I don't see what george bush has done wrong,

I don't see what George Bush has done wrong, he's destroying a bunch of people who shouldn't be in the 1st place. I say the Iraqis are just here to take up space on this planet. They're not doing anything to benifit us. George Bush is doing a great job where he is. I hope he sends a nuke to Iraq and just wipe that country out of the map. The only thing the Iraqis know how to do is terrorize countries, they're all terrorists.Ok, I'm going to say it, I think George Bush is good. He's one of the greatest president ever.. Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! he attack Iraq and many Iraqis died.. so what? I hope he bombs Iraq again, I seriously don't give a crap if the Iraqis die, I hope bush kills them all, bomb the hell out of Iraq. serioulsy I think the Iraqis are nothing but terrorist and George Bush is doing the world a favour by bombing them and killing them. they just like to bomb the hell out of each other, so the Americans attacking Iraq doesn't really make that much of a difference, they're just speeding up the process. So I solute George Bush I say, those Iraqis are bombing each other anyways, because they're a bunch of no good 3rd world terrorist and all Iraqis are like that. Yeah, I've heard it all, I'm racist, whatever, but think about it, all the terrorism that occured, most of them are from the middle east in some stupid 3rd world country, and I'll let you know that I will never have any respect for an Iraqi because they're all no good terrorists.

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Comments ( 94 )
  • thelittleone

    This is precisely the problem with so many Americans today. The first and foremost problem, number one, is the fact that so many countless Americans have NO IDEA what's going on outside of their own country. How many can find Iran on a map? Or for the sake of this poster's comments, Iraq? My friend, do you even know where Iraq IS? If the answer is no, then the rest of your post is a complete waste of your time. And born of this total ignorance is the opportunity to be manipulated. Which is why so many Americans harbor hatreds and prejudices that I'm sure most of them don't even know why they believe them. Can I ask you WHY you hate "those Iraqis"? If it's because "they're all terrorists" or because "they attacked us", then you're even more wrong! In case you need to be reminded, Osama bin Laden was born in SAUDI ARABIA. His affiliations moved throughout the middle east, but it WAS NOT the Iraqi nation who was responsible for the attacks. So why would Bush go there? Because Sadam Hussein had nukes? PLEASE! Half the countries in the world have nukes now. Pull your head out of your ass, and THINK about why you think these things. You've been brainwashed in a culture that teaches you to only be concerned with yourself. THINK about why you hate a certain group of people, and WHO taught you to hate them. Odds are, it came from your family, your education, and your government.

    And finally, to all the rest of you using racist or ignorant language, you're only hurting yourselves. Not only do you make yourselves sound uneducated, but you sound childish and undignified. Hating and ragging on each other based on superficial things is not only a waste of our time, but it is so unneccesary. Open your eyes, and see people for what they are. PEOPLE! We're all the same, we all share the same genetic code. The differences we focus so harshly on are but faint and indecipherable.

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  • Mitch3721

    Im not american, which after reading this post and comments makes me happy. Your country has a real real problem, corrupt government, disillusioned youth, an un-winnable war. America could explode everywhere and splash the rest of the world with your ignorance and your ideals, which spells the end of the world. America used to stand for so much more, and you are all responsible for the plight of your country, and you should all be ashamed.

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    • KokoroComplex

      I'm American and it's sad how I don't deny anything you said. Is that bad? Even a native knows and feels that it's own country is corrupt. I mean SOPA/PIPA/ACTA/la-la-la to ruin our voices (and I have a feeling it runs deeper than the internet), and not to mention media is corrupting us with "preferred" beauty images and the fact that we're in war is "necessary". I admit, we have had a bad history- i.e our conflict with the Native Americans wasn't a proud move on our part (but what nation hasn't done something regretful?), but what happened to the America where we would fighting against British occupation- not the America butting into other countries or destroying everyone else. Looking at other countries, a lot of them have way worse problems than us, and we have, "did you hear Kim Kardashian took a shit today?" "No way, really??". This is all so useless. Where are our priorities.

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  • Ill keep it short and simple its people like this that are the worlds problems George bush created these problems he destroyed iraq and created a world of terrorists,I feel sorry for this world and people like this its a shame what ignorance is in america it will only get worst and god help america because the way its going it will fall to its kness from ignorance america is the route of all evil and people like this deserve to be hung

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  • DEO411

    I am quite certain that we are going to destroy ourselves. We are doomed because our planet cannot support the human race. I can see no other option but to create a chemical that can sterilize people and put it in the water supply. Lets face it it would be a greater mercy to prevent people from being born in 3rd world countries than to care for people who could not care for themselves. I just know the planet will end in war and devastation which will exinct the human race. I can only hope someone proves me wrong.

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  • tygeronherbed

    " love for ones country is a wonderful thing, but why should love stop at the boarder?"

    you are all little ignorant pieces of shit.
    people are people. If they are white, black, asian, middle eastern, native american, mexican - we are all humans. one human race. working to further divide our planet can only cause more hate, violence, death...why would anyone want that?

    Poster, and everyone who agrees with the poster, you need to realize that america isnt the only country that matters, and white people arnt the most advanced race. The only thing race affects is skin color, thats it.

    it truly sickens and saddens me that so many people in my country are so brain washed and diluted that you can't even have compassion for your fellow human being.

    besides america (and white people in general) have caused considerably more damage than any other race, they go into other countries and take over, take what ever they want, and they dont care.

    when the english first settled in america, they completely wiped out the native peoples because they were too ignorant and blood thirsty to even try to be compassionate.

    bush was the most terrible president in american history and im GLAD obama is in office. republicans are pure evil.

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  • georgienne

    ''obama's driven the us into the ground''?
    Honey, you could shove God (I kid) into office if you wanted: it doesn't matter who does it, America has a looong way down before it can ever start to rise again.
    Poor Obama came in, he didn't impetus much crap had been left for him to solve/fix/clean up.

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  • kittkatt

    the more I read of this the more HORRIFIED I get!!! WTF is with the whole Christian = racist ignorant homophobic moron? Wow, I'm Australian and even our WORST bigots look like Mother Theresa compared with you people! Shout-out to all awesome "liberals" trapped in the land of the hillbilly jackarses - come over to our country, we'd LOVE to have you! BTW, to the morons who are complaining about "liberals" and their evil plot to give away all the delicious money: wake up losers! Do I really need to point out that "liberals" tend to be educated and employed, as opposed to the unemployed red necks on welfare who would have voted for Palin - if they could write that is!!

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  • mansk777

    wow i apologise to the rest of the world for my ignorant countrymen i guese we should have let the civil war happen and let the dumbass southern hicks kill themselves. just so you know humans originated from africa im in ap bio and ap chem i know what im talkin about unlike the idiot who says he saw it on the history channel. george bush took our economy and ass raped it hence why barack obama is president

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  • vnnami

    id say the worst thing george has ever done wrong is one thing, he makes himself think that hes done a good job. No one supports bush for his decision to stay in the war and keep our troops in iraq. this has cost us alot of money but this is not the main reason i or anyone else hates bush. The problem with bush is he thinks after everyone hates him for whats hes done he has the balls to think he did a great job for what hes done although its actually put us in debt over a trillion dollars, and making prices skyrocket.

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  • WildChildTDC

    and most of iraqis aren't terrorists, and 9/11 is possibly fake. bushfuck just wanted an excuse to atk iraq and steal their oil. satan = bullshit
    god = more bullshit
    if he exists, you wouldn't seen fking starving africana babies with swollen bellies
    you wouldn't see soldiers trying to support their families missing their legs.
    you wouldn't see innocent people around the world being blown to bits and a bullet stuck in their skull
    if god loves me so much, then tell him to give me a fking blowjob, i need it

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  • alex123456789

    I thought Bush was a good president, but how can you be so ignorant. We did not invade Iraq because of terrorists, we did it because Saddam Hussein was an incredibly unstable dictator who hated the USA and had access to nuclear weapons and treated the Iraqi people like crap. Most of the Iraqis are victims of terrorism themselves and most love the idea that the USA is there to offer some protection. Oh yeah... Al Qaeda is based out of Pakistan.

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  • GreenxBlack

    I'm like that with Obama. .hes made some minor mistakes but atleast hes actually DOING what he promised! thats rare in a president

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    • Teh4HorsMen


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  • Ozzy

    umm why is this topics category "sex" ?

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  • dhanshl

    oh great! so you think George Bush is the best president ever?!?!?!?
    you have to think a thousand times before u say it! the good president is a president who will give a example to be a good people and have humanity to all of his American citizens!. so, all of his citizen know how to be a good people. GB doesn't have a humanity. he's a robot!he think he's never wrong and always do smthg good! haha THINK TWICE! how can he killed so many ppl who doesn't have a sin?! is it good if he kill a baby who just didn't know anything?!?!?! u have a brain dude, so used it to think clearly! :)

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  • missnormal88

    you are just as dumb as bush is...learn how to spell SALUTE!

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  • twilight9504

    okay, first of all the only reason why your dumbass self hasnt noticed what he's done wrong is because your narrow ass mind hasnt realized that this fucking redneck destroyed our economy. he's NOT a good president, and he SURE AS HELL ISNT THE BEST PRESIDENT! you need to wake the FUCK UP and see that our ex-president deserved to not run anymore.

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  • Juche1

    George Bush is a fascist, imperialist, warmongering tyrant who started wars across the world to line the pockets of the wall street gang and bankkker money loving pigs.

    "If the U.S. monopoly capitalist groups persist in pushing their policies of aggression and war, the day is bound to come when the people of the whole world will hang them. The same fate awaits the accomplices of the United States." Mao Zedong

    "I have said that all the reputedly powerful reactionaries are merely paper tigers. The reason is that they are divorced from the people. Look! Was not Hitler a paper tiger? Was Hitler not overthrown? I also said that the tsar of Russia, the emperor of China and Japanese imperialism were all paper tigers. As we know, they were all overthrown. U.S. imperialism has not yet been overthrown and it has the atom bomb. I believe it also will be overthrown. It, too, is a paper tiger." Mao Zedong

    "Modern monopolist capitalism on a world-wide scale — imperialist wars are absolutely inevitable under such an economic system, as long as private property in the means of production exists." V.I Lenin

    "The peoples of Asia, Africa, and Latin America have common interest and are in the position to support each other in their anti-imperialist and anti-U.S. struggle. As long as Africa and Latin America are not free." Kim Il Sung

    Amerikkka imperialist like George Bush start wars to control it people and the world. Because Amerikkka is a paper tiger that uses force and exploitation to control the people of the world.



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  • jilian

    I'd rather have George bush back, Obama is a crapy president.

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    • And you, my dear idiot, are bad at spelling.

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  • koopsta

    It doesn't matter who is in office whether it be a democrat or a republican. They are all liars, they all intend on becoming rich from the position, they all abuse the system, and they all gain success at the expense of the American people. Our country has lost sight of what really matters. It's not religion, race, social status or wealth that should define us. Our country was founded on three words that don't mean a thing anymore.."we the people." it's sad to watch our country rip itself apart and become it's own demise. Our real problem isn't terrorism, it's the fact that the American people don't give a shit about their fellow people anymore. Our country might make it through this recession and we might have a few more years of prosperity. But this country will fall like a sack of bricks and until people see the real issues and get past the issues of global warming, terrorism, and all that other bullshit we will remain in a downward spiral until we are as pitiful as every other third world country out there.

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    • sweetlilwookims

      I agree except where you say three words, I think four words "in GOD we trust"

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  • Anonymusgirl

    Your right, George Bush is a fucktard. and so are you. GET A BRAIN FUCKTARDDD.

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  • PurplePeopleEater

    Bush is a religious fanatic. Christian extremists are just as bad for the planet as muslim extremists. Extremist anything is unhealthy.
    He sadly sees the world in black and white just like his supporters but the world has many shades of grey in between. He really is a black spot on the planet. The scariest part is that he actually believes that God is guiding him. Guiding to him to kill?? Its truly bizarre that we have dangerous nuts like him running the planet!

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  • LOL some of the commentators here are absolutely hilarious!!! And I'm afraid to say that George Bush indeed did many things wrong. He was a terrible president... =/

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    • Teh4HorsMen

      Not as bad as Obama.

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  • ImAvPD

    He was great.
    Obama sucks...
    Obama care makes me sick!!!

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  • sam1994

    Wow. You have got to be the biggest heartless asshole ever. I'm Chaldean American and my parents are both from Iraq and yes I agree, the country is not at it's greatest standing point. However, there are INNOCENT people living there, some that are my family, and the fact that you think they all deserve to die makes you just as much as a terrorist.

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  • Teh4HorsMen

    Better than Obama.

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  • lookinforanewplace

    I don't quite agree with the initial post, especially about nuking people, but a lot of people in this country, even the President, believe that if we give our country away, the world is going to love us. This is just not true. We have got to believe in self-preservation.

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  • indy95

    is anyone else not concerned as to why this is in the sex category?? i don't even live in america!

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  • KokoroComplex

    You have problems....

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  • kittkatt

    ps. McHammer, brilliant observation re the fake tan, lol!!

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  • kittkatt


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  • McHammer

    y do Americans always have something to say about blacks but you guys always with the fake tan trying to be darker. I don't get it.

    in saying that I love ignorant ppl like this one because it only serves to make the rest of us realise how precious our intelligence is

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  • LetMePaintRedOnYou


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  • Um... Why are some ppl arguing about race? This is a discussion on bush and only bush.

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  • Got nothing to say but, NOOB!

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  • tayler_nordenger

    he didnt. the mojity of the things taht happedns were due to congress

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  • SuperJuniorx3

    I wanna kill that Bush. :D

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  • ciano

    The problem isn't that you're an idiot. You wrote a well thought out piece with mostly correct grammar. Your problem seems to be that you're surrounded by idiots. Move somewhere with a high-school graduation rate above 50% and listen to the people who live and work there. I don't believe someone with your evident intelligence could form opinions this baselessly racist on your own.

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  • slurpeesOWN

    @devastation your fully right bush is a dumb shit who should burn alive for what he did :)

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  • You are an idiot

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  • 46horses


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  • UserFriendlyDrug

    A lot of people had really long responses, so I shall keep mine short and sweet.

    Bush failed. Clinton failed worse. Nixon was the pwn of all fails. Obama probably will fail even worse. America has been cursed, now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to go live in Canada.

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  • my dad was 31

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  • i will always think that Bush is the dumbest president in the world he decided to send my dad out and his 2 friends to iraq :( and :'( won of his 2 friends was bekky she was killed she was dicenigrated in an iraqi missile another was jacob he was shot 4 times in the chest and bled to death
    and then my dad...... *sobs*

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  • AntoniusBlock

    That was so eloquently well-written that I actually read it all. I think you are not a f---ing imbecile, guy. I think your spelling and grammar skills are sweet and excellent. I think you should not consider taking your own life--it is not the only solution, for someone not-as-stupid as you. Your opinions are worth reading and actually thinking over.

    (Today is Opposite Day. Unhappy Opposite Day to you!)

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  • Kaiote

    omg... racist suns o bitches black people are just as smart as white people as are mexicans and asians and whatever other PEOPLE there are. and the person who made this thing is an idiot if you knew anything you would know bush is an idiot too. wait maybe he is bush!

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  • Carrie:)

    Wait, who's George Bush????

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  • dice

    bush is a fuckn idiot he let benladen family left usa after 9/11 cuz he have bussniss with them stupid americans deserve to be controld by jews and rich arabs

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  • AVGN4life1

    why is this listed as one of the favorits of the site.

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  • Star1778

    If you cannot see what GWB has done wrong, then you are either biased, or you simply aren't paying attention.

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  • tampabayallstar

    Gee what a surprise... Another BOLD CHICKENHAWK!

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  • zii

    your stupid and you should go back to school.

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  • sexychickluvzlipz

    u must be black. i am too. I used to be just like you. i never gave aa fuck about any other race but my own. But if you really wanna kno something about evalution, which none of u kno shit about.
    First off EVERYONE is Black. Every person in the World has been traced back to the same two people.Scientist have traced people back to the day they first began to record. Which goes back to the time of pangea when all of the continents were conected like a puzzle. Like a family tree this family began to grow and you cant live with your parents 4evr so they began to spread out.which brings me to the equator. What happens when you get closer to the equator? It getz warmer u dipshitz. So the further they traveled away the lighter they got.
    Oh and to who ever made that smart azz comment about blacks having the lowest iq can kizz mi BLACK ASS!This BLACK bitch is out.

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  • You are a complete moron,Iraqis will be there always and youre precious soldiers will be murdered think of that haha you and youre countrys people will be taught a valuable lesson you white trash probably imbread you are the terrorist i wish i could reach through this computer anbd strangle your neck

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  • carolyn27

    you cant b that stupid bush screw up more way then one

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  • Horny13WhiteBoy

    Ok listen up...

    First off bush id a fucktard.
    Second I'm 13 so don't cuss at me lame brained fools. Bush, Bush, Bush. Bush is going to be rich. He is. It's a fact. And the USA? It is in a lot of debt right now. Trillions. Bush actually escorted Osama's family by plane when 9/11 happened. Oh coincidence right? Oh oil prices rising, US dollar being worth very little now. Coincidence? No. Georgey is a bastard. Please don't support him. It hurts me to see my fellow people be fooled by him, actually PRAISE him. I am too tired to give you more details about but here read this please.

    "One has to wonder when George W. said, "You're either with us or against us" - just exactly who he meant by "us." "Us" is beginning to look like a Bush-Saudi-Al Qaeda conspiracy, especially when one includes the well-known business ties between George H. W. Bush, James Baker, and the Bin Laden family through the infamous Carlyle Group."

    Thanks please don't cuss at me and please realize that Bush has done some pretty darn evil things.

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    • Okay, I am not going to cuss you hornyboy, you are, by your own admission 13 - which means you don't have the first damned clue as to how things work in the Real world...getting all your news, as it is spoon fed you by the various networks -liberal bought and owned- media on (Your Parents!) television.

      You get a little bit of a pass, and *I* would give a lot to be able to talk to you about this at length.

      So, you are all bent out of shape because George W. Bush is rich? Guess what junior, just about Every president we've had for the last 60 years has been rich, well rich compared to the rest of us.

      Most presidents start off as Governors and/or senators - positions that pay well and have various $$$ kickbacks and incentives. Not to mention enough inside info for one to make investments wisely and Get rich. Many of the men who've been presidents have also previously run large companies - another way to become wealthy.

      And what is wrong with being rich? I bet if your mommy and daddy were rich enough to buy you that new playstation 3, batman action figure set AND hotwheels total racecar challenge set you wouldn't be to unhappy with Their (and your families) wealth, now would you?

      As far as Bush went to war for oil? Puh-lease!

      Two things you ought to consider, things your (liberal worshiping) teachers in school probably won't share with you:

      1. If Bush Did go to war for oil, why not just send in the bulk of our troops, occupy the country and take the oil? Forgetting all about assisting the Iraqi sheeple - as we are now doing...

      More importantly.

      2. Bush = War for oil? So what? It's like this, kid. Right now, transportation, to you, is the back seat of the family car, or your bike. Fair enough. But turn off the Knight Rider DVD on the back of the seat and realize that mommy and daddy might not WANT to shell out 6.00 a gallon to drive your ungrateful little butt to the mall and football practice.

      Most importantly, some people like Lixzone and the "rocket scientist" who made the post above me simply do not like the USA. They bad mouth it at every chance and not so secretly wish for it to fall - all the while enjoying the freedoms and standard of living that we provide.

      Before you badmouth Your president or Your country consider how you would like living in a country where the governemt can take everything you own and torture you to death for speaking out.

      I really hope you can see that, while you make a few good points, you've been spoon fed to much liberal horseshit to be thinking objectively.

      October Marie - Hottie!

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      • Eric4U

        And to you I say You are very opinionated and know very little of what the facts are about Iraq and The Unqualified attack on Iraq! Remember, Fact: No Weapons Of Mass Destruction! Fact: No Al Qaeda factions were associated with Hussain because they did not like him! Osama Bin Laden didn't trust him! Even if Bush was going after the oil, we could not go there defeat them and take it! Remember NATO idiot! So your Blowing it out your anus! it's not about Liberals or Conservatives! It's about knowing what really, truly happened and not what you may think what happened! Bush ATTACKED Iraq for one reason only To kill Hussain because he couldn't stand him and (anti Christ) Cheney wanted us to have more control over the region! Guess what! We don't have control over the region! Too many Muslims willing to die needlessly for their belief! Sound Familiar! Korea! Vietnam! Ring a Bell nimrods!

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  • WildChildTDC

    for the guy that just swore at lixzone. get a brain. all goverments lie, its a fact. who knows? people like george bush depend on idiots like you, which seem to be over all of america. the goverment tricks them once, admits it, tricks them again, admits it, yet they keep following that goverment. how stupid can people get?

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  • ArmyGirlfriend24

    are you really that braindead? Why would you agree with Bush and want our soldiers over there dying every single day? You obviously dont have anybody you know over there. My boyfriend is on his 2nd deployment in Iraq, hes there for 15 months, how would you like it if your boy/girlfriend was away from you like that? This war needs to end, you are a heartless person.

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  • chloe

    Weak-minded, easily led people like you believe any story their Government tells them. Yet all governments lie, we find out later and yet some still believe the next lie. Just wait - there's oil in Nigeria and soon it'll be knee-deep terrorists, waiting to destroy the free people of the US of A. And you'll be posting to say how awful those Nigerians are, just taking up space, etc, etc and the President will be laughing up his sleeve at your gullibility.

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  • Quadmaster

    @ Lixzone

    Fuck off you conspiracy theory Prick!!!

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  • WildChildTDC

    I hope you all realise Christianity has even less proof than this religion, Church of the Flying Speghetti Monster. http://www.venganza.org/
    Hopefully this will show you the truth: How stupid you are being by believing such bullshit.

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  • WildChildTDC

    He created my lovely ass, now he can lie down and kiss it.

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  • Lixzone

    dude are you f***ing me? you mother fu*king white washed idiot. Ill just put you in iraq and see how you feel. Fu*king piece of sh*t learn to be more civilized unlike that idiot 90 iq george bush. I dont see what george bush is doing to benefit the world? And are you fu*king dumb? nuclear bomb iraq? yu know how much radiation that gives you piece of sh*t. Learn b4 yu say anything dumbfu*k. You guys believe in god, oh wow hes guna help us some day! OOOO He created life. MY ASS PROVE IT! I dont care what you fckin christians say but imma slap you if you say god created me one more time. Its pure bs. 911 is just all a bullsh*t plot george bush planned so that he can steal offa iraq. How the fu*k does a building collapse if a plane crashed into it?!?! it doesnt make sense. Buildings at most will break in half and the top part will FALL! NOT FREAKING BLOW UP.
    George Bush=Dumbass
    Whites= even more stupid
    Watch you be the worst country in the world 30 years later>_>

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  • WildChildTDC

    ok cut the bullshit
    no.1 dude check yur iq cuz yur messed up
    no.2 bush is a fucktard that needs to die
    no.3 if yu say ppl get smarter as the evolve then whites r near the bottom. avrg iq in canada = 90
    avrg iq in us = 100 , only cuz more immigrants in us
    i dunno the avrg in asia, but i have never seen an asian with iq lower than 100
    i look at yu dumbasses with 90 iq and i laugh
    no wonder the world's so messed up these days. retards running around everywhere
    for ppl who see the ads, bush doesn't have 125 iq. he had 91, lowest of all
    thats why i say anyone following him must be a complete retard.
    personally im not against any race but the fact some people who think they're all "gansta" and smart end up working at mcdonalds
    personally if i was forced to make a logical decision on something i wouldn't trust anyone under 100 IQ, i just ignore them cuz their opinions aren't worth shit

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  • Mimir2


    which tv stations do you watch?

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    • anonymous420


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    Your glad that obama is in office? your glad that he is running this nation to the ground? His apspects on this country go completely against the constitiution what the four fathers founded mean nothing to him or you for that matter! now i dont think that Bush was a freat president but he had the right mind set and didnt run this country asunder! the democrats the flaming liberals are running this country asunder!! INTO THIS GROUND!!! for what?? extra money for small business!! he says " Oh were gonna stop spending money next year!! next year came "no next year" see this is all a joke to him!!! he is turning us into a communist nation! he is calling us fashist!!!!! we are not fashist we are a democracy !!!! how are republicans pure evil? because we didnt vote for obama? well liberals didnt vote for Mccain so does that make you racist?? no you wouldnt look at it that way!! Obama is messing up our history books completely to replace Jim Booey with Malcolm X seems completely stupid in my eyes! Republicans are evil because we dont believe in abortion? because we believe that once that a baby in your womb is alive as well and that if you have an abortion and kill a baby boy/girl is wrong?? that makes us evil?
    This nation needs god more than ever and believe he will be exposed to you real soon! i just hope that you have an open mind and heart to let him in to your life! we are not a fashist nation or a communist nation!!! we need to go back to the constitiution because obama is tearing this nation apart!! Thank god that obama isnt running for a second term...not like anyone would vote him in again!!! even most democrats are like " what have i done".... THIS NATION IS FALLING APART NOT BECAUSE OF BUSH OR THE REPUBLICANS BECAUSE OF HIS SO CALLED FASHIST NATION THAT OBAMA RUNS!! OBAMA IS DESTROYING THIS NATION AND YOU COULD BE BLIND AND STILL THAT HE IS DOING SOO!

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    • tygeronherbed

      you are fucking crazy dude. try getting your facts from somewhere other than fox news. republicans think they are the morally "right" party but if you take a minute to think for yourself and not base your opinions on what "god" or fox news is telling you might have a change of heart.

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    You guys are so warped.
    What proves exactly that the earth is billions of years old???? Carbon dating or checking each layer of earth?
    All that shit is just circular reasoning. heres a question how do you know that that dinosaur bone is 4231435346 years old? "ohh well because of the layer of earth it was found in!" Well how do you know how old that layer of earth was? "well because of the bone we found in it" bahahah what kind of shit is that? ive heard this on several discovery channel series and read it online, scientists dont have any real proof for shit all they wanna do is find any fact possible to disprove god! You guys watch what you say because regardless of what you believe you will die one day and be judged by god and wish that you never said some of the stuff you guys have said! This is a christian nation and you basically just spit on that, our four fathers where christian... "in god we trust" that saying ring a bell? wouldnt be surprised if it didnt for some of you ignorant ass holes out there!

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    • Dumbass. They changed it to "In God(yeah right.) We Trust." in 1956. Your forefathers wanted it to be a FREE nation. Not a nation based in a book that says incest is bad but then make the so-called "real people" commit incest to "start the human race." The bible is full of shit.

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      • lookinforanewplace

        One of these days you are going to have a very rude awakening about your beliefs. Life is not nice nor is it fair.

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  • ViciousOne


    Whites did not evolve we simply are.

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  • bigrob90

    The middle east is a politically unstabe place, therefore it breeds terrorism. Bush did not go there for the fucking oil, if he wanted it he would have drilled in alaska. Yes the terrorist need to die, and unfortunatly this means all other muslims, so until the world is free of pussy liberals this will never happen. Black people are stupider as a whole because they come from a shitty as continent and have been opressed. And god is not real.

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  • CiroPost

    Lol your all savage motherfuckers. Yes Iraq is bad, but FUCK let's blow it up to end it all! Your all sick fucks and all your dumbfuck comments made me laugh. Tell your moms they didn't have a chance. I hope they put concentration camps for fuckers like you, then gas you all. It sure would make my fucking day. Every single one of you go cut your fucking throat.

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  • sexychickluvzlipz

    Wat in da hell are u talkin about some sum stupid ass paper tiger. Ur a freak. Im pretty sure u copied n pasted all those quotes. All of that was pointless u wasted ur time.

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    • Juche1

      I am talking about the ideas and theorizes of political geniuses such as Chairman Mao Zedong, Vladimir Lenin and General Kim Il Sung.

      and the quotes yes I did copy them that is why I wrote who originally spoke them after the quote.

      I took them from the works Vladimir Lenin, The selective works of Kim Il Sung and Quotations from Mao Zedong.

      Paper tiger is a metaphor too describe American imperialism as it my seem strong but is intact weak.

      But your probably right I am wasting my time as judging from your poorly written reply your probably to stupid to understand what I'm saying to you. You most likely a Reich wing red-neck hill-billy.

      Come back when you know a bit more about Communism, Marxist-Leninism and Juche.

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  • mybuttholesmellsofshit

    your a fuckin dip shit. you seriously gave no explination what so ever why george bush is a good president, you just keep bitching about how you hate everyone in the middle east. and for the record, he WILL go down in history as the WORST US president ever. learn what the fuck your talking about before you open your stupid fucking mouth again you white trash redneck piece of shit. you make americans everywhere look bad. i wish i could kick your fucking teeth in for being so fucking stupid.

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  • DivineDeception

    The Founding Fathers are literally rolling in their graves. The meaning of what America is, the true beliefs and ideals, are distorted . . . And Jesus was from the Middle East. Actually, the whole Bible took place there. Hitler was incest . . . Maybe you're related?

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  • DivineDeception

    THEY shouldn't be here in the first place? No, you shouldn't, because incest is ILLEGAL. Go back to your trailer, deep fry some Oreos, and watch some Springer with your wife/sister. Your type of thinking is actually what is destroying our country & killing our soldiers. Get the facts: Saudi Arabia was behind 9/11. Your an embarassment. Anyone with an IQ above a grapefruit realizes that he was a power-hungry, corrupt d-bag.

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  • HiddenPower

    I agree, actually.

    Ever since they've existed, Persia (Now Iraq) has tried to take over/destroy the world (Most common story describing this, greco-persian wars. AKA 300 with less elephants/rhinos/yeah).

    An actual part of their religion is to bring about their own apocalypse during a holy war and destroy everything, so that they can go to their heaven and everyone else can burn in their hell. They attack other countries they believe to be unholy in hopes the retaliation will will destroy everything.

    Why not help them out? I have no problem wiping them out if they want me to. ESPECIALLY if that means I can prevent one more stupid, pathetic attack on another country.

    And sure, we went there for oil. No freaking duh. What the hell are we gonna do if they take the oil? That's a shit-ton of oil people. And I don't care how green you get, you NEED OIL IN YOUR DAILY LIFE. You know those wind turbines? Yeah, they don't lubricate themselves. Don't make me go off on THAT rant tho...

    Especially since geniuses here don't want to dig for oil on American soil so we can pull out, no. The animals may not adapt. 9_9

    Jesus here it goes. I'm not going to type anything else.

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  • generalknowledge

    there was never any terrorist faction in iraque. he attacked for oil

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  • CaseyRocks06

    I agree. I'm republican, but still open to criticism about Bush. I just think that people are so overdramatic! He's done a great job in keeping this country safe and secure. Liberals just use him as a punching bag. Perfect example is when they say Katrina was his fault, as if he can control the weather. Whatever, I just try my best to tone those people out. lol

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    • Eric4U

      I am "Middle Of The Road" I see Conservatives do the same thing to liberals when they are in office too! Bush was a punching bag for most everyone but 27%% of the conservatives! He deserved it! he was terrible! Look at the state of our nation and the world for that matter by his hand! I am weary of any defense for him! If it were Clinton the Conservatives would never have let up until he was lynched! talk about dramatic! The Guy gets a hummer and puts the economy in it's strongest state in 30 years to have one dweeb come in after him and "Blow Torch" the whole thing to ashes! Look around you! People are losing their homes at the rate as the depression! Jobs are being lost at the rate of the Depression! The worst is yet to come! This is a Tsunami of Bushwhacking! The wave has just begun to hit from his destructive ways from 2003 & 04! All Obama can do now is build a wall to break the blow a little and then he'll need 4 more to clean it up! We are looking at not returning to 2005 economy until 2015!!! Wake Up people! this isn't about parties anymore! It's about UNITY in order to survive and rebuild a strong nation!

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  • LooksjustlikeSylvia

    Hahaha. This is hilarious. How unintelligent can you get?

    Also, as to the black and white debate, blacks did come first. Humanity originated near the equator, thus black skin was first, in order to protect them from the harsh sun. Then people migrated away from the equator, and over time they adapted to their new environments (a la Darwin's theory).

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    • Eric4U

      Your exactly correct! Mankind began near the equator and the dark skin was a protection provided by nature and evolution !However, there were different factions of humans which were breeds! These were different in various ways! The shape of the skull was different, the facial features were different and that was because of the many cliff dwellers, cave dwellers and plains dwellers! They all had different characteristics! cave and cliff dwellers migrated the most and were able to adapt better to cooler climates. thus the changes in color! Don't forget this happened over a period of millions of years!

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  • Want to know what George W. Bush did wrong? (and though I sense the poster was *Trying* to be humorous I agree with him 110%%)

    Mistakes of George W. Bush

    1. Stubborn Refusal to nuke Iran, Iraq and N. Korea until they glow in the dark.

    2. Shortsightedness in allowing the democratic party to continue.

    3. Failure to declare complete martial law after 9/11 - round up all the muslims (and liberals), give them a fair trial and then have them shot for treason.

    4. Continuing to support (prop up) countries that hate us and continually seek to make us weaker (France, Germany, China)

    5. Refusal to suspend constitution and remain in office!

    Honestly? According to liberal democrats GWB's biggest failing is that he loves the USA and seeks to protect her, and is not all wrapped up in their blatherings about global warming and political correctness.

    October Marie

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  • OuCh_ThAt_HuRt

    He hasnt done any thing wrong the history books will put him as second best prez only behind reagon.

    Careter hen Clinton were the worst ever!

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