I don't think cannibalism in itself is wrong (read description first)

Before you jump to conclusions and think I would support killing humans to eat, I DO NOT. I am talking about actually eating human flesh in itself, without anything else connected.

Personally, I see no problem in eating the body of someone who has died a natural death if the friends and family are comfortable with it. I would be against killing the human, eating them alive or eating the body if the friends and family object, but I see no problem with simply eating human flesh if none of the above occur. How is making use of a dead body with no life left in it any worse than simply dumping it on the ground and letting it go to waste?

Again, do NOT think I would support murdering or injuring people for their flesh in any way. I was saying that I don't find anything wrong with eating human flesh IN ITSELF.

Is it normal to hold this viewpoint?

Voting Results
45% Normal
Based on 150 votes (67 yes)
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Comments ( 73 )
  • Thatguy777

    The thought of actually eating a dead human disgusts me. I don't even think I could go through with it if it were the only way I could survive. Just think about it, you're eating parts of a DEAD HUMAN.

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    • Yeah, but typically a dead human is no more than an inanimate object anymore, like a piece of meat.

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    • loopoo

      Yet I bet you eat meat.

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  • Soylent Green is people!

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    • anti-hero

      Beat me to it.

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      • DragonQueen

        Your Name is vomit colored. Gross!

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        • anti-hero

          This will be my last reply to you. You have become boring and I do not have time to put up with your stupid shit. Goodbye Dairy Queen.

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  • spaghettifrier

    you know, i was actually thinking about this the other day.

    i can see a society in which the immediate kin/loved ones of the dead eat the body, like a funeral rite. It wouldn't have to be the whole body necessarily.

    before you say it's gross, fools, consider this. those neurons in your brain have been programmed to be immediately disgusted by the thought of it, as are mine. however you were not born with even that aversion... it has much to do with how we treat death and dead bodies. However, as with any phobia or aversion, exposure would nullify the fear and disgust. See this for more info: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exposure_therapy

    So what I'm saying is, we would be wired to feel differently about dead bodies, if they were not treated as disgusting, and horrifying objects. This ritual would serve as an organic goodbye to the beloved.. an organic farewell into the next realm of existence, and a meshing of ones own mortal flesh with their inevitable fate.

    In todays society we prefer to keep death behind closed doors, and as a result personally sometimes I have had trouble REALizing death, that is, fully comprehending that someone is gone, organically. Somehow shaking hands and giving hugs and listening to a priest say the same impersonal scripts seems too trite for something so extremely real as death.

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  • Ilovewinter12

    I read somewhere the eating human flesh is bad for you,
    appearently because well, we weren't made to eat other humans.

    So, even if cannibalism was legal, it still wouldn't be a healthy thing to do.

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  • thegypsysailor

    Throughout history, some seafarers have had to resort to eating human flesh in survival situations. There are actually legalities involved, whereby the decision to eat human flesh in these situations cannot result in criminal charges.
    Alternately, there have been cultural groups that ate the flesh of their enemies, which they felt resulted in their acquiring the strength and wisdom of their foes.

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  • EccentricWeird


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    • To ask if it was normal to hold this viewpoint.

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      • EccentricWeird

        WHO CARES!!!!!11111

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        • I do.

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          • EccentricWeird

            You're a fool, sir, a fool.

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  • Flaze

    I think the body of someone who has passed away should be respected no matter what anyone thinks. We shouldn't be eating people anyway.

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    • But the dead body is just a body. I don't see any need to respect a body unless it's for the surviving friends and family, or you hold a religion in which a body still has some spirit or life force in it.

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      • Rednaw

        Maybe you'd like to serve your mother up as a taste test then? I mean since it's no problem, it is just a body after all

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        • "I would be against killing the human, eating them alive or eating the body if the friends and family object"

          I object. Others may not.

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          • Rednaw

            Exactly. So what makes him think other people will be okay with letting their dead families be eaten willingly. The same people who are okay with letting people eat the dead remains of their family are the same people who wouldn't find it wrong eating them themselves.

            Eating a dead body is wrong. You can talk like we're animals all you want but I don't agree.

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            • We certainly are animals.

              Kingdom: Animalia
              Phylum: Chordata
              Class: Mammalia
              Order: Primates
              Family: Hominidae
              Tribe: Hominini
              Genus: Homo
              Species: H. sapiens

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  • hiimmonnie

    Why would you wanna eat someone regardless, dead or alive ? I just dont get it. Whats wrong with food?

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    • Sog

      I remember hearing a story about a bunch of plane crash survivors resorting to cannibalism to stay alive. They were stuck on a mountain and had nothing else to eat but the bodies of the people who died in the crash.

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      • hiimmonnie

        Okay , I understand now

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    • I don't. I'm talking about a hypothetical scenario.

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  • Magdillyn

    bodies are literally slabs of meat. people are 100% able to eat meat. end of discussion.

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  • loopoo

    If given the opportunity I would probably try it. As humans we eat a lot of meat anyway, if someone was to slip someone a human flesh cheeseburger they wouldn't notice. People need to stop acting like fucking saints.

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  • There goes my faith in humanity again. Well, let me watch a nother video on youtube about people doing good deeds.

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  • Royalburden

    Humans are filthy enough alive and you want to wait till they're dead to eat. The amount of bacteria would only multiply, it's part of the reason that cannibals eat them as fresh as possible. However I do agree that the 'moral rule' is a bit silly.

    We're all just sacks of meat and it shouldn't matter what happens to our body when we die as long as it doesn't endanger future generations or whatever.

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  • kelili

    The idea of eating old people is somehow disturbing.

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  • Imsupernormal

    I was going to vote 'no' at first but then I read your explination and I changed my vote to 'yes' and yeah I guess if someone volunteers their body to be eaten it's okay but still gross.

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  • anti-hero

    How about a carrot? What's wrong with a nice carrot?

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    • DragonQueen

      That's all you have cause you have too work. Is a carrot! I hope you get hurt and die while your busting your ass at Burger King. Circus clown who ain't getting laid! LOL

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      • anti-hero

        Keep trolling bro. How is your mom's garage these days.

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    • Because no carrot dish is complete without two tablespoons of Soylent Green.

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  • ScooterNyne

    As you explained it, no I actually don't see anything morally or consciously unacceptable with eating another human being. We are meat like anything else we eat. And I am a firm believer in not wasting potential food as nature would have it that way. However it's actually pretty unhealthy, from what i read, to eat human meat. so I would encourage people to avoid doing so and stick with beef and chicken.

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  • Derpinism

    I wouldn't eat the dead but Id probably eat the bugs that are crawling out of dead bodies

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  • myownopinions

    "The Jungle" by Upton Sinclair once talked about how some people would fall into the meat processing vats or lose a finger or whatever, so, technically, I guess every once in a while (especially in the earlier times and in lower developed countries) we probably do eat the occasional human flesh. I don't think there's anything inherently wrong with that except for the fact that the human mind might seriously rebel against such an idea. But, for example, what if it was the apocalypse. You never know what somewhat might do in a desperate situation.

    Overall, no, I don't think this thought is normal, but I'm not saying that your wrong. It's just that the idea is very unpleasant.

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  • YourMomSaysHello

    You are what you eat.

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  • DragonQueen

    You can eat the caramel off my vanilla ass! Oh, you'll like that. My young muscular lovers do that to me and I squeal with delight.

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  • ThisIsImpossible

    I dunno man, theyre making 3d printed food and stem cell beef so we should probably be thinking about other ways. Any other ways. Theres nothing really wrong about it, just seems a little weird at this point where its not really needed.

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  • 69

    so in essence you're talking of eating the elderly

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  • GirlGamerAssassin

    Jesus Christ what is wrong with this world?! >:( this is disturbing and yes, I read the fucking discription, you sir, are a fucking disgusting discraceful weirdo. You need to RESPECT the dead!!!

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    • DragonQueen

      Hey, did you ever play Dark Souls, or Demons Souls They're pretty good. But hard. I like Borderlands2 even though it's redundant.

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      • kingofcarrotflowers

        Love dark souls!

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        • DragonQueen

          Yeah, The next one is supposed to be coming out in March. But for some reason, the movement seems strange. Like your too heavy, or something. But hopefully it will be as good, as the previous one.

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      • GirlGamerAssassin

        No I haven't but they seem cool :) I'll check 'em out ^,^

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        • DragonQueen

          Yeah, I think you'll like them. I played dark Souls so much, I think I permanently injured my hand.

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  • st2013de

    I personally would try human, but the only reason I wouldn't is because eating the flesh of the same species makes you go insane, literally. It happens in animals such as pigs. Your mental state won't be normal after eating it, not from shock or anything, just from how it reacts in your body over time.

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  • Because animals are so hard to come by haha.

    I can see where you are coming from, in a way. Depending on how you look at it, cannibalism can be a beautiful thing! Lets say your dear and loving husband died. What is more personal and connecting than consuming him and making his tissues a part of you? That is, until you poop out what you didn't use and and flush your husband down the toilet :P anyways, it's a matter of perspective and cultural norm.

    Do you have a point? I suppose! I do not think it is very normal though. I personally would not eat another dead human unless dire circumstances arose. It is another person, after all, and a very beautiful complex organism that should be respected after death. You get what I mean. A person, even after death, is more than a sack of meat to me.

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  • moonyrose

    I think that this point can exist, but we were not born to eat each other. Every species do not eat their own kind.

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    • I've seen hamsters eat each other. And I know pigs and dogs will eat each other too. It's not good and can lead to disease (eg. Mad cow disease).

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      • moonyrose

        true, but maybe they do it as an act of self-defence, then they fight for the territory and so on

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        • Nope, it's not done out of self-defence - although, it's nice to imagine it would be that way. They do it because they're hungry and there's a shortage of food resources.

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    • DragonQueen

      I think that this point of me being a Russian whore can exist, but we were not born to eat my mother. Every species do not eat my fat ass momma and their own kind. like me a Natasha!

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      • rachel.dsouza

        Natasha or Nashta?

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        • DragonQueen

          I don't know. Some Russian Whore who name doesn't really matter.

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      • charli.m

        You sound like a mentally ill homeless person, just yelling random shit.

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        • DragonQueen

          And you sound like your the Queen of this site, But alas poor ugly bastard I am the Goddamm Queen, And you are a piece of outback shit.

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        • DragonQueen

          Your a stupid cunt, and u don't scare me. I'll fight u any day. 29 year old unmarried loser. Now stop stalking me, I will not let u fuck me lesbo!

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        • DragonQueen

          Fuck you! Australian Twat! Reported! Reported Reported.

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          • charli.m

            Is that so, honeycomb13/tabby7/diamondgirl/dragqueen?

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            • DragonQueen

              Is that so Illict Kitty, Lucien, Diamondgirl? Hey Cunt REPORTED!

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  • Jeaneathean

    Eating one's own kind is a route to CJD I understand.

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    • Agirlsbestfriend.

      cunt juice disorder?

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      • Jeaneathean


        Or Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease.

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        • Agirlsbestfriend.

          oh woops! that's different but they both result in mad cows

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  • highrider

    I always had this idea where starving children in third world countries should eat each other. The world is over populated as it is, and this would make sure people are fed, and there would be more jobs available so maybe they'd be slightly less poor. Just an idea

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    • **throws highrider into the endless pit of doom**

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      • RoseIsabella

        *releases a happy, perky, duck quack fart while nibbling on a chocolate chocolate chip cookie and enjoying a glass of milk with Ovaltine*


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    • Except that would be killing, and that if they were that malnourished they would have almost no flesh.

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      • highrider

        It would be killing, yes, but it would bring down the population as well. And true, they wouldn't have much flesh to BEGIN with but eventually people would start to gain weight, and those people would get eaten, and people would gradually become more of a healthy size.

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        • rachel.dsouza

          oh wow..what a realistic thought my friend...man eat man..women eat women..you know on the other side this is actually happening around the word..cut throught competetion...uffff

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