I feed my toddler beef jerky

I saw some dude on Joe Rogan talkin about how hunter gatherers actually had really straight teeth and big jawlines because of their diets. They found fossils of them and their teeth were great. They noticed the teeth and jaw became smaller after the agricultural revolution and even showed videos of hunter gatherers that live in Africa today and their teeth and jawlines were impeccable

So I got an idea...

I started buying my toddler (2 1/2) all kinds of beef jerky. He tears that shit up. Its kinda expensive but I really believe, based on some shit I saw on youtube that I can not at all confirm is true, that this may possibly help his teeth and jawline look good. They say eating soft foods can actually hurt jaw developement and that we need to chew on something abit harder.

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Comments ( 12 )
  • Boojum

    The salt content might be something to think about.

    Also, choke hazards should always be considered with kids that age.

    The cheapest cuts of meat are usually the toughest. Maybe you could consider getting him shank to gnaw on when the rest of you are dining on sirloin.

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  • mouldiwarp

    He’s old enough, kids eat solid food earlier than that (beginning with soft foods at 4-6 months). I’m not sure but I think chewing tougher foods, such as the jerky but also including uncooked veggies and fruits, can help stimulate jaw growth so wisdom teeth have more room and are less likely to become impacted or cause crowding. I researched and it all seems that way. Jerky is somewhat high in sodium- he’ll be okay as long as he consumes it in moderation.

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    • 1WeirdGuy

      I cant get him to eat veggies ive tried everything.

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      • mouldiwarp

        Sorry about that, I’m not parent or child behaviorist, so I don’t feel comfortable throwing out advice on the topic. Hope things work out though!

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        • 1WeirdGuy

          Yeah you're right tho he needs to eat them damn veggies lol

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    If it’s for a snack once in a while I’d say ok. Also at 2 1/2 they’re cutting their molars and something tough to chew on probably feels good.

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  • jrbsportz

    WTF dude!!! Why don't you go drink some power milk you feeding beef jerky to a 2 1/2 freaking idiot!! Just saying

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  • olderdude-xx

    My opinion. No problem with small amounts... The salt and other content is a bit high for much more than that.

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  • SwickDinging

    It's not shocking to feed a child beef jerky. I guess the salt content is something to keep an eye on, but the concept of giving a toddler something tough and chewy is not a new one and is quite normal in a lot of cultures.

    The idea of feeding babies and toddlers pureed foods is a throwback from the early 20th century and it's going out of style these days.

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  • miss_jass06

    Nothing wrong with that, it seems to make sense. I'm actually curious if it works. Just watch out what type of meat you buy for him so it's not highly processed with tons of salt.

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  • I've read about that with the teeth before. I don't know many details, but it does make sense how what you eat can affect your teeth. I like to apply things I learn too, even if they're not entirely conventional

    Someone said something about sodium, so I'll bring up teething rings as another option. And like someone said you could get a big cut of tough meat, cut a chunk off and throw that in a pan for your toddler, then simmer the rest in a crock pot for a few hours for you and your wife.

    As a goof ball idea that I would try myself if I didn't feel wasteful about it (you could still use the scraps though) is cutting the tops off broccoli so it's just the little pellet things. If they're cooked they're really soft and just those top parts seems really decadent to me for some reason. It may not help with chewing, but maybe your toddler would like that. And you could boil some peas and mix em with mashed potatoes, kids love mashed potatoes lol

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  • Somenormie


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