I don't want to be gay

I still like girls it's just they are slowly losing their appeal sexually even though I can't imagine myself with anything else romantically. It's not like I can't get off to girls it's just that I don't really enjoy it as much. I can't help it girly boys are just so much more attractive, especially if you prefer to be fucked rather than fuck, but I have a really hard time with the way boys tend to be emotionally and I don't really know what I want from life.
I have been told by several people that I'd be better off with some twink or trans girl and they're probably right but I don't know I'm torn with multiple conflicting wants shearing against each other.

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Comments ( 62 )
  • Anonnet

    I'd second the advice given by the "several people" + Millie.

    I'd also add on that it's best to just accept your sexuality. Being bi doesn't mean you have to find a random trans person and schmooze them. You could try being poly or having an open relationship.

    What's most important, though, is to go with what you really want in the moment. You will be able to tell if it's not working out. If you've already gotten the same advice from multiple people and you're still having doubts, that's probably because you already have your mind set on a particular thing and you just don't want to go. Just go!

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    • And the thing I'm still clinging to by the way is a choice between family or getting railed for the rest of my life. I don't even know if I'd like children but I do at least understand the are one of the hardest to deal with and most emotionally rewarding things you can bring into the world.

      the split between romantic and sexual attraction really isn't helping it'd be easier to choose if I was just straight up gay but I'm not I have an extremely hard time finding boys romantically attractive even if the idea of being manhandled by one makes me blush. Yet I don't really have any issue at all establishing a romantic attraction to girls.

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      • Anonnet

        You can always adopt. Just don't enter a "monogamous" relationship based purely on sexual desire.

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    • open relationships just feel like cheating to me it doesn't sit right no matter how ok the other person is with it. If I could tolerate an open relationship it would be an easy solution to the dilema but i just..can't.

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      • Anonnet

        Yes you can. You don't really know until you try. Threes are also an option.
        Whatever decision you make, though, just make sure to make it.

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        • I can't waltz with two people...I'm just not built for it. My brain is wired for singular loyalty and anything other than that feels wrong.
          What would she get out of it that she can't get out of just dating the boy who's fucking me anyways? What if i actually end up liking the boy more i'd feel horrible because i could have just been with him from the start instead of bringing a third into what could have been a happy relationship leaving her with nothing and it just sort of spirals out from there. Believe me when i say i know i can't handle it.

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          • Anonnet

            All the more reason to try it, since the way you're talking right now, I wouldn't trust you with a monogamous long-term relationship. It sounds like a single vulnerable night or a random super-hottie would end it because you're not steady or secure enough in your convictions or sexuality. You're lining yourself up to be that guy who gets married to a girl and then ruins it after 20 years and 3 children because you "discovered" you were gay.

            "What if I end up liking him more"
            "We could have had a happy relationship if only I hadn't been with him"

            You have to do it with decisive confidence or not do it at all. If random sex can pull you out of a relationship you were so deadset on being loyal to, then you weren't loyal to it, you just had blinders on and thought that was all you needed.

            Sorry for the outburst, but man, the wishy-washy stuff just bothers me. You're like the guy who gets caught cheating but blames the other girl for it.

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            • it's pretty easy to not cheat it's harder when you deliberately bring the potential for the relationship to break off into the relationship. I am at least not stupid enough to not date girls who aren't ok with pegging; I realize it's become a need rather than a want. I know I can't have a long term relationship without being allowed to bottom; to at least get some facsimile of intimacy in the way I enjoy.

              Really the only reason it's a hard choice is because I know you can feel everything. Every twitch every spasm you can literally feel their reaction to your movement in you and that kind of pure mutual base satisfaction is very hard to deny outright. There's something to be said for the member being "real".

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    A really honest and sincere post. I can relate because I went through the same struggle in my 20's. I went from str8 to gay back to str8 and finally settled on bi. I hope you resolve it.

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  • Millie_the_evil_saint

    Yeah it's easier being heterosexual. Totally understandable you wouldn't choose to be gay... if it was a choice.

    It's not a choice though. At least not a choice you make consciously for yourself. Maybe it's a choice made by God or by your destiny or whatever the fuck deity you pray to. So you just accept it and live with it.

    You're probably bi though, to some extent. Since you mention liking girls at one point. Why not just try going out with a hetero trans girl or a feminine bi guy and see how it goes. Dating doesn't even have to get sexual instantly. Whatever feels natural and comfortable to you. They might even appreciate it that you want to get to know them as a person first, before jumping into bed together. That sense of depth and genuineness can be sexy.

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    • Tinybird

      Yeah GENIUS being attracted to someone ISN'T a choice, is it?????

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    If you dont want to be gay first thing you do is quit listening to all these global-homo supporting liberals. Being gay is a choice. Sorry I know its ground breaking stuff here but you CHOOSE to put a cock in your mouth. Dont put the cock in your mouth. Dont let them tell you you were born like this. They're like a cult and that shits like a religion.

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    • I mean I was explicitly straight starting out I just sort of melted into an androgynous faggot over time but I know people who immediately had attraction to boys over girls and I don't think it's fair to them to say it was a choice. For them it's either boys or a loveless relationship with sex they won't ever enjoy. I am one of the rare few that knows they can be happy, at the very least, romantically with a girl.

      For me most of the conflict comes from the inverse...I have an extremely hard time liking boys emotionally it's only happened once and he wasn't even gay. But I keep...The sexual attraction is too strong all I can think about when it comes to sex is dick. I haven't thought of pussy in years. I don't know it's not like I can't blame myself for this but that doesn't get rid of the allure. It's kind of hard to ask someone to choose between emotional and sexual satisfaction.

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      • 1WeirdGuy

        Being gay is a choice, being a ped0 is a choice, being straight is a choice, even being a drug addict is a choice. No one is forcing you to go act out on these behaviors. Its just flat out narcissism and indoctrination that you think you dont have a choice to not watch gay porn and go suck cock.

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        • I am probably the only faggot you could say that to and not be outright wrong. I did indeed do this to myself but it wasn't indoctrination it was chasing a kink until it became a need and now I'm left with picking up the pieces.

          I could live without it but I would feel unfulfilled I can't really think of intimacy in the normal way anymore, I haven't for years. I can't be "fixed". Even if I could I wouldn't want to, I'm happier this way aside from the conflict of having to make a choice. I just need to choose between conflicting wants. I am happy as an androgynous faggot. Far happier than I was before. Far happier than I would have been had I taken the bait and transitioned. If anything I am more free of indoctrination than most people are.

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  • I have heard more gay people use the word faggot when talking to each other than I have heard it used as an insult against them. It's kind of funny.
    It's probably more common to be bi with a gay leaning than it is to be fully gay, I think...don't know what that has to do with anything just an observation.

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  • TheAmateurStrongmanCompetitor

    Yeah we'll you're only fooling yourself here not me. When you were born you did not know that, you I'm sorry but you just do not make any sense, problem here is that you probably have this idea in your mind that I am trying to tell you otherwise you said so when you said you know yourself better than I know you, but I'm not I promise you just do not want to see the bigger picture you want to remain close minded which is fine with me but when someone knows something and sees someone trying to put their opinion over the actual truth then that someone needs to tell the that person and that's what I'm doing. How do I know is probably what you're asking yourself now but you know better and if you do not then you're fooled. I'm not trying to argue or make an enemy but you're not going to sit up here and try to be bold with a lie to yourself and a lie to others and a lie to me

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  • TheAmateurStrongmanCompetitor

    those were examples and you are using them to say that I'm comparing appeal with cars because you'll do anything to use some sort of a distraction, I used them on purpose and you fell for it, if I didn't give you that example you'd probably wouldn't have anything to say, I set it up and you took the bate. You are failing to state why you are that way

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  • TheAmateurStrongmanCompetitor

    you're confused

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    • insanebotv21

      some people just like dick there is nothing confusing about this

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  • KholatKhult

    Gay or straight, sexual desires should never have this much control over you, your problem is one of self discipline
    The way you talk about your desires is unhealthy, the subject isn’t the issue it’s your behavior

    You can not control who you are attracted to, but you must be able to control how you handle your attractions. And letting sexual thoughts cause you this much distress is unacceptable

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    • it's only distressing because of the implications, of what it means outside of the attraction. The attraction itself is fine; boys kind of make me giddy sometimes but the conflict comes from wanting more than here and now...

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  • TheAmateurStrongmanCompetitor

    Hey PinkPickle, saying that is like saying someone is born a republican or a democrat which is totally false. What ever you gay, straight, or bi is a choice to choose. Are people born Chevrolet fans or Ford fans? No! You're being ridiculous

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    • insanebotv21

      It's pretty obvious that both are true. You can quite easily turn someone bi over time just get them to associate orgasm with men/women and their brain will natural start to associate arousal with men/women. It is however far harder to eliminate the sexual attraction so it's more accurate to say that being bi is a choice than being gay is. Trying to remove the initial sexual attraction is however not easy or likely possible. Typically they just associate whatever form of torture you try to use to punish them with for "enjoying" the original attraction with the arousal itself, probably making them more masochistic.

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      • TheAmateurStrongmanCompetitor

        it's hard when you do not want to change just like an alcoholic he/she can change for the better but if you like it too much you'll have a difficult time because most people seek pleasure and that's what they like so it's easier to not stop being that way. Same with all this

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        • insanebotv21

          I mean if the choice is between no fulfillment and any fulfillment it's a bit silly to say the change is for the better. With a drug addiction the choice is between self-destruction and not using the drug. With gays the choice is between actually being happy in a relationship and living up to society's norms in a hollow lifeless corpse of one.

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          • TheAmateurStrongmanCompetitor

            society is now making it to be ok

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    Stop your moral superiority virtue signaling. Lets just talk about the facts.

    I didnt go into the gene part because you said something about 25% of being gay is biological which is actually a small number if you think about it. That means according to your numbers 75% of being gay is due to other things. Id argue its your environment.

    California is not the only gay hub in America. When I look at my old classmates facebook theyre all getting married and have women on them. I dont see them with men. But then you go to Miami, or NYC, or Portland, Seattle and you have gay kids everywhere. The fact that some areas produce more gay kids should tell you something.

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    • It's probably bad form to engage with the argument but both of these philosophies have merit. Gay vs straight isn't just a genetic or hereditary/predetermined issue it is also a social issue; it is entirely possible to be socialized in a way that makes being gay more common in the same way it can be predetermined by underlying factors independent of society. I'd argue that both are true to an extent.

      Gays do readily exist in less liberal areas in fact most of the gays I know online are from more red states but face a harder time coming out due to social pressures and thus seem less prevalent. I don't think it's really fair to say that when your first crush is of the same sex despite of the social prejudice that you were "indoctrinated" into being gay. It's more likely that they would have been gay regardless of whether or not they were exposed to it (aka innate).

      But on the other hand, if being gay is seen as more "normal" and you are exposed to it more often particularly younger it's less likely to trip the same sense of disgust and you become more likely to be ok with being gay yourself, or the positive feedback you might get for coming out could also lead those who might not have actually been gay to begin with to identify as such. Even ignoring the lack of negative pressure, a more open and accepting environment is likely to result in more gays.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    Ive noticed by traveling to different areas of the country when you go to the far left winy liberal parts where being gay is celebrated you have more gay ppl. Where I grew up there was only 1 gay kid out of hundreds in my highschool, and btw no one picked on him really for being gay he came to all the parties he hung out with the girls.

    Liberals will claim that the explanation for less gays in my area is these would be gay ppl are basically straight because of their environment but then they turn around and say you can not become gay based on your environment. The other argument is its because its stigmatized in conservative areas and thats why you see less gays, but why arent you seeing a large amount of people leaving for liberal areas to go be gay? Its almost like you are more likely to be gay based on where you're born and your environment.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    I wasnt comparing them morally but using your same logic. What gene is it that you are born with that makes you gay? Can you take a blood test? And explain why places that are more liberal have more than 5x the amount of gay kids? Is it in the water?

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  • Tinybird

    I don't wanna like Lil MJ but I just do. You should thank your lucky stars that you have a societally accepted sexuality.

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    • MonteMetcalfe

      Rockin' robin.tweet.tweet.tweet
      : )

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    • Millie_the_evil_saint

      Michael Jackson? In a weird way this might be his karma for what he did to little kids. First he was a creep. Now random creeps online use him for their pleasure...

      Still you better actually sort your life and don't be like actually harmful to people who are now alive. Pretty sure there's plenty of totally legal people that might be totally attractive to you. Meet more adult people instead of forming celebrity crushes when you know they'll never like you back because they don't even live in your hood, and you have zero chances of ever meeting them.

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      • Tinybird

        I'm not harmful to anyone, why would I WANT TO BE HARMFUL TO SOMEONE I'M IN LOVE WITH??? That makes me feel sorry for whoever you "love". And I'm NOT a creep. And neither is he. I don't use anyone, and my feelings are authentic and pure. Do you even know what LOVE is????
        I have met plenty of adult people, who I DO NOT find attractive at all, none of them are attractive to me, and I DIDN'T CHOOSE to have crushes on who/what I do, maybe the people who are gay should meet more people of the opposite sex and stop forming crushes on the same sex?
        Plus, I actually have a crush on Salad fingers now, who is a cartoon character. I still love Little MJ, but not in a sexual way. And I'm 100% certain he would like me back.

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        • insanebotv21

          Salad Fingers? Are you serious? I've wanted to have sex with my own nightmares before but even then that seems a bit...off.

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          • Tinybird

            I'm sick of people having a problem with every single thing I am attracted to. Be happy for me or something.

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            • insanebotv21

              I don't have an issue with MJ or even really care that you find a flash cartoon cute it's just that Salad fingers is designed to be as grotesque as possible and it's kind of hard to actually believe someone unironically finds it cute.

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        • normal-rebellious

          You're probably an incel, and obsessed with sex, I say cut that out, but I'm not the one controlling anyone. I asked about money before and you were silent, furthermore you're an English woman who takes off her bum.

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          • Tinybird

            I don't care about sex. I'm what a wokester would call a "hetero-romantic asexual" so in other words, I'm just a straight girl who likes the idea of more lovey dovey things than sex.

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            • insanebotv21

              most people would just call that asexual and it's actually pretty accepted nowadays even if the salad fingers or Michael Jackson crush isn't normal. One of my best friends is ace.

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            • normal-rebellious

              I was talking about money, and that you chose to ignore.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    With your same logic are people born ped0s? And if so do you think its ok for them to act on it since they were born that way? Idk why being gay is such a sacred thing. Theres no gay gene theres nothing you can point to that says you were born that way.

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