I dream about people who don't exist

The last few months my dreams have increased in vividness. I have a lot of dreams about my ex whom I had somewhat of a turbulent relationship with. I had one where he jumped in to defend a new neighbor whose name was Lauren (she doesn't exist in real life) who was being harassed by his IRL neighbor and another guy, and I was jealous of this. The aforementioned neighbor is in a lot of my dreams as well, probably because I saw him around and made small talk often. I had another dream where he had a girlfriend named Nicole Kiddman (not the actress, hence the different spelling).

I once dreamed I was dating a guy named Bobby and we were at a party by my ex's building. He had hair like The Weeknd. A couple weeks ago I dreamed I was writing a story about someone named Martin that took place in a Harry Potter/Twilight crossover universe. And last night I dreamed I knew someone named Colin who suddenly died.

Can anyone else relate?

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Comments ( 13 )
  • kikilizzo

    The brain cant make up faces on its own so that is actually impossible.
    Everyone you see in your dreams exist even if its people you saw as a kid so many years ago you dont remember.
    Plus the brain can possibly do a remix of different peoples faces to make somewhat of a new person.

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  • Curiouskitten444

    Your brain just took this persons eyes and that persons mouth and that other guys chin.
    So yes? It's normal.

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  • jethro

    I read once that you don't "invent" people in your dreams. Your brain won't do that. Everyone you see in your dreams you have actually seen in real life. Maybe only once and briefly, but you have seen everyone that appears in your dreams. The situations and names are fictitious but not the faces.

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    • Tinybird

      I don't buy that at all. Because I have had dreams involving my imaginary friends and they are not real people.

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      • jethro

        That's not what I said. Re-read it. I said you don't invent faces or people in your dreams. Even imaginary people. If you created an imaginary person you have seen that person before. You are just morphing them into your imaginary creature.

        Because our minds are perfectly capable of constructing new faces which are creative composites of any number of faces we've actually seen while awake. This doesn't only happen in dreams. It also happens when we read fiction and visualize the characters. It would seriously detract from the enjoyment if we could only visualize them as people we know.

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        • Tinybird


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          • jethro

            Nevermind. See you next Tuesday. Try going to websites that are more than porn.

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            • Tinybird

              The brain can indeed come up with original faces. You're the ones who are just spouting wrong information that's taught as a "FuN FaCt" It's fucking wrong.

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  • GuvnorsOtherWoman

    I do it all the time! I have even had certain characters appear in more than one dream. There is a really nice man called Alex who appears quite a lot.

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    • Curiouskitten444

      That's fascinating

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  • olderdude-xx

    People often dreams about people and things that do not exist.

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  • Billy247newaccount_35467829


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  • Somenormie

    I once dreamt about meeting this red haired chick and it turned out she was a siren.

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