • "The reason you have had so few attacks in American is because of the clandestine work of the NSA and information provided by the security agencies of other countries."

              ...there's absolutely no way to prove that.

              Handing over Rights, sacrificing Freedom, and giving away our privacy feeds those who would seek to destroy us.

              By it's very nature, those concessions render us enslaved to terrorism...proving its effectiveness.

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  • Gamzeee

    Life sucks and so do most of the people in it.

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    • Astrozombie138

      That is pretty much it right there.

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  • handsignals

    I don't see why gay's can't fight for our country

    It might make them less gay

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    • Gamzeee


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      • handsignals

        because instead of wearing skinny jeans and stupid t shirts they'd be wearing combat gear...duh...

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        • RoseIsabella

          That wouldn't affect the sexual preference of gay men, it would just make them even sexier than usual.

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        • Gamzeee

          .... o yes ... now I see.

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  • KeddersPrincess

    Some people don't deserve freedom of speech, if you ask me. Some people abuse it.

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    • thegypsysailor

      So who chooses the "Some people don't deserve freedom of speech"? You?
      Talk about un-American.....

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  • RoseIsabella

    Yeah, people are feel to say whatever they want but I'm free to ignore them. ;)

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    • robbieforgotpw

      I'm free to blow out my undies

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      • RoseIsabella

        Sometimes I slip out silent poots in public. Just kidding, I do it all the time. The secret to good public farting is to keep moving that way no one can pin it on me. I haven't been caught yet, not even once.

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        • robbieforgotpw

          Wow stealth-like. I can clear out a room fast myself.
          One time I was outside and heard someone say "someone needs to change their diaper." It was me and they never knew.

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          • RoseIsabella


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  • GoraIntoDesiGals

    I admire the USA's free speech laws. I once exposed a scam artist on ripoff-report and that asshole had the nerve to sue me for slander. Europe ftw. I did win the trial as he was indeed a scammer but it did cost me more than the initial sum it was all about.

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    • RoseIsabella

      Damn, that sucks ass!

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  • Well if the overwhelming majority of people don't do this, then why are you so enraged by this "issue"?

    *shoves freedom of speech (penis) down OP's throat"

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    • *sucks*

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      • RomeoDeMontague

        Yeah I agree with you. Freedom of speech does not mean you HAVE to be a dick. If you bully and harass someone and argue "ITS FREEDOM OF SPEECH" it does not mean its right to do.

        If you protest at a funeral since you believe those people deserved to die you are being disruptive and rude and deserve rocks to be tossed at your skull.

        If you do not like some ones shirt you do not have to tell them how hideous it is in front of everyone. If there is something like its not buttoned correctly you could tell them politely or pull them to a corner instead of mocking them in front of everyone. From which point you say "Its freedom of speech I can be a dick-face if I wish to be".

        So yes simply having "FREEDOM OF SPEECH" does not mean you HAVE TO BE A DICK. This is clearly something people do not understand though. This is the issue with freedom though. Everyone abuses it. Why we constantly have to make more regulations since people are not fucking responsible enough to have some simple self restraint.

        Think it would be more reasonable to say if someone does something dickish and list the incidents you can beat them with a bat/rod. That way the fucking prick will stop tossing "FREEDOM AS SPEECH" at you.

        This however should exclude all debates since those already get very messy as it is.

        Yes pick on that retarded child or maybe that nerd till they commit suicide. See if the court takes that freedom of speech bull shit after that.

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  • peterr

    Do you like a cock shoved down your throat?

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  • some people like things shoved down their throats , get yr mind out of the gutter! omg the ventilator tube to help them breathe! people got dirty minds round here <SLAM>

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  • braintrip

    why cant it just EXPLODE all over? >=}

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    • RomeoDeMontague


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      • braintrip

        you know it

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