I fall in love with a girl addicted to heroin

I love her. Only thing I'm not happy with her is that she is heroin addict.
I have mixed feelings.
Sometimes I dont know if I should help her or not. What if she kills me when I sleep or something like that??
But I know that she is submissive and very honest. No one has cared about her and I think it might be different if I support her.
I am confused with my feelings.
Please help me.

Give her up. She can't be helped. Let her die with heroin 55
I should save her life. Give her life back and love her 67
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Comments ( 25 )
  • dom180

    No matter how much you love her and how much she loves you, one person isn't enough to resolve a deep-seated problem in someone's life like heroin addiction. You can't help people just by giving them your love, because they need support from all the other parts of their life too (friends, family, job etc.) before they can change. Change has to be holistic, and you can never be the whole of someone's life.

    I wish you luck, but I wouldn't hold out hope that she can be helped just by your love. And you've got to think about your own feelings; it would hurt me a lot to see the person I loved systematically destroying themselves every day.

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  • RoseIsabella

    You are powerless over this girl's drug addiction! The best thing you can do is encourage her to go to rehab. Whatever you do don't give her any money. She will just spend it on more horse and that will make you an enabler. You don't want to enable her addiction, do you?

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  • ThisIsImpossible

    I live around addicts, you cant save her life. Only she can, theres nothing you can say or do to change her feelings about dope, I mean NOTHING. The most you could do is tie her to a bed for a couple weeks but more likely than not itll just make her resent you if she didnt ask for it.

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  • thegypsysailor

    You cannot help her, period.
    You cannot save her, period.
    Stay away if you have any self respect and want a good life. She will drag you down with her.
    There really are plenty of great gals out there that are not heroin addicts.

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  • handsignals

    Wouldn't be nice just to fall in love with a normal person for change.

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  • Lonely2

    Welcome to a world of pain and misery...you love her...she loves heroin ....her emotional energy will go to drugs and very little will be left for you...she will not be there when you need love and support..it all about her and getting her H ....go to al anon or something..at least you can learn healthy boundaries and learn how to take care of yourself because she wont.....

    I am also attracted to drug addicts and al anon helped me from trying to fix or save people....you cant fix or save them...only they can do that...but you can fix and save yourself if you learn how

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  • I once had a girlfriend that was prescribed adderall by her doctor and she was definitely abusing the crap out of that stuff. Taking 3 or 4 times the prescribed amount. I stayed for as long as I could but ultimately I could do nothing to help her. I had to end it because I just could not take her erratic and sometimes psychotic behavior anymore. Being with someone who has an addiction when you are a sober person is hard and a lot of the time you can only handle trying to stay with them for so long. Hopefully things work out in the end. **Blows fat disgusting smelling load**

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  • dickwashington

    thats really sweet of you and if you want to try to help this person you care for then more power to you... but you will most likely end up getting hurt one way or another once a junkie always a junkie thats just a fact of life

    by the way i highly doubt she would kill you in sleep but rather steal all of your stuff

    and no matter what dont ever try it! its the best thing in the world but it will fuck your life up and you dont want that

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    • Outsider21

      That isn't really true about the once a junkie always a junkie. People do get off of drugs like heroin, but a lot don't

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      • dickwashington

        your right people do get clean but take it from me i have been struggling with addiction for years now no matter how long you get off it no matter what you do to stay off it you will never stop wanting it and all it takes is one little slip and your right back where you started

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  • qwertyytrewq

    You love who you love. Humans can't help that. But don't give her up. I think you should present that you don't like her being addicted, and try and get help.

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    • Yes. Really I can't help this. I just love her. I think I should help. Thanks

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  • Outsider21

    She might steal from you for her addiction or be looking to use you, you have no idea. Heroin/any drug addicts can be highly manipulative. She could be looking to be with you in order for you to enable her addiction. If you are with her even as a friend, encourage her to go to a narcotics anonymous meeting or seek out some type of rehab/detox. Street heroin is a very dangerous drug that contains a lot of potentially deadly impurities. However, something important to know about her and her addiction is that she would not kill you in the night I can guarantee that. People high on heroin are actually quite peaceful, mellow, and very sedated, not violent in the least but more of a drugged out zombie, laying around on the couch that doesn't do anything. If she was addicted to stimulants, someone on them could get quite violent or become psychotic but this just does not happen with heroin addicts.

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  • iezegrim

    I was a heroin addict for two years, during which time I started dating my boyfriend who did not use. Then I went on methadone for 16 years. Now I am completely sober and recovered and happily married to that same guy. Don't ever write someone off for being a drug addict. Whatever you do, don't start using with her. My advice is: if she makes you happy, stay with her.

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  • Naughty_rascal

    Enjoy your life as a heroin addict. When you are shooting up together in a few years time, you can still tell her how much you love her. If you love her, send her away to get help in a rehab or therapeutic community. See which she loves more; you or the smack. I'm betting it's going to be the smack right now.

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  • zenparadox

    The choices are biased as the first one includes "let her die" & the second lots of life affirming love words there should be more choices. If not I vote for the first one

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  • Well I was addicted to drugs and can tell you that you're in for a miserable time. There's honestly nothing you can do but watch her self destruct, you can encourage her to go to rehab and all that great stuff but unless she is truly motivated herself and wants to go nothing will come of it.
    Heroin is also the worst drug to be addicted to, in rehab I had only heard of one person who got clean from heroin addiction. This shit fucks with your brain so bad those who are "clean" just spend the rest of their lives taking pills addicted to methadone (pretty much legal heroin). She's caught up in the nastiest drug and being an addict does turn you into a monster. Despite all this like many people said you don't have to worry about her killing you, she'll probably steal your stuff to fund her addiction.
    Unless you are really strong, truly love her, and believe she can change I wouldn't do it. Be prepared for mental abuse like you've never experienced, this will be the most draining experience of your life. She's just seconds away from death be prepared for an OD.

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  • Mister_Nobody

    Sorry, but I think you're wasting your time trying to have a normal relationship with a heroin addict. She will almost certainly die by overdose some time in the next couple of years, and in the meantime you are exposing yourself to the same drug culture which probably got her hooked. Noble though your intentions may be, the chances of turning her life around and living happily ever after are pretty much zero.

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  • Sog

    Many have wasted their lives trying to be the hero. This is real life, not some mushy romantic movie. It really isn't worth the trouble of getting involved. Not even close. You want to save her, but I guarantee that it will be your life that gets dragged into the hell where she currently resides.

    And maybe it isn't even the girl that you're attracted to. Maybe it's the idea of saving her.

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  • Both your options are horrible.

    Maybe you should accept who she is and understand that only she can change her addiction. You can be supportive all you want but only she can choose to quit drugs and heroin is one of the hardest ones to quit.

    Why do you feel the need to have a relationship with her?
    Why not just be a good friend and be someone for her to talk to when she needs it.

    I know a girl on heroin. She is my friend, but I wouldn't want to date her. I accept that she may never quit drugs. I've known her since high school and she has never done anything bad to me which is rare for a drug addict. She makes awful decisions, and while I rarely even see her she can always call me if she needs a friend to talk to.

    It is also unlikely she will kill you in your sleep. The fact that you think this shows that you do not know how people on drugs act. They are likely to steal from their friends, not kill them.

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  • Riddler

    You love her for who she is despite her flaws. If you are truly concerned about her heroin addiction I would say try and get her to go to rehab.

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    • I will. Thanks.

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  • (s)aint

    First of all: You can't save her, as others have said you can only be there for her if she wants help herself.

    Second: DON'T try it with her! There's far better and safer drugs out there if you want to go down that road.

    And third: In a way, I can relate. My BF has a "weed addiction" but since weed isn't harming someone in the way that fucking heroin does I'm mostly chill with his use. I have encouraged him to NOT owe dealers money and not use cash that he doesn't yet have and so far he's using far less than what he did when we started to date.

    Also, if she owes the wrong kind of people money ...YOU might very well be their target to come after her! You do NOT want to get involved with someone who would do ANYTHING for a high ... I can't judge a heroin addict because truthfully I have never met one, nor would I want to get involved with someone either.

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    • Dont worry I truly hate drugs.

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  • redfastlad

    So you want to help her !!!! first find out where she is buying her drugs, next go there and buy her a bucket full take em home to her and tell her to help herself to as much as she wants. at least she will die happy and you will have helped as much as possible.

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