I dont like sex. iin?
I have not had sex in over three years and if you were to tell me that it would be that way for the rest of my life, I would be ok with it. Is this normal? Im a 27 year old female. You may look at me and I may look like a "sexually healthy, fit, great body/sexy etc" but i just dont have a sexual appetite. at all.
I never liked it. Even when I use to have sex with ex boyfriends, I was not fully into it. I just wanted it to be over. The stickyness of it, the intimacy, any little thing would distract me; my feet would get cold and I would think during the act "gosh dolly my feet are cold, when will he be done"
if he were to rip my clothes off, i would genuinenly think oh no not my shirt you ruined it." rather than the whole "rough sex" deal or w.e
Is this normal? I have been researching this "Asexuality" orientation and im suspecting I might be that. Who else is with me?