I don't wear bras

Before anyone even tries to tell me that not wearing a bra makes your boobs saggy or that wearing them causes cancer, f*** off. It's a myth and any blog or article that says otherwise is full of uneducated shit.

I have fairly small breasts but they aren't non existent. I understand that some girls with bigger boobs need them but I never wear them myself. I don't like the look of them under my dresses or clothing, the straps stand out too much (personal opinion not judging people who wear them), and I like the all natural feeling because it makes me feel more confident in my body (not a hippie, i swear). They are uncomfortable and they seem unnecessary for me considering the fact that my boobs don't get in the way and they never slip out by accident. I never understood wearing a bra when i didn't need one growing up. A lot of girls wore them growing up, and they hadn't even grown breasts yet. They would stick tissue paper into the empty cups. My boobs don't hang out of my clothes and you can only tell im not wearing a bra because i don't have bra straps. If i think my tits will stick out because the clothing is too thin, then ill wear a bra sometimes but usually my clothing doesn't require it. Just because im not wearing a bra doesn't mean i want male attention either, and why should it? I was called a slut once at a music festival when a drunk guy groped my boob without permission and he felt i didnt have a bra on. How does this make me a slut? And besides, it was the type of playsuit you dont wear bras with. But that shouldn't even matter.

Now for the question. What's your opinion on girls who don't wear bras? Both genders comments are welcome, sorry for the huge paragraph but I had to get it out!

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Comments ( 10 )
  • JonathanOo

    Be yourself. I love braless women especially if their breasts aren't huge. It seems so natural not too if they make you uncomfortable. It doesnt make you a slut at all. And no guy should be groping you without permission anyway so screw him

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  • HeyItsRalph

    Just do you honestly, if you feel like they don't do anything for you then why wear one? Besides most girls that do have to wear one will probably say that taking it off before bed is the best part of their day.

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  • farkelu

    I don't think it makes you a slut. Are braless women more likely to have sex with more partners or more frequently? If there's research on that, I'd like to see it! But if going braless is comfortable and the clothing doesn't rub your nipples the wrong way (as in too much friction) I say enjoy and let the men think what they want. It's your body!

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  • Xshot12

    Go ahead perfectly normal. If you find bras uncomfortable take them off. My girlfriend doesn't like bras but her boobs bounce too much so its even more uncomfortable. Long story short she wears bras and you don't perfectly normal

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  • RaggedyandDandy

    It sounds alright to me. I haven't worn a bra in a long time.

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  • CozmoWank

    Nice nips.

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  • CDmale4fem

    Well, I agree too. You can go braless whenever you feel like it. In fact, I would make a deal with you. If you and I met and getting to I is each other, you would never have to wear one, I would be more than happy to wear the bra in abrelstionship. 😁. I can't help it. As much as you love going without, I love going with. But next time a drink tried to grope big-time a good swift kick in the nut sack and he will drop like a bad habit.

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  • mc-nede

    If I had to be honest, this world is so bloody judgmental, its like we have expactations to live up too. Do whatever you want :)

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  • lordofopinions

    If you're small breasted and you've been doing it for some time I see nothing wrong with it. Whenever I see a big breasted woman without a bra with her tits bouncing all over the place I always think what is she trying to prove? I'm a guy BTW.

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  • TerriAngel

    Some guys are dicks.
    Don't let one drunk ass hat effect your day.
    I went to a strict school.
    Starting at age 11 all boys had to wear jock stap in gym.
    All girls had training bras.
    It was so stupid.
    A sluts a slut.
    Clothing has nothing to do with it.

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