I don't speak at all in work

My social anxiety is so bad that I just don't talk at all, I go through most work days where the only thing I would say is "Hello" in the morning and "Goodbye" in the afternoon. There's honestly been some days where I wouldn't even say that, I'd literally be completely mute all day. I work in a small office with only about 5 other people, and they're constantly chatting away to each other all day, and I'm just sitting there amongst them without saying a single word. It's especially bad at lunch where I can't pretend I'm busy working on somethingand, I just feel so awkward and clumsy sitting there with them trying to make myself unnoticeable. I just feel like the elephant in the room, it's so painfully obvious how weird it is. Has anyone ever worked with someone like this? If so, what did you think of them?

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Comments ( 8 )
  • e51pegasi

    I kind of was that person. I explained the boss I was extremely nervous & that given time I would come out of my shell a little more. Once people realised that I was anxious, a little introverted & not being aloof or ignorant they were fine.

    As long as you are approachable & engage in some small talk workmates will accept you for who you are. A little work gossip is good social currency that everyone enjoys even if they do deny it.

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  • lordofopinions

    Seriously I would wonder what was up with a person like that but I'm the type that would make the effort to talk with person to see if they were just shy.

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  • TheHolyButter

    You need to see a doctor. Good psychological help will turn your life for the better. If you have any stigma attached to visiting a psychiatrist, remember that there's a lot of stigmatization going on for people like you. You might be missing on a lot of opportunities and keeping lots of happiness from coming into your life. One or two pills and a few sessions of counselling will do it. Just get and do it already. Fix this problem. It might be very deep rooted.

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  • It's introvercy. Enjoy it.

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  • RoseIsabella

    Bring in a book or a magazine to read.

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  • Bella13

    I think u r an introvert. Just try to connect with them they r also humans n u can participate in their conversation if u like. It's not a gud idea to feel alone at ur work. When u talk to them u will also be more productive at your work n u will feel more happy.

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    • flawhuman

      no he/she is anxious, not introvert. Some introverts can be just like extroverts on the outside perfectly fine.

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      • Bella13


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