I fear theocracys

I am very fearful of theocracy's and its followers and supporters.

be it fundamentalists Islam or Christianity or whatever it scares me to death why because you have people who demand that a nation is ruled by the authority of a god or gods.

religious states make it very clear that if you don't believe you wont have rights or worse it promotes a collective unit that follows a totalitarian being.

I look at places like the middle east Africa etc and all i see is poverty and oppression but people still think that a religious state is a means for greatness and make a great nation.

most of Africa is Christian yet its the poorest continent were all countries are ruled by various dictators the middle east is ultra religious yet they are equally bad.

why is it that people in America want a Christian religious state they pointed out how bad sharia law is for years but they want to set up their own version of it.

am I wrong to fear theocracies or am I right to fear it im afraid that I will wake up one day and America announces its officially a religious state.

yes theocracy is the worst thing 17
no theocracy is a good 6
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Comments ( 33 )
  • TheBlindInquisitor

    That will most likely happen they might even try to force religious tests to see if your godly enough to go to Mars or so shit.

    They do ruin everything.

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  • Normal. The extremist Christians who think -insert group here- should die are basically ISIS with less weaponry.

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    • TheBlindInquisitor

      0ne is loud and openly bloodthirsty the other is all smiles and calm while one is really horrible you should be equally fearful of the quit ones.

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  • Anonnet

    Okay, what gives everyone the idea that America is becoming a theocracy? I can't tell if you people are joking. People are allowed to be religious, it doesn't mean they're "taking over".

    I couldn't vote in the poll, either. I don't think theocracy is good, but I also don't think it's "the worst thing". What about dictatorship, slavery, or cancer? Or teletubbies?

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    • TheBlindInquisitor

      Most theocratic states are dictatorships and most even are ok with slavery most gods are ok with enslavement.

      I don't have issues with religous people it's the radicals I have a issue with and they are getting louder and more bold.

      Theocrats won't rest until they have it their way there are to many examples to name.

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      • Anonnet

        Who cares if they're bold and won't rest, they can't actually do anything.

        Go ahead and name some examples.

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        • TheBlindInquisitor

          Here is my set of examples both the republican and democrat parties for starters have a sizable amount of theocrats.

          Both parties have control of the nation so yes the theocrats have a lot of reach and power.

          These people are open about what they want.

          while you have people like Donald Trump or Paul Ryan in the republican party who don't truly believe in the religious crap they say they play identity politics to a largely theocratic base in order to keep power.

          But you have people like mike pence or jeff sessions who believe in their doctrine and want nothing more then to force it on others and they are the majority.

          The same can be said of democrats but I think a larger number of them just play identity politics and don't really believe it.

          The list is long and these theocrats make it clear that they want Christian sharia.

          Word for word these loons sound like radical Muslims in the middle east.

          They also have the backing of various financial groups that are for theocratic agendas and they have a lot of money to do so.

          I don't get how most don't seem to see that those who follow theocratic ideals want to destroy secularism and at this rate they will soon be able to do that.

          As I said they are getting bolder and they will not stop until they have full power over everything and everyone.

          If you aren't apart of their faith you wont have rights or worse look at Saudi Arabia or Iran and you will see the end game.

          I'm not just pointing at Christians or Muslims either any belief system that pops up ends up becoming the same.

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          • Anonnet

            Theocrats don't have any power just because there exist republicans and democrats that just happen to be theocrats. They have to actually be elected officials with power to change something. What laws have been passed? How many theocrats are in the white house? In congress? In the supreme court? And what makes you think Trump's base is largely theocratic? Like I said, people are allowed to be religious, it doesn't mean they want a theocratic government.

            Your point isn't made just because you're typing one sentence per paragraph.

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            • TheBlindInquisitor

              Explain Jeff sessions or mike pence then both are currently in high positions of authority mike pence is VP so I would say that's very high and mike is as theocratic as it gets.

              And don't get me started on Jeff sessions.

              Yes trumps base is largely theocratic if it came down to it and if they could have Christian sharia they would overwhelmingly be for it.

              As I said I know for a fact that Donald himself dosent believe in the religous bullcrap people at his level see it as a means to an end and to control simple people.

              I have no issue with religious people if they want to pray to whatever they believe in I don't care but the theocrats don't settle for just that.

              Theocrats are those who are actively trying to make a religious dominated government as for those who follow they are willing or unwitting pawns in the larger game that's being played right in our faces.

              I just don't want to be forced to follow a religion I have no belief in just so I can have rights or not be killed because that's the only to options a radical religious state will give you.

              Muslims and Christians just have a different way about it while Muslims are loud and direct Christians are more silent and covert.

              But the radical Christians are starting to feel more confident because they know people won't look at them everyone is more focused on the equally dangerous radical Muslims.

              I will say it again I don't have issues with religious people my problem is with theocrats and their enablers which sadly happen to be a majority of religious people weather they know it or not.

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  • Servian

    The richest and most developed city in the world is in the middle east...

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    • TheBlindInquisitor

      wow a rich country in the middle east which is most likely a theocratic state surrounded by theocratic states that demand you follow Islam at best they just strip you of all rights at worse they kill you.

      I don't care if they are rich they are ruthless in enforcing religious dogma I don't see people flooding to live there or say wow that middle eastern country has a good track record on human rights.

      no if it isn't treating women like shit its treating foreigners like shit to treating religious minorities as shit to treating each other like shit but they don't see that because all they care about is Allah.

      the middle east is everything radical Christians wished the west was a oppressive theocracy the middle east is also a source for a lot of problems to.

      if you love whatever country you are talking about go live there and stay there if its so good.

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  • Servian

    There are still alternatives that are affordable, we will HAVE to switch to renewables

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    • I got enough energy to dream of fucking my cousin and every other sexy woman around so I think I can go for less.

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  • TheBlindInquisitor

    I was born and raised in America and the worst part it dosent matter where you go. The west is slowly becoming a theocracy and all the other countries on the planet already are theocratic. They are everywhere.

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  • SmokeEverything

    The world at the highest levels of power is basically one big plutocracy running everything, no need for WWIII here. All governments are unnatural and distructive.

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    • TheBlindInquisitor

      theocracy is a tool that the plutocrats use for control in truth most leaders are hardcore atheist but they see a mass of blind and zealous followers to use.

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      • SmokeEverything

        Religion is only a part of control now. For the rest they use politics, jersey shore, all the same thing. Just a tool to keep the masses in line

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        • TheBlindInquisitor


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  • Theocracy sounds as bad as a shithole.

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    • TheBlindInquisitor

      I agree yet a lot of theocrat's run our government and have a lot of followers and influence.

      at this rate by the end of the century north America and Europe will be as equally shit as the other hellholes on the planet.

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      • I've heard these theories a billion times before.

        In 50 years we will run out of energy.

        In 20 years we will be replaced by muslims.

        In 10 years we will start WW3

        This leader will kill us all, you will see that.

        In 2012 the world will be destroyed.

        In 2 years Ebola will kill us all.

        Trump is like Hitler, we will die.

        It never happens. It's just frustrated people spreading fake news. Don't overthink it. I am pretty sure some aspects can be true about these issues, hence the concerns, but it's really exaggerated, let's be serious.

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        • TheBlindInquisitor

          I get what you mean but theocrats make it very clear what they want.

          the republicans are very theocratic at best most are just playing fiddle to the real theocrats.

          im well aware that the list of false dooms and I never believed in any of them but the chance of a theocratic takeover Is possible.

          Christians and Muslims are in a current cold war like mentality of who gets control of everything first and Christians are more of a threat in that regard because Muslims are loud while Christians are silent but getting bolder.

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          • Alt-righter also make it very clear what they want. You don't see any fascism and totalitarianism around, do you?

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            • TheBlindInquisitor

              most alt-righters are fearful morons who don't have much influence or power they are just a loud movement with a few rich backers that will fade as time passes.

              history has shown time and time again that people like alt-righters never get far and even if they do they cannibalize themselves so I don't fear fearful people.

              theocrats however are a lot more influence and have a longer history of success.

              they are willing to die for their cause so they are far from fearful the way I see its more likely a theocracy happens then a fascist state.

              that's why I don't give neo fascists wannabe tough guys a second thought.

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      • At least we'll have Mars to live on by then... hopefully.

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        • TheBlindInquisitor

          doubtful if the religious nuts have it their way we will be lucky to even shot up anything into space and if they come to mars to it will be the same thing them trying to set up religious states.

          they don't just want control they want complete and utter submission.

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