I feel bad because i cant stand the homeless

Dont get me wrong there is some that I do feel sorry for. Especially one girl in my town thats a tweaker. But alot of time I just can not stand them. There's these two homeless people by an intersection in the city where I have to pass everyday. And they literally sleep in the grass at the intersection. Theres trash all around the intersection they dont pick ANYTHING up. They throw their needles out even tho theres a school right there.

I just see it as I cant help that they're fuckin crack headz and wanna shoot up all day and throw trash everywhere and throw a big pity party with their sign. You take one look at them and they're twacked into psychosis and ANYONE that hands them a nickel needs to be slapped. These people should feel embarrassed to be seen like this. They have 0 shame and theyre disgusting. They should take them to a camp somewhere and just give them all the drugs they want. Just keep them away from the city. I know thats someones family member I feel for them but they should not be able to be in public like this everyday. Ive had to drive around them when one was sleeping in the street on a major intersection

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Comments ( 6 )
  • Cuntsiclestick

    There's a bunch of homeless people all over the streets in my town too. I've kind of lost sympathy for the homeless due to bad experiences.

    In the past, I've tried to buy food for them only to get screamed at for not giving money instead. Like, they claimed they wanted money for food because they were starving, so why get pissy when I give them food? This happened more than once with different people. By like, the 4th attempt, I stopped giving people anything.

    My sister used to be a store manager at Walmart. There were always dirty looking homeless people begging for money, some even bringing their kids in on it. She would offer them jobs, and they'd decline in a very rude way.

    Also a lot of them just don't take the hint. I've been followed by homeless people because they didn't believe me when I said I didn't have money. When I was a kid, I was hit on by homeless people and followed around by them when all I wanted to do was go to the friggin library to get some books. At some point I was taking my dog with me everywhere because she wasn't afraid to bite people who were following me too closely. Watching her bite anyone who said "ai mami" and followed me too close was an absolute delight.

    Shit like this is why I don't hang around my town all that much anymore.

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    • After I wrote this I believe the one girl on the corner may have died from an overdose sadly. I brought a trashcan to the corner days prior and they were using it and there was less trash all over. But the other day I went through the intersection and there was ambulance and firefighters trying to put her on a gurney and she looked dead. She was completely limp. Kind of sad...

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  • Yes one thing about me is I have been homeless for a short period of time. I got a job immediately and saved money to move back to my state. I figured it out.

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  • Tinybird

    not all homeless people do drugs

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  • Theres druggies hanging around where I live since last year and I dont know if they're homeless but wouldnt surprise me. They're always wandering about and sitting in random spots and I haven't seen any myself but people do complain about needles in the bushes. This is a family friendly area too next to a school and close to daycares so there's plenty of kids around constantly. They also drive under the influence those druggies and they've sat in the middle of the square scaring old people who used to enjoy sitting there before. I hate those people and I get they have some kind of an issue but they need somewhere to go. They can't just sit around and throw their shit on the ground and act unhinged publically like fighting and stuff. The police come around occasionally but they do nothing. So useless.

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    • One of the problems is these cities are run by low testosterone men and before they can do something they have to run the idea in their head to see if its slightly non inclusive or mean or racist or whatever. These guys can never make a hard decision thats not gonna be nice. You dont have these problems in the areas run by conservatives. The one good thing about men with balls is they can make hard decisions that need to be done but are mean. Theres nothing in the constitution that says you have the right to shit on the sidewalk and live there. Get a firehose out there and tell them they have to leave or get fucked. California could literally solve their homeless problem today but they wont because its meannnn

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