I don't think it's bad if children know lgbtq+ couples exist
I never understood why many people, especially the very heavily right wing ones, think that it's wrong for children to see LGBTQ+ couples.
People, who think it's bad that children see homosexual couples, act like as if LGBTQ+ itself would be porn, when in reality, being LGBTQ+ is not the same thing as LGBTQ+ porn or the heavily sexualized LGBTQ+ pride events.
When LGBTQ+ couples are shown in children's cartoons, so many people get triggered and they always yell things like "They're sexualizing our children!!!", "Illuminati is doing this all", "The children's entertainment industry is run by pedophiles", and other crap.
And sometimes, there are still some parents who like cover the eyes of the children when there's some LGBTQ+ couple around.
I am no leftist nor some "woke" LGBTQ+ rights activist, but honestly, I must say that too many people make drama for no good reason. I also don't think that children seeing LGBTQ+ couples would turn them less straight or less cisgender.
As long as the LGBTQ+ couple isn't doing anything sexual in public, why is LGBTQ+ treated as if it were porn itself? I think LGBTQ+ is just LGBTQ+ and not automatically a sexual thing and also not always about sex only.
And yes, I know that LGBTQ+ pride events often tend to be very sexualized too, but again, LGBTQ+ is not sexual itself nor something that's only about sex.