I feel empty?

I was abused since I was 9 before someone saved me a few months ago. I don't remember what happiness is like. I feel empty. Broken. Dark. Although she saved me, I still feel pain every day. Is it normal? What is happiness like?

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74% Normal
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Comments ( 3 )
  • Arm0se

    I've been feeling rather empty and unwanted lately too if that's any consolation.

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  • chained_rage

    *holds you*

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  • Knee-high.RainbowSocks

    I have also been abused to some extent. Emotional/Mental abuse and some excessive physical "discipline", mostly when i was smaller. This has been going on for ten years or so and i'm honestly not sure what happiness feels like either. I also feel empty, bored, tired, etc. I'll talk to you if you want.

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