I don't like to hear the dog break

I don't like to hear the dog bark at people out side the fence and so my dog never really barks, my dog does go off and its hard to get her to stop barking when someone comes into the yard; if my dog knows the person then I would never want to hear her. If someone jumped the fence then I want her to kill them bark and let me know that their is someone dead in the yard; sometimes she even barks at people that are in the house, which is as if they are on the out side of the fence. over all the only time that she can bark at anything is when it is in the yard. I don't even like to hear the dog whimper, like the only sound that I want her to make is like growling sounds,

at least you will know when someone is in the back yard 3
is this something that I should be okay with, 0
Your making the dog feel bad about being a dog 2
let the dog bark, because its a dog and that is how they speak 6
I can see the why you do it and why you should do that 1
I love when the dogs dont bark at me when I is walking down the street 3
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Comments ( 7 )
  • JD777

    I hate hearing a dog break, too. Now if they were break dancing, that would be cool.

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    • That would be great about great to see and yet, they still be the barking thing

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  • I don't enjoy constant dog barking either. Especially when I am doing something that requires my attention!

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  • Nokiot9

    They sell less potent varieties at petsmart specifically for dogs. They have scolville ratings on the backs of the can or package. You can rate the concentration by that number.

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  • Brownblowout

    Dog break

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  • Nokiot9

    I'm not advocating you go blowing a dogs head off. But barking dogs piss me off too. I think you can pepper spray a dog in most states legally if it barks at you and you feel threatened. I would do it thru someone's fence or if they have it leashed. But if it runs up to u and it looks mean and it's barking at you, shit, spray the whole can at that thing

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  • Nokiot9

    Get a squirt gun and put something really stinky or whatever in it lol. Skunk them and they won't ever bark at you again. My dad told me a story that when he was a kid there was this dog next door that would always bark at them and steal their baseballs and newspapers so they decided to make sure it never did again. They put a little cherry bomb in a rolled up newspaper and it blew up in the dogs mouth. They made sure it was a tiny one so it didn't hurt the dog. But they said it never barked at them or took their ball again. Plus, he said he hated it because it ate his turtle.

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