I eat my own ear wax, is that normal?
I've been doing it for more than 5 years lol. Am i gonna die?
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I've been doing it for more than 5 years lol. Am i gonna die?
Oh my god are you kidding me. theres nothing better than going home after a long days work kicking back in your favorite chair then when no one is looking reach your pinky into your ear and pulling out a dinner for four.
You are definitely going to die, eventually, but it seems unlikely that earwax will figure prominently in the cause of death.
I was watching Hell's Kitchen last night and found it was actually an ingredient in the rizoto.
its no more unnatural than eating your own shit.
Not that i do that or anything...... >.>
LMAO all u guys are so funny.
fucking gross eating your ear wax, thats nasty dude.
but having said that, people do all sorts of wierd and gross things out of habit. its just a bad habit u do when u're bored.
Well,In think you are not weird I love cleaning and seeing ear wax in the q-tip.
I died reading the comments! Lmao!!
Okay about the ear-wax. Ewwwwwwww!!! I don't even touch mine with my fingers :D
Have you tried mixing it with peanut butter? I have heard its pretty delicious!
I think it's not your average norm, but it's right there at the top of weird quirks. At least you're not...eating people.
have you heard of ear candles... oh man. you lay down on your side, put this long tube thing in your ear. light the end of fire and the heat draws out all the wax from your ears. afterwards you can open it up and look at all the wax... and there is A LOT!
you would have a hay-day lemme tell ya!
how can that taste good? Ive done it on accident and its soooo gross >.<
i eat mine the ears have separate tastes 2 lol i also eat my boogers and/or snot fum my nose o well im fine
i use to do it but it needs to stop...every time u want to eat it: put a rubber band on ur hand an snap it on ur hand hopes this works.
I've got a weird habit of doing it as well. Sometimes I would put my pinky in my nose, smell it and then put that finger in my mouth. It's very very weird...
IT may be that you have an infection of some sort as wax is antibacterial, but your own may not be the best to chew on I would suggest beeswax, you can eat it with combed honey its good for your digestion and hygienic and tastes like honey.
For all you people who don't like the taste, get creative, I find that if you combine it with a dingleberry or two on a Ritz it works nicely as an appetizer.
WTF is wrong with 34% of you people?
May I recommend a Circus Freak Show?
When my ear is itchy I scratch it and I get ear wax out then I don't know what to do with it so I just lick it and it tastes horrible in my opinion
I'm partial to most anything that the body produces. I love ear wax, boogers, and one of my favorites that no one has mentioned is Toe Jam, it has a nice buttery taste to it. Ear was is a little bitter abd leaves a bad after taste, but a nice big booger with a little blood on it will knock that after taste right out for ya.
Who would want to eat earwax it contains bacteria,germs and many other bad things
Eh it fine to eat your earwax .You are not going to die from it tho :) . What does it taste like?
Do you have a straw attached to your ears? That's better so you'll just sip your wax like slurpee. Goodluck!
This topic is going nowhere. This is strange and maybe dangerous for your stomach depens on if you're having a lot of wax or not. xd hahahhahaha wtf?
I've caught myself stocking my pinky finger in there and eating it, yes. It's such a sour bitter taste though... I wish I could stop, it's almost addicting.
i do that too! i think it's pretty normal, but people don't realize that because it's such an embarrassing habit so people aren't open about it. anyone who thinks that eating your own earwax is gross probably has gross tasting ear wax because they themselves are gross. Mine is completely neutral tasting, i've never once encountered bitter tasting ear wax. i'm sure it won't harm you it's probably good for you! i'm sixteen and i've been doing it since i was very young too.
Hehe, normal for me, i use them to lubricate some toys that are stuck since kid.
i stuck my pencil in my ear before because my 2 hand were full and afterwards i chewed the top without thinking and the taste was SO bitter. it was HORRIBLE.
You are going to die eventually duh! Kinda sad you needed us to explain this... But stop eating the wax! My friend dud that and she got worms:p I'm not even kidding I wish I was!
1)Everyone dies.2)since you are it,why don't you just eat your own shit and be done with it?
I LOVE cleaning my ears, esp when there's evidence on the qtip..., but Eating it is GROSS!!!!
I suggest you do some research about what exactly earwax is made up of....ICK!
i don't so much eat it, as i do lick my pinky finger after scratching my ear.
its gross tasting... nasty habit bro.
I've never tried that, although earwax does fascinate me. I might try it sometime!
I don't think it would actually block your arteries or anything, that sounds a bit ungrounded to me. But why are you eating it? Sometimes when I clean my ears out I end up eating it because I have nothing else to do with it, but it tastes disgusting. I don't get it.
Sorry that's not helping. Basically, although i'm sure (as long as you don't do it ALL the time) it's not that bad, but i'd stop anyway just because it's not very mature, hygienic or, well, normal.
Ummm, To Me, That Makes Me Want To GAG! EWW, It Must Taste DIS-GUST-ING! How... Can... You... DO That!
Stop, It WILL Block Your Arteries Or Blood Flow Soon!
(What michellemango said!)
dont listen to these morons!!!! eating ur ear wax?? ur fricken sick u need to seek help dude. eating a nasty nose thingy when ur 4 yrs old is one thing, but cmon how old are u man start smoking or have a few spliffs that's a normal habit. more likely to get u laid rather then eating ur ear wax. what d hell does it taste like anyway???? if u don't stop this habit right now i hope you end up eating ur own shit and die suffocated
that`s sooo grose but is it normal definitly, people do all kinds of grose things when no ones looking.
uhh ok yeah its not really normal but uhh your not going to die from it. its actully just dried sweat atleast thats what i think it is.
but the moral is no.
OMG I can't believe you do that...
I'm tempted to try, but then I think that's disgusting!
Please stop. That's all I can say.
that is mad nasty n weird u need 2 b checked out ughhh
*wat is wrong wit u*
ive bitten my nails after picking some ear wax out..(not on purpose of course) but ear wax is definately a very SOUR nasty substance, this is not normal..
zomg next stories will be IIN to eat my own shite? aw i cant imagine why you would find earwax tastey, cut it down and eventually stop! make the effort!
NASTY!!!!!!!stop doing that!!!!!!!! you wont die just stop its called earwax because its supposed to be in your EARS dont mess up the cycle dude...
Yes u are going to die. From eating earwax? thats highly unlikely. Ill occasionally do it too, its normal, that is, if u only eat your own. Otherwise that would just be plain sick.
I do that to!!!! I understand how you feel and i highly doubt you would die.
I mean maybe we should meet up one day adn eat our ear wax together, you know?
Fuck da haterss
Why the fuck would you even need to think twice about if thats weird or not? yes its weird. And yes, your a nasty mother fucker.
Yuck, Yuck, Yuckety yuck yuck. EEWWWW! both the posting and the comments, gross!!
Is it tasty? Really? I hate how it tastes. Boogers are preferable because they don't have much of a flavor. And I don't like blood--too coppery. Eating bodily secretions isn't pleasant, I don't get why you do it.
Personally I wouldn't do it, but you know; whatever floats your boat! :)
yes, you will die.
Society will gradually erase you for being basically disgusting.
Sups peeps, it%%u2019s been a struggle but i%%u2019ve managed to stop eating my own earwax! (7-8 months clean! Woot!) I only stopped because of the comment about clogged arteries, that put me off quite a bit. When I go exploring in my ears, I still like to give my wax a good ol%%u2019 sniff but now I dispose of the wax by flicking it instead of yamming it.
Earwax is and will always be a tasty treat, I sure will miss it.
You, like everyone else, are going to die of something. So to answer your question, are you going to die? yes Will you die from eating earwax? probably not
No, it won't kill you...but something really bad will happen to you!!! Stop now!!!
Lol, joking. But it is gross man. Can't imagine it tastes all that good :/ Why did you even start?
oh jesus christ this is awful lol if i found out my bf did that i dont think id be kissing him lool i dont mind people touching there buggers or what ever it is yu do but i jus dont wanna see what people take out of there body lol dude yu take yur ear wax from yur body and put it bak in a diffren place hahah this is queit amusing it makes me run out of this to actually say to this it even worse than wen people bite there own nails n keep them in there mouth ugh awful lol
yeah thats wierd i remember tasting it once when i was around 4 and never trying it again because it was disgusting
i think that is disgusting! do u do it when ur hungry or just because? u need to stop. keep ur mind off it somehow
I sometimes sniff mine. And i've licked it (on my finger) once, it was disgusting and i shan't be doing it again. But i don't see any harm in eating it, i mean, it's only tiny insects, dust and dirt that gets stuck to the wax you eat, that can't be harmful! /half sarcastic/
i do...NOT think itd normal;;ts just gross. if your that hungry go eat a hoggie or something. ew.
uuhhhh...i think thats not that normal...but hey if that makes u happy...go ahead!
some people really has mannerisms... It's hard to explain but some people really does weird things... some even eats their own hair or smells their armpits... In ur case, it is eating ur earwax... i don't think u will die but u must stop it because other people that are closed minded might not understand u.