I don't like to read the stories you guys put on the internet?
Whenever you guys have a story about yourselves I just don't feel like reading it so I go by the title and I type whatever I think??!?! I guess it's cuz I'm lazy...
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Whenever you guys have a story about yourselves I just don't feel like reading it so I go by the title and I type whatever I think??!?! I guess it's cuz I'm lazy...
You guys might think this person is anoying but I agree with him/her I look at the titles like "IIN that I" , "IIN to do" and "IIN That this happens" And every single one is a teenage girl/guy (mostly girls) talking about some boy or girl they like. Its too anoying and I think that people who only have intentions to submit complete and obviously normal stories should be banned mainly for their lack of knowledge on the obviously normal things in life.
We all want a world in which we can like everything.
Guess what?we ain't getting it.
This actually irritates me because while most of the issues on here are about teenage relationship drama, the rest (including mine) are serious attempts to gather information, and the details don't usually fit in just the title.
This is probably the only sentence you're reading.
Yep imma 18 years old so am I a teen??? Reason o said that was because. Me and my
Moms don't have a good history together!