I don't understand why people try to cause fights.

You might think I am talking about people online, but no.
I mean people in real life.

You see, I live with two people, and let me just say that they just LOVE to argue. Little things set them off.
One of them will even get mad if they hear someone sigh.

But yet, another one of them has a bad habit of talking under their breath, muttering insults like "bitch", or something like that, which, of course, causes the other person to go into a rage, and then they will fight for hours.

This happens usually late at night or early in the morning,
although they pretty much argue all day long, and they never stop.

I don't understand why they do this.
They are grown adults, but yet they act like children when they get upset. Stomp their feet, yell, throw things, etc.

And here I am, just wanting peace and happiness, but no. I hardly get that when I live with them.

Before you ask, no I can't move out, and no, I can't kick them out because they are my family.

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57% Normal
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Comments ( 11 )
  • thegypsysailor

    That's just how some couples relate to one another. It doesn't mean they don't love each other or even that the horrible things they say to each other are meant to be hurtful.
    It is uncomfortable to watch and probably a terrible environment to grow up in, but it can be taken as a life lesson so that you do not fall into that habit in your relationships.

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  • DragonQueen

    Shoot em!

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  • ChaoticBunny

    Ha! Sounds just like my siblings. I can't even talk to them without them snapping at me. They take things way too seriously.

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  • hairyfairy

    I`d order some tranquilisers on the internet, then put them in their coffee. That`ll bring peace & harmony to the house.

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  • Agirlsbestfriend.

    you should jizz in their shampoo

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    • Haa, I wish I could, but I am not a male, unfortunately.

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      • Agirlsbestfriend.

        In that case it will have to be menstrual blood in the chocolate sauce. I know it's gross but it is for their own good.

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  • cruelmind88

    because they are bored with their life and they want to ruin someone life.

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  • Derpinism

    try to stay out of it as much as possible. it is a good example for you of an unhealthy relationship.

    unfortunately, when you grow up, for you this would seem like a normal relationship because this is how your family members usually treat each other.

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    • Nah, I know what's a good relationship and what's bad.
      I don't blame on having any romantic relationships ever, but you know, I wouldn't stand to be friends with people like this.

      My family smokes, but I don't, and they also drink alcohol, but I don't ever want to do either of those.

      I think seeing bad stuff doesn't always cause people to repeat it, sometimes it teaches them that, hey, this is bad and you shouldn't do it.

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      • RomeoDeMontague

        The people you described have anger issues.

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