I don't think universal healthcare should apply to smokers or obese people

In most western countries ( apart from the United States ) we have what we call '' universal healthcare '', meaning the medical bills of each patient is funded by taxpayers's money. This system is good in my opinion, but why do we apply this to smokers and fat people? They cost us taxpayers a lot of money every year because of their behavior. I personally don't think the '' universal '' health care should apply to these people, meaning they'll have to pay for their own medical bills.

I disagree 21
I agree 17
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Comments ( 18 )
  • EnglishLad

    The whole point about universal healthcare is that it's universal. Anyone can have it and is entitled to it, no matter how they choose to live their life.

    If you start denying people healthcare, you're basically giving them a death sentence...

    Even if you're a non-smoker with a healthy BMI, you probably know a great deal of people who fall into the categories you're trying to target. I know *I* know a fair few smokers and overweight people... Sometimes both.

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  • paramore93

    What about alcohol? What about people crashing due to careless driving? What about somebody who falls ill because they eat the wrong foods but is still a healthy weight? What about severely underweight people? What about meds that make you put on weight? Where would it end?

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  • Slowlymovingfast

    What about herion addicts, or people who ride motorcycles?
    Should we cover the costs if someone isn't wearing their seatbelt?
    What if someone steps in front of a car?
    If I choose to go hiking and fall off a cliff should I be denied?

    The point I'm trying to make is once you start deciding what type of behavior "deserves" medical treatment, where do you stop?

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    • paramore93

      Oh haha took too long typing, we pretty much wrote the same thing xD

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      • Slowlymovingfast

        Great minds and all that ha!

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    • IrishPotato

      Heroin addicts, no.

      Motorcycle riders, yes.

      No seatbelt, no.

      In front of car, depends on if intentional or not.

      Hiker, yes.

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      • paramore93

        Motorcycle riders don't wear seatbelts though, it's one of the most dangerous ways to travel. If suicidal people had to pay for their treatment, do you really think they would? Is that humane?

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  • leodynasty

    Yeah sometimes people make dumb decisions that you would of make if you were walking in their shoes living their lives its not for us to judge. Someone could be a smoker today and the President of their country tomorrow. so to deny them health care is like saying their potential is worthless. And as humans we all have great potential and since no one can see into the future no one should deny a person a chance of reaching their potential by denying them universal health care. Universal health care is about valuing the human life not attaching values to it.

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  • JellyBeanBandit

    Maybe smoking. But you'd have to set it so that everyone who started smoking before that rule came in effect would still get healthcare, since otherwise they wouldn't have known that before they started smoking.

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  • .... no one should pay for someone elses medical bills unless they work for an insurence company

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  • Cottonbrains

    if it excludes certain people based on your criteria, is it still "universal"?
    Or are you going to call iyt not-so-universal healthcare from now on?

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  • McBean

    Universal healthcare works because it tells certain people they have to die. Late stage cancer patients, and other conditions are very expensive. You tell these unfortunate people to say goodbye to their families and go croak. As a result, there is much more money to spend on prevention. Prevention is the most economically efficient way to increase life expectancy.

    So to ensure that money is spent wisely, I think we should reward people who die cheaply, and punish people who die expensively. Homicides are cheap. If you get murdered, your family gets free movie tickets and a dinner at an expensive restaurant. Diabetes is expensive. If you die from that, your family home is foreclosed, and the government gets all the money.

    Of course, rich people should have the option to buy their own over-priced private supplemental insurance. This would give them the illusion of superiority that they feel so good about.

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  • megadriver

    What about addicts? What about inmates? So a crackhead thief should get healthcare, but some poor fat bastard with metabolism problems shouldn't? Ban care for criminals and addicts.

    I used to be fat. I used to be 130kg in 10th grade. Lost weight and got to 80kg by 12th grade. Now I'm 100 and I'm 185cm. I could lose a few more pounds, but whatever... I pay my taxes. Do drug addicts pay taxes? No. Do jailbirds pay them? No. Do muslim immigrants pay? No. Yet all of that scum gets healthcare from my pocket! They get free food, a place to stay warm and even get tv and internet in some places. Fuck them! Fuck them sideways to hell! If I didn't have to pay as much taxes, I could have probably bought a 3rd Mercedes by now!

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    • factcheck

      You should sell one of those Mercedes and buy an education. Muslim immigrants contribute a hell of a lot more to society than you do.

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      • megadriver

        How exactly do they contribute? By going on welfare? By raping women? By starting fights and crashing trucks in Christmas markets... The ones that have jobs and actually do something, I don't mind. I'm thinking of hiring a muslim immigrant to work at my cleaning company, cause the ones that want to make a living are hard working people. It's the welfare scum that refuses to be a part of society that I hate...

        Also, I pay over a grand in taxes each month, doesn't that contribute to society enough? And no, I don't to sell my Mercedes for education. I already got a masters in economics. Most important is that I have money and the people I love have money.

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  • IrishPotato

    Fat people can have an illness but smokers...yeah.

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  • Nickvey

    fair , also drug addicts , mental health , sickle cell , AIDS, HIV , any sexual disease , abortion related infections complications , should not be covered. because its all their doing and no one else's fault. also anything incest related like teen pregnancy .

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  • Hell yes. This would discourage people from becoming obese and smoking. This could save lives in the future, ironically.

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