I fear death. iin?

I fear death, I fear it greatly.
I fear the thought of conciousness ending at some point, I fear the insecurity of what will happen. I hope there's an afterlife, or reincarnation, but I fear nothing's there and that thought can keep me up at nights.
I've had panic attacks before, faster breathing and all that stuff.
You could say that I don't fear death itself, I fear not living.

So yeah, is this normal?
And is there something I can do to get rid of my fear?

Voting Results
89% Normal
Based on 46 votes (41 yes)
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Comments ( 18 )
  • blacklabelbeeryum

    So totally normal, you've described me exactly. I'd rather sit in hell than cease to exist,I can't bear the thought of not existing anymore. I've had panic attacks for the same reason. I'm agnostic and look for as much reasons as possible to believe in god...yet atheism still seems the most plausible route.

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    • IrishPotato

      Still do. I scream out of nowhere sometimes.

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    • IrishPotato

      I'm SO glad I found someone who has the exact same problem. I try to believe in reincarnation as much as I can, and hell. There's even proof for that stuff.

      But again, Atheism is still the most plausible option.

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      • blacklabelbeeryum

        I grew up in a strictly christian house hold, I spent my whole life not worrying about death because I knew where I was going. Then I started asking questions, I hated the way the church used to degrade the beliefs of other religions, even different christian sects. That is what encouraged me to question my faith. There were just laws and acts accepted in one religion yet completely condemned by another, that god would only accept christians yet shun the islam and hinduism etc. And vice versa. That is what made me leave organised religion. Sorry I just wanted to share what drove my beliefs with someone who understood the way I feel. Oh and reincarnation sounds awesome I'd love to live many different lives experiencing all that life has to offer through the ages.

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        • IrishPotato

          Yeah, it'd be really swell.
          The possibility of reincarnation doesn't quite fix the issues of fear, though. I still struggle with it, even after all this time.

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  • Danielle:)

    I feel the exact same way. About two years ago it used to be so bad I'd cry and have a panic attack and literally went to my parents room and asked if I could just talk for a while,I never do that. That thought used to make me cry and be so scared that I HAD to be with another person. It still makes me nervous,but just discipline yourself to NOT think about it. and remember that it's going to happen to EVERYONE,so you're not alone :) and many people are "at peace" when they do pass,so they do not fear if but accept it and feel ready. I wish I knew what to expect,that would make it less frightening. But no one does, but we'll all go through if together so there's no need to worry about this now,just live ;) hope this helps!

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    • IrishPotato

      I try to, but once every few days it crosses my mind and I have a mini-panic attack.

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  • emilydoll

    I meant :) ergh

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  • emilydoll

    ^ :(

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  • Avant-Garde

    I fear it too despite knowing That fear of it is pointless as everyone dies. It's normal, but try not to let it consume you.

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  • DefinitelyNotNormal89

    I think it's more abnormal to not fear death, I'm also scared to be lost in time...I think it's so sad that 100 years after I die I may as well not exist unless I do something psychotic like attempt to take over the world, then I'll echo through the ages! A little side tracked there...I think it's very normal to fear death.

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  • MilesScoopman

    There's a bunch of shows out about ghost or near death experiences lately. There are some i've seen on the bio channel that really make you think there may be more to the story than what we're seeing.

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  • IrishPotato

    Fear still kickin'

    It's been a tough 5 years. I have periods where I get scared every few days or even every day, and then I have periods where its not there at all.

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  • chewy

    I fear death sometimes.

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  • SparksTheGoldenFoxie

    We will all die someday it's just a part of life and you just have to accept it because it's coming whether you like it or not. Although i share your fear of death it absolutely scares the hell out of me but i know it's coming

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  • Reeves

    Don't worry about it. You'll most likely get struck down so fast that you won't even see it coming : )

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    • IrishPotato

      Haha, that made me smile. Thanks :I

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  • Sog

    Just remember, every person that has ever lived is either dead or will die. Whatever happens when you die, billions of people have alredy gone through it before you. <BR><BR>And in the case that there is nothing after death, then when you die you will not have the consciousness to regret not being alive.

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