I don't want to bathe

It's been 2 weeks since I had a shower. It's been a long, slow time coming,this laziness - over the last few months, my time between showers has gotten longer and longer. When I do get in, it's great, feels wonderful. But getting in is becoming more of a chore - I just don't feel like it. I just am getting tired of all I have to deal with in the bath- wash my hair, shave my armpits, shave legs, shave everything. Some mornings, I rationalize by just putting my hair in a ponytail or barrette and slathering more deodorant on. And the longer I go, the harder it is to want to go through the whole process. I clean the important bits individually. But at some point, it's like a huge ordeal. Is it just me?

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Comments ( 37 )
  • BfingIToucher

    Are you depressed?

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  • Lamron_Ti_Si

    I know exactly how you feel. I love to be clean and have nice clean fluffy hair. I love freshly shaven legs and stuff. I love smelling good. But when I think about actually getting in the shower and going through all the motions it just feels like there's so much to do that I get tired just thinking about it.

    For me, the worst part isn't the actual bathing, it's the stuff after that I don't look foreward to. I have to blowdry my hair because I have huge cowlicks in my bangs. so I have to comb and brush out my hair, blowdry the bangs right, blowdry the rest of the hair, hairspray, then i have to use astringent on my face, then a moisturizer, then bare minerals, then all the other makeup crap I have to do...

    Ugh. So a lot of times I will go about three days without taking a shower just because thinking about all of it makes me want to just get back into bed and go to sleep.

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    • growall

      Did you know I was surfing the Internet looking for a reason for this? I'm bipolar 2 with panic and anxiety disorders. For people like us, it sounds normal to me! :) glad I found this community. Try tricking yourself into it. Treat yourself when you do.

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  • shibby_too

    Wow... some people on here are so judgmental! It is all part of the sorta bell curve of people. You know some people are neat freaks, then you got the middle (which encompasses most people), then there are people like us. For me, I do not shower often because I am Bipolar with ADHD and panic disorder. So showering IS a chore to people like me at least, I have enough to worry about already. There are many benefits to showering. I have to force myself to take showers. That is really the only thing you can do to fix this problem. Maybe check how you react to other things in life and think and compare. If you see a trend in other things in your life that are kind of "falling behind", so to speak, you may want to see a therapist, or at least your primary care physicians and be screened for depression as other people have mentioned. One more piece of advice, try not to be so hard on yourself and ignore the rude comments. You just have to work this through yourself, or with the help and support of a therapist. It has helped me.

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  • lifeisfree

    You could be depressed if you are finding a normal, healthy part of everyday life a "chore". You might want to check this out with a professional.

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  • SassyFrassyLassie_old

    Yeah, BfingIToucher is right: Are you depressed?

    I find showering tedious because I have long, thick hair, but I still do it because I like feeling clean.

    Maybe you could make it something to look forward to by getting some yummy smelling soap or a shower radio. At least you are getting clean when you do actually shower; some people will shower, but they just stand there and let the water fall on themselves (what's the point).

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  • scandinavia

    you know by now you probably have gotten so used to your own smell that you can't tell if you stink or not...and when going out among people they will definitely think you smell...shower!!

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  • I'm feeling the same way, I don't know why. I like to take showers but it seems like the gaps are getting bigger and bigger. I have been looking on line to see if this is normal and I found this place. I feel bad because of it....

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  • jrphotographer


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  • lalala26

    Maybe you should find some good smelling soaps and body wash that would help motivate you. good luck.

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  • Adelenatalie

    I am going through the same thing right now. I feel disgusted by myself and ask myself why I behave in such a way, but somehow actually bathing it really feels like a major task. So much so that when I do take a shower I run around the house screaming and cheering and go out super happy and smiling at everyone being like: yes! I had a friggin shower muahahhaahaha ....../ yup.... Maybe it's just a phase thing . But I heard that usually it's cause you are in a period in your life where you just feel lazy or not motivated and depressed people go through it or if they are in a sad state of their lives. Either ways I do agree the after feeling of a shower is amazing. Don't you get pimples though if you don't wash your face?

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    • LOLOL!! Like dogs run around like crazy after a bath?? :D

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    • TheStruggleIsReal

      Omg, i literally feel exacty the same as u. It's like I'm on "happy drugs" after I've had a shower, because i just feel so clean all of a sudden with nice bouncy hair and everything, i feel like a homeless person who just had a shower or something, it's ridiculous! I am writing this right now because i think i need to shower (i have lost count of the days) but i so can't be botherd washing every inch of my body (which takes a longer time because i still have a little bit of OCD) and i always have to wash my hair with shampoo twice since my hair was so oily and have thick hair.. ughhhh, ok i want to go eat now instead.

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  • Ribbit.

    It's so revitalising to bathe! Think of it as somthing to look forward too, it's awsomee.

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  • Lockets

    And what about when you have a period?

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    • Fetiza000

      What if its a guy?

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  • ~L~

    People need to shower in order to remove the dead skins cells on our body. I admit I go some weekends without showering, but that's only because I'm not going out. I would never go out of the house without a shower, it's not fair on others or myself to go out smelling like a hobo or whatever.

    You need to get back into the routine or people will start to notice and say things.....horrible things.

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  • Summertime88

    I've been like this for about 6 months. The longest I've gone is 4 days without showering and tonight I have to take a shower. What I find is once I'm in there I asked myself why do I procrastinate it feels great but then come the next day I feel my hair and I say oh okay it doesn't have too much hairspray I can forgo showering I never thought I would ever be like this it's pretty sad. I'm not sure if it's partly because my sister died in March or if it's because I'm getting older and 48 or if I'm depressed I have no idea but I hope it ends like really soon

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  • suckstobeme

    There has to be reason. Mine is depression,an ex boyfriend once told me I'm fuggly while he stared at a pretty girl. I might be ugly but I have self respect so i broke up with him and never llooked back. I am 28 now and after 3 relationships i am confident noone can love me. I am the filler in between people's relationships , so I dont make any
    effort, stay grungy all the time, who cares..I have no one to impress.

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    • Adelenatalie

      Don't feel that way.... Those people just aren't worth your time.... Besides not everyone is born pretty or whatever it's totally a random genetics thing..... There's someone for everyone and you don't have to put yourself down for others.... It's the worst. At least you can take care of yourself. :)

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  • okami

    When we don't shower,we begin to stink. The smell is cause by bacteria on our skin that eats sweat and excretes waste which has a strong odor. While everyone has some bacteria on there skin, when you don't shower you allow that bacteria to grow and multiply. It is not healthy.

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  • lalala26

    you will feel alot better once you do it I think.

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  • soccer2

    It is a huge ordeal. But u need to shower to be clean and not smell bad. U should do it just for health reasons.

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  • Lockets

    You definately need to sort yourself out hygiene-wise. Ok, you say that you wash 'important bits' but the rest of your body will surely smell. You must be aware of this already. Unwashed hair really stinks too after a few days.
    Do you have to work or goto school? Do you stay at home all day every day? Do you live with people?
    Unless you are an unemployed, depressed person with no social life whatsoever, this is absolutely abnormal and damaging to you.

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  • diabolic_mushroom

    It's not normal. Bath daily! Do the people in your life a huge favor!!

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  • tlinpa

    I know this is an old question, but someone someday may find my answer useful.
    Are you by any chance on antidepressants or benzos? I went thru a really really bad time a few years ago and ended up being medicated. Previously my dr had suggested either an antidepressant or a benzo but I declined bc there's never a plan to get OFF meds. They just put you on to fix you up best they can and get you out the door. But this particular time was really bad so I got on both.
    After about 6 months I started doing this that were TOTALLY out of character for me. Up to this point I had always spend an hour getting ready for the day to look my best...that stopped. I no longer had any interest in showering or looking good. But worse: I started stealing. No shit, I'd go to a big store, buy a bunch of little things that could fit in one bag, then load the cart up, walk out the door and show the reciept. Then I'd get to the car w literally hundreds if not thousands of dollars in stolen merchandise, call my husband and tell him what I did. I didn't understand what the fuck I was doing!
    So I started searching online "why do I keep stealing stuff"...and like a hundred pages in was a study done in England on patients who use antidepressants and benzos. It said there are 3 big symptoms for people who are on those meds indicating they no longer need them: stealing, change in hygiene habits and cheating on thier spouse.
    I threw my meds out, went thru serious withdrawal and just like that I was back to normal.
    That was 8 years ago and EVERYONE I know who have been on those types of meds went thru the same changes in personality. Unfortunately for some they didn't believe me when I said it's thier body telling them no more meds...those that did believe me got off and arw appalled that the us doesn't know about those symptoms. I can't find the study anymore but IF anyone is reading this bc they aren't showering anymore and you happen to be on meds- get off the meds!

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  • octaviablue

    So I do think all kinds of issues can come into play for not wanting to shower. I also have anxiety and ADHD, and showering is a thing which I often don't want to do even though I enjoy it when I actually do it. Still though I think it's worth noting that showering is not the only way to get clean, and the idea that you need to take a shower or a bath everyday is kind of a quirky American thing connected not only to advertisement but to American obsessions with purity and whiteness (seriously). For quick fun read on the advertisement part, check out this article "How Often You Really Need to Shower."


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  • love2swim12345

    i needed to take a shower and i don't want to either i just hate cleaning myself but i know that i have to, to be physically healthy so i just go. it doesn't take up a lot of time in the day maybe around ten to fifteen minutes and in the end you will be happy that you did it because it feels refreshing and you feel clean. just do it. i know it might not be that easy just to get up and go but you kind of have to. if its been long sense the last time you've showered then you probably smell bad so just do it for your health and for the people around you. and for brushing your teeth, you HAVE to brush you're teeth twice a day and maybe even more. real teeth are better then fake ones and if you continue to lack in brushing them then eventually you will need fake ones

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    We all need to shower to feel better, much more fresh, smelling good and specially if you don't shower, you would create a lot of bed mites, dead cells are their food. I shower twice a day, sometimes, 3 times a day. there's no way I can go out without showering and putting on perfume, body lotion and powder, I like to look and smell good, I strongly believed this could be a sign of depression, you should seek for professional help. I don't like to judge no one, I only like to say how I feel, without being offensive to no one, some people has phobias for showers, play with your mind a little, call it something else, maybe like that it could work. God bless you ALL! Peace!

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  • Not showering is like taking away my makeup. I shower everyday, with the exceptions of weekends. It's not that I love showering, i just like to smell good, always.

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  • dummyme74

    I dont take showers on weekends...only on workk days

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  • scandinavia

    ahaha lockets, good one!!... i wonder about that too, thats even more gross! :P :(

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  • yeah, considering your probably a girl, your hair must be greasy as fuck. that's disgusting, take a shower you pig.

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  • blop

    getting in the shower is annoying at times but you really should force yourself to at least shower every other day if you are that lazy. Not showering for that long is gross and not clean.

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  • Pretty_girl_jojo

    Wow ok so your lazy whatever just get over it get up and get in the shower its not hard at all

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    • ghggh

      shut ur mouth you dont know what other people have been through

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  • poopygirl

    Okay you really need to wash yourself in poopy before people lick your butt!

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