I drop things involuntarily

During Judo practice 5+ years ago my thumb was caught in my opponents Gi lapel twisted and dislocated. I was in a brace for 3 months and it took the better part of the year to get some use out of my hand again.

Since then I still can't use my hand normally, I can go to pick something up and can't grip it or I drop whatever is in my hand. On bad days I can't move my thumb and my hand swells. I don't want to go back to the dr and have them tell me they can't find what's wrong. Any ideas?

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Comments ( 3 )
  • with injuries it’ll never be as strong as it once was. Like for example I got into a car accident and the airbag injured my wrist and pinky where it sprained them. To be specific the airbag pushed my hand off the steering wheel and slammed into the door hence my wrist and pinky bending very far back. When that happens it can stretch your ligament like the plastic that holds a 6 pack of beer you stretch that it stays that way doesn’t go back to normal same with ligaments. That’s why when people get injuries it’s more easy to break again or have issues afterwards. Simply some little sprain left me with a not as strong wrist and sometimes heavy lifting causes pain in that wrist which would confuse me why I felt not fully healed. I always thought it’s just a simple ligement. Until I realized something this simple doesn’t truly heal what was bent, only heals the part of the ligement I tore. So then I did some research and found that out. I’d say maybe some physical therapy exercises can help strangthen it if possible. Using it when your suppost to immobilize it before the healing period can prevent from a proper healing and can cause issues and need fixing. At the same time I’ve heard of people who baby there broken or spained parts and it causing more issues because you need to stretch it. If it was me I’d see a doctor but I can understand it could be a waste of time and money but maybe you can find as good info from researching. Even though I didn’t use my wrist while it healed I still did my fingers because after a while they were very slow motion to move and were weak because I hadn’t used them in so long and was good to move them. Fact it’s been years it makes me wonder if it didn’t heal properly but theres people who’s healed properly but forever been a issue because it’ll never be the perfect finger again.

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  • lordofopinions

    Check out a sports injure clinic. They deal with this stuff all the time.

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  • IrishPotato

    Go to a hospital, and ask for multiple opinions.

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