I dreamed i broke up with a celebrity and i can’t look at him the same
Last night I had a long and vivid dream that I met, flirted with, started dating and then broke up with a young male celebrity.
We met when I was an extra on one of his photo shoots, he flirted with me then asked me and the other extra to go to dinner with him. I said I wasn’t going to fight for his attention so he instantly made the other girl leave. We had dinner in a classy restaurant where they were filming a movie, he was surprisingly polite and thought I was hilarious. As we were driven back to his house crowds of his fans could see us together through the car windows, I waved to them and felt like royalty.
But the spell broke when we reached his house, he told me he was confused about his feelings, that I was great one minute and too aloof the next then said we should have sex to try and save the relationship. I said I wasn’t doing that after one date, stormed out and the dream ended.
It was so coherent and sensible that it didn’t feel like a dream at all, I woke up feeling like I’d really just split up with him. He’s a reasonably big star in the stuff I’m into so there will be reminders of him scattered around. Is it normal that I’m now working through a break up that never even happened?