I don't want to live anymore bc i'll never experience love. iin?

I don't want to live anymore. I just want to take a nap and never waking up again. I'm done with life. The reason is I know I'm never gonna be loved and be in a relationship and get married and have kids, which is something that would give my life a meaning. But I'm just too ugly and not good enough for any girl in the world.

Please, I'm not looking for sympathy or pity or seeking attention. I just wanna know if I'm crazy or what's going on. I'm confused and scared. I'm tired of crying every single night for this topic and it hurts more than I can explain. My life is hell because seeing a couple or looking pictures or just reading the word 'girlfriend' makes my chest ache and I can't even be conscious.

I feel life isn't worth living if I'm never experience romantic love (and trust me I'm not bc I'm a hideous piece of garbage). Is it normal? I'm going crazy?

Yes, life isn't worth without love 2
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Comments ( 27 )
  • ThatOneGuyYouNeverWantToMeet

    I've never understood being sad because someone doesn't love you. If someone loves me good, if not that's their loss not mine. If I love someone & I think for a second they don't love me I 'll quit loving them in a heart beat like all the good times never happened, it's like flipping a switch or deleting a file they're just not there anymore.

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    • I wish I had such control over my feelings and could delete then that easily

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  • Jamie_Sulky

    I think people have a skewed understanding of love. They think love is holding hands and having sex and kissing but no, thats not love. Thats mating. thats relationships and sex. and in many ways it over laps with love but in no way are the two the same thing. In fact love isn't even required for that to even happen.

    Love is being able to listen to your favourite song and cry.
    Love is being able to stare into the sky with wonder.
    Love is when you wake up to birds chirping and the sun in your eyes.
    Love is when theres sudden silence between when the laundry machines stops and runs again.

    The world is full of love. Find that love first, because that love is real love. And the moment you find a person that makes you feel the same way those things make you feel, thats real love. But you don't need to find a girl for that. Finding a relationship will come in time.

    I can assure you I hate to look in the mirror. I used to look like shit (i still do tbh). But iv'e still gotten girls, and it's got nothing to do with my looks. It's about confidence, being funny and putting yourself out there, and it's about being a nice person to be with. If you think of yourself as a hideous piece of garbage, girls can feel that too. and trust me, you're not ugly. If you have a face with all your limbs attached, thats still pretty good. A good haircut and dressing nicely can elevate you to be more attractive. If you ever feel to ugly, just remember Danny DeVito has a wife, and so did Louie CK. Well they aren't necessarily model material either eh?

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    • > "They think love is holding hands and having sex and kissing but no, thats not love"

      I know that my zero experience makes me idealize love and relationships but I know it's not a daily fairytale. I believe love is about to people who are fine by themselves but who love each other and decide to be together and share their lifes. And not just be lovers but also friends and help each other and be there when the other needs it. It's so amazing and magic and I envy (not in a resentful way) normal people to be able to experience it.

      > "If you ever feel to ugly, just remember Danny DeVito has a wife, and so did Louie CK"

      If they weren't famous or had money they'll be alone. Guaranteed

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      • Jamie_Sulky

        Listen, this is all I'm saying, love can be found in different aspects of life. Finding a partner is a way but theres so many other ways. No girl or human has ever made me feel the same way when i'm on stage playing music, or when I explore abandoned buildings. Thats true love, and that love gives me purpose in life other than finding a woman to fill the gaping hole in my heart. once you fixe that, then women will come to you eventually. You keep building this relationship thing so high up and then simultaneously break yourself down to nothing. It's a recipe for disaster.

        also, Louie was in the shitter before he became a famous standup comic. He was writing for conan and other shows, most of them cancelled (and conan was at the brink of being cancelled too) and he only broke out later in his life with his jokes about father hood. Also just look around the street: not everyone whos in a relationship is a model. I've seen plenty of average to ugly guys with pretty girls, which makes me wonder how "tf did he land that?". The answer is simple, she liked him as a person.

        You have to stop being so harsh on yourself and idealise this thing that really, is over rated. Relationships aren't that good in itself. It's only something valuable when you feel love, and if you can't find love in the world how the hell are you gonna find it in a woman? Find love, within yourself and around you. In your family in friends. and if you feel self conscious go work out, get a nice haircut and start dressing well. Seriously, it's like magic. Thats the only reason a guy looking like me could get some level of attraction from some girls. Good luck.

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  • I take it you're quite young? 19-24? If you're below 19 then you're going to have to fake it until you make it, it's honestly common for people not to have met "the love of their life" by then and people younger than that age truly are superficial and isn't your time to blossom but to prepare.

    If you are physically unattractive (I honestly doubt this, most average guys assume they're ugly) then I'll give a stereotypical answer here. Put some effort into working out and/or work on your public appearance both with fashion and how you socially interact with people. A very important thing is to actually keep a look around you socially, there will be women on your level that are available that you may be overlooking and they may be on the same boat as you.

    Build yourself up in every way you can to compensate for your short comings. You'd be surprised how successful you could be in finding a woman if you've got a job, a cosy home, good fashion-sense (not to be confused with expensive fashion-sense), and a bit of charm. All of these things are available to you if you put the work in.

    Shit can be hard but that's life and romance is a work in progress. As a guy you're gonna have a lot of misses before you get the catch, just be ready for that and don't assume one miss or even ten is the end of the world. You got it, bro, just don't be lazy and you've got it.

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    First of all, despair isn’t the answer. Snap out of it. Second, you have to give love to get it. Whom have you felt love for recently, and really felt it? If you have, did you tell them? I’m a firm believer in it all starts with you.

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    • I've never loved anyone, at least by my standards because I've never got to know anyone deep enough to be really in love. Infatuation and having a crush is the max I can feel

      And I would never tell anyone that I like them because coming from a person like me it's disrespectful and gross. I put myself in their shoes and I would be repulsed if someone as ugly as me tried to talk to me

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      • DADNSCAL

        There’s your answer. You feel unloved because you believe you don’t deserve it.

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        • I don't know if I deserve love or not. What I'm sure it's that I'm not good enough and that's why I completely understand why no one loved me and why no one will ever love me. It's fine.

          My only issue is I can't cope with that reality and it's very painful

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          • DADNSCAL

            Your “only issue” may mean your ability to survive. You need to deal with this before it destroys you.

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  • bbrown95

    Love is complicated, but don't give up, you never know what is in store for you. I know that sounds much easier said than done, but I believe that if something is important to you, you shouldn't give up on it.

    I also believe that looks aren't everything, and you can always do things to improve yourself from the inside out. I think a very important but hard thing is to learn to accept yourself for who you are and be content with that person. If you cannot be happy with who you are and love yourself, nobody else will be able to, either. I know this is hard, but it is worth it to do your best to work towards it by doing things that make you feel good about yourself. That was how I slowly but surely built confidence and improved my self esteem. If there are things about yourself you think could be improved or that you dislike, and you have at least some degree of control over them, make a plan to improve or change those things.

    I really hope things work out for you and you're able to find what you're looking for.

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  • Volunteer at an animal shelter and go biking outside. There is a lot more to life than just getting a girlfriend.

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    • The closest fuckin' take that doesn't want me to blow my brains out. Taking more time to read the takes of people on this website and seeing which ones get supported is starting to give me an aneurysm.

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  • Mini69

    What is it about yourself that makes you think you are so ugly?

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    • Everything. My hair is gross. My ears are too small compared to the size of my head. My nose is too big. My eyes look dead. My lips are weird and disgusting and my face is too rounded.

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      • Mini69

        Hair can be cut, styled and coloured. Your eyes will look more alive if you get enough sleep and get out of your state of depression. As for the rest of it a little makeup can do wonders. The size of your ears and nose is not that important. It’s the person inside that matters. I thought you were going to say you had the worst case of acne, or some terrible scars from an accident or some other deformity. Most people aren’t totally happy with all their facial features, I hate my nose, but every one else probably doesn’t even notice the bits you think are awful.

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        • I'm just telling you what I've been told. I personally don't think I'm a monster, but if every girl I've ever net thinks so, then I must agree to the unanimous consensus and it's ok. I respect that and it's normal.

          As I said, I understand not being good looking enough for anyone. The issue is it hurts never experiencing love and makes me want to not be alive anymore

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  • TheMightyOz

    Hello, my brother. I felt an instant bond with your despair as I was reading your story. I, like you, will never experience love nor sex because I am a eunuch due to surgical complications. When you are the lowest of the low, as we are, messages get confused in your head. The truth is that we all need to be touched. Touch is a basic human need; more basic than love or sex. Nothing can replace it.

    When you realize that 80% of the starvation you are experiencing is masked beneath the social expectations for love, procreation, and generativity in life, then you will be on the path to nurture your soul. You have to start slow. Get a deep shoulder massage for ten minutes or so. If you play a musical instrument you can generate a warm comforting sense of touch as if your instrument were human. I have a guitar, and she sings real pretty when I touch her with a whisper.

    Be gentle with yourself, my friend. The sunshine and crisp breeze on your face can remind you that you are swimming in a sea of life. Remember that getting laid comes with a whole laundry list of complications. Peacefulness for you and others like the two of us, is close at hand.

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  • countingsleep

    hi, from what you've said it sounds like you are focusing on the prospect of love when you should be focusing on your own mental health. i don't mean this in a bad way at all, i just think that once you're in a better head space you will find it much easier to accept love from others. have you considered talking to a therapist?
    also if it means anything at all, i (f) often find myself attracted to men who i wouldn't consider to be "good looking". everyone has a different perspective of beauty. it can take a long time to find a match

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    I've got some good news for.

    First of all, you probably don't even look that bad.

    Secondly, due to an arguably sexist move by the rules of life, even if you're hideous, you're arguably in way better shape than a straight woman of similar appearance.

    Start paying attention to how often you see a woman with a man less attractive than her and how often you see a man with a woman less attractive than him. Obviously both situations happen but it's almost always the woman who is more attractive. Women aren't made with a cookie cutter, but it's hard to deny that on average they seem way less focused on looks than the average man is.

    I'm not angelifying them here either. They can be just as shallow as a guy who is 100% focused on looks, but even shallow women are more likely to be extra fussed about money, social status, "power", and such more than looks. It's just usually not as important to them.

    So while you're probably not even ugly, if you are, you still have a great shot at finding love. Find a woman you share a hobby or interest with. Make her laugh, but only by being yourself. Make her feel like you're a good guy and she can be safe and comfortable with you, but without being desperate or a pushover. Not only will they come to like you but they'll probably even start seeing you as cute.

    If you're truly unattractive, I'm not going to lie to you and say it's not a disadvantage of sorts, but it would also be a huge lie to say that it's impossible or even unlikely for you to find love when you certainly can. Happens all the time.

    (And any women reading this who feel unattractive, you're almost certainly not as unattractive as you think, seeing as how women tend to be harder on their own image. I'm not full of shit so I won't take back what I said about it arguably being a bigger disadvantage for women than men, but men aren't made with cookie cutters either.

    Some men aren't shallow. In a way, just for not looking like what the media says you should look like, you get to enjoy a filter that cuts out guys who would have only wanted you for that if you did and it saves you from some guaranteed heartbreak.

    Maybe there's a certain guy you like and you always see him date barbies. Well I assure you that guys can get really fucking tired of dating women with horrible attitudes who have been ruined by their own classically good looks and when these men finally experience a woman who is actually wanting love and looking to love, she seems like such an exotic being to him that she quickly becomes the most beautiful woman he's ever seen.)

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    • I'm ugly and I've been told that by every woman I've ever met, so it's over and I think they're right and I can see why they think that. It's ok. They're not shallow or mean, it's normal for girl to be attracted and interested in looks. And there are literaly millions of average looking guys so why would someone settle and pick one of the worst like me? It's not their fault. It's mine's and maybe my parent's for making such a ugly piece of garbage.

      I know it's over. But still it hurts.

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  • miss_jass06

    Feeling is normal, you have your right to feel bad and no one can tell you otherwise. I think you should find a good, well-qualified psychotherapist that would help you find your way and answer your questions. I'm not sure if love is your real problem or maybe there's something else you don't even know about. YOU are your reason to live and I think you should learn how to love yourself in the first place, because parter and/or kids won't fix that for you, it's a dead end.

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  • anabnormal_guy

    nap and never waking up again,crying every single night,seeing a couple or looking pictures or just reading the word 'girlfriend' makes my chest ache.
    sounds normal to me[at least, i have all these]
    someone will find you attractive someday...
    how old are you dude?

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  • anabnormal_guy

    define love, I never felt it, I wanted to die too, but some of my projects are pending

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  • Grunewald

    I feel something similar, sometimes. When it sucks, it really sucks, doesn't it ? I feel less unhappy about it when in the company of others who are also long-term single.

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  • raisinbran

    Have you considered a sex change?

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