I don't think kids are growing up too fast
People these days tend to say kids are growing up too fast. I think not. I think they are growing up in the WRONG way. I mean wearing makeup, dressing skimply, dating, obsessing over sex, drugs, alcohol, reality TV, etc. at age 12? That's not right. Not even an adult should obsess over these. But I don't think it means that children are growing up "too fast". I think they are just growing up WRONG. If they would grow up fast in the right way, such as learning to get a job, defend against attackers, paying bills, having a mature conversation, etc. as early as possible, I would have no qualms with that. But it doesn't look like it's the right way. They're just having adult "privileges" thrown at them, with little being taught about how to use them responsibly. I don't mind if a child truly grows up fast the GOOD way, but I don't think modern culture is helping them mature at all. You want to grow up faster? Get a job. Split the bill with your parents. Learn how to cook. Buy your own groceries. Commute to school by yourself, and don't whine if you can't make it on time. And THINK before you post a comment online. Little to none of these are being addressed. If they really want to grow up they should experience responsibilities too and not just the enticing "adult" things that 99% of them (and even many adults) can't even handle.
In short, I don't think kids are growing up too fast, nor do I think that growing up fast is bad as long as it emphasizes responsibility and security. However, I think that what is actually happening is that kids are just being manipulated with pseudo-adult things that makes them only look like growing up, but in all reality just making them obnoxious consumerist slaves. Is this a normal viewpoint?