I feel guilty about adopting a cat
I'm getting ready to start looking for a pet cat, and I'm feeling a strange awkwardness, almost guilt, about doing so. This will be the first pet I ever get for myself. The cats I grew up with belonged to the whole family, and I wasn't the one they were closest to. (One cat technically "belonged" to one sister, and the other cat was by far the closest with my youngest sister). So I've basically never had a cat that was "mine."
I feel extremely awkward about adopting a cat for myself, because I feel like I'm asking a lot from the cat. I'm asking it to accept me as its "mommy," or at least its companion.
And yes, I know that it's a *cat,* and that it's not going to have a strong opinion about anything as long as I feed it. I know it's absurd to be nervous about meeting a *cat.* But I am anyway.
Has anyone else felt this kind of awkward nervousness when looking for a pet?