I don't think religion should be banned or censored. iin?

Ive got buddies in one political side that says that Christianity is evil and must be destroyed . I've also got buddies on another side that think that Islam should be destroyed. I'm Atheist and think religion has done more harm than good, but I don't want to stop people from worshipping what they want. I do have problems with the people on both sides that wave it around and expect everyone else to follow theirs because they think it's superior. IIN?

Voting Results
77% Normal
Based on 43 votes (33 yes)
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Comments ( 42 )
  • cipro

    Religion is a good mind control tool.

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  • lordofopinions

    Virtually all wars and conflicts can be traced back to religious roots. Just think of John Lennon's song Imagine. "Imagine no religion. It's easy if you try."

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    • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

      that song makes me thinka self indulgent millionaire artist wannabes tellin everyone else how to live theys life from theys manhattan penthouses

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    • CozmoWank

      Real estate.

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  • randypete

    Religion is eval there are more people killed in the name of Religion than anything else

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  • StudWithoutU

    I also feel like religious people should have no say in politics, unless we can start taxing their churches.

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  • RoseIsabella

    You sound reasonably well adjusted. I'm a person of faith, and I think that the biggest problem with religion all over the world comes down to people trying to force others to believe as they do. This is just my opinion, but I think that it's one of the ugliest parts of human nature that people want to control each other. Sure, various world religions have a big role to play, but just as big, and perhaps even more so is the role of one's family of origin. I think when a person comes from a family where one or both parents are very domineering and controlling that person is in danger of either being attracted to controlling and domineering types of partners or becoming a controlling and domineering sort of person.

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  • leggs91200

    People go to war, go to church, argue, etc over something that is a fairy tale.
    Imagine if there was this much noise over something like Bigfoot? I mean like people saying others are going to hell if they do not worship Bigfoot. Religion got carried away

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  • Jordskott

    Well, I have went to schools that had religion forced on me, and I didn't think that was right. They wanted to teach us how to believe, how to act, how to be. That's why I am athiest. So far, I believe religion should at least not be talked about in school, because it's ashamed that kids have to follow some religion like Christianity or they are satanist. Just saying...

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    • TheBlindInquisitor

      Religion made me a hedonist.

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    • StudWithoutU

      I feel like if one religion is going to be taught in schools as if it's a fact, then all of them should.
      Like, come on schools, don't half-ass this.
      Either all religion is practiced or none of it.
      Simple common sense.

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  • raisinbran

    Religion should be outlawed and everyone given a mandatory college education or trade apprenticeship.

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  • Swordfire

    I dont consider myself an athiest but i dont really have a religion. I think more people should just forget about what religion people follow. As long as it isnt scientology. I dont do cults

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    • RoseIsabella

      Scientology is such garbage! 😉

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  • TheBlindInquisitor

    I honest to god don't care what a religious person dose with their free time but unfortunately to many zealots make it a habit of trying to shove their faith down everyone's throat. They feel the need to be the moral police when it comes to things like sex,sexuality and just doing what ever you want(so long as it dosent hurt no one)like drugs and such. Rabid Christians are getting more and more bold because they are in a war with the equally if not more rabid Islam. I don't think religion should be banned but I do think that something needs to be done about the radicals they are the real problem.

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    • StudWithoutU

      Well, except they aren't.
      If one were to read and follow the bible to the letter.
      Well,, you'd find that radicals fit into those descriptions too, of being faithful.

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      • TheBlindInquisitor

        Trust me I know that most gods are blood thirsty monsters and those who are radical are following what the blood gods want. All I'm saying is that you have the majority of the religious who are just ignorant to what they follow and if that's all they want to do then I don't care. The radicals are a threat and they can easily make the non radicals rabid enough to follow them get rid of the radical and the sheep won't do anything.

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        • StudWithoutU

          So many sheeple... gotta get me some sheers.

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  • bigbudchonga

    Yes, freedom of religion is important. Also although religion has damaged a lot of things, if you study history like me, then you'll find there are a lot of ways it has helped that you wouldn't immediately think of. People actually keeping treaties instead of being in perpetual warfare is one.

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  • I am irreligious and I think religions saved the world. They defined moral ways of living, enforcing them with supernatural elements and fear. Fear educated people all the time, either in political ways due to harsh regimes or religious ways. People who say some kill in the name of religion are wrong, it is impossible to do so since all the major religions now forbid that, labelling it as one of the biggest sins ever. When people say for example that they killed in the name of Christianity, that's a lie, because Christianity never wanted that. They used it as a pretext to kill and to start "holy wars". Islam is quite similar, although it has more radical beliefs, but still forbids killing. They have used other reasons as well, no matter the circumstance. However, religions are old and people should no longer need them to live their lives. But many still need them and this discrepancies can cause replacement, such as in Sweden where autochtonous people are atheists in big proportions and they're being flooded with muslims (the whole West is in a similar situation). Dettaching from religion causes people to enter in a deep state of relaxation, tolerance and acceptance, and in our world, that can cost you your life. Be careful, it's much more than religion itself, it was always strongly linked to politics and it will probably always be. There are many perspectives to be taken into account when deciding whether religion is harmful of beneficial.

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  • StudWithoutU

    Yeah, exactly.
    Could help feed people and help others struggling with education.

    I also feel like, from what I lived through, that churches like New Testament Christian Church don't really know or accept mental illness or disabilities or issues.
    Like, I've ADD and depression and an IEP in math and sciences.
    My parents thought if they just beat me hard enough that I'd magically understand and act "normal."
    I also have anemia so I was always falling asleep in church, and I'd get beat for that too.

    It's like reality and commonsense hasn't worked it's way into churches yet.

    So kids get abused because of ignorance and arrogance.
    Shit aint right.

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  • Servian

    Religion is helpful in many cases, take sufism, for instance. No-one knows how many people follow it, it can be as little as 5 percent of the islamic population, or as much as 98 percent of the islamic population. But it all goes around the ideals of peace, the portion of those who follow religion peacfully are usually very wise people, my granparents, who follow sufism very strictly, they see the idea of fighting wars over religion stupid and unethical, if the backstory of a religion is peace, they know it makes it look bad if the religion they follow is commiting jihad, or slaughtering in the name of that religion. The simple fact is, religion in SOME cases leads to violence, but it never works out. And most who SOULY follow that religion will have reason for ethics, unlike atheists, who mostly have no reason to commit anything right, they are not willing to Help anyone, and they see the idea of doing anything right for anyone to be stupid, the majority of athiests will become depressed, and religion gives people reason to live, and they will do anything with the backup of "god" to be their reason flr doing anything right.

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  • StudWithoutU

    I don't think it should be outlawed.
    But it needs stricter rules.
    Like, confined to certain areas, and government regulations so that no kids and women are being abused.
    It should be taxed because a preacher or reverend shouldn't be rich, but in fact humble and giving to the people.
    Instead, you see these rich ass fuckers with a mansion and 6 fast cars and two yachts and a vacation home in Paris and in California.
    Yet it's own people are always poor and struggling to get by.
    That's fucked up man.

    It should also only be taught in schools if it's specifically a History of Religion, Beliefs, and Cults Class.
    Separate from normal history class.

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  • Vvaas

    religion shouldn't be banned but it should be practiced privately and discreetly. no one wants to know and care about your religion when you try waving it around in other peoples faces

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  • SmokeEverything

    God and religion are 2 different things. You can say that there is consciousness to the universe or more to the world than we can percieve with our senses without committing to an ideology.

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    • StudWithoutU

      But God, specifically that one God, belongs to specific sets of religions, so they walk hand in hand.
      It's not like it's talking about Zeus or Odin.
      Or karma or mother nature, or a higher entity with no name.

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  • xxLucifer

    Everybody has a right to free speech, so I don't really have a problem with people conveying there opinions on which religion is "better" or even trying to convert others. I'm an atheist and no matter what those religious people say I'm not going to put my faith in there deity.

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    • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

      "Everybody has a right to free speech"

      yall gots it and so does i but others here dont and think about what that means

      postin some bullshit here could lead yall to a terrible situation

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      • xxLucifer

        Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states that "Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers."

        Freedom to hold and express opinions is considered a human right.

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        • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

          thats great

          not everyone abides the rules

          it could happen more locally than one would expect

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          • CozmoWank

            Who the hell gave you a down vote for expressing your opinion on the expression of opinion?

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            • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

              id imagine someone who cant pick up on context

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  • Jinko

    Religion is fine unless it's the violent religion that is Islam. My religion is Esoteric Nazism

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    • TheBlindInquisitor

      What's that? I mean I know what nazism is but what is the Esoteric part.

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      • Jinko

        Oh it's a bit of an obscure religion, search it up on wiki and that will explain it

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        • TheBlindInquisitor

          Ok so I just finished reading up on it and I got to say it put me in a good mood and not for the reason you might think. So if I'm getting this right Esoteric Nazism is the belief that Nordic people(and Hindu people) are a god like alien race or of God like alien decent that came to earth and some apparently mixed with native earth beings like Neanderthals and such. Which would destroy their godhood making them mortal the ones who caused this would be the ancestors of the Jews and the Jews still to this day is waging a war to keep the Nordic people from their rightful place as gods. And apparently Hitler was a avatar of power that tried and failed to stop it but soon a new avatar will come and set things right. So basically you believe you waz a god and shitz and the all powerful Jew is keeping you down you do realize you believe in something that is just as crazy as the Nation of Islam right? Thank you I will be researching more on this it made my day alittle bit more interesting.

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          • Jinko

            Oh shit I should've read up more on that, that sounds nothing like my friend described. Fml

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            • TheBlindInquisitor

              I thought you said you followed it? Wouldn't you know your own belief system and lore look I don't care what you believe I'm not judging but it's just to funny. You know the Nation of Islam also hate Jews and they believe non blacks mainly whites were made in a lab by a mad scientist don't feel bad there are plenty of crazy things out there.

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          • StudWithoutU

            It was funny to read. xD

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            • TheBlindInquisitor

              Funny thing is you have people that really believe that they are of the gods everyone wants to be special.

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  • EnglishLad

    Religion isn't censored or banned though. It's very much a part of daily life in many countries.

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