I feel it is too much watching her grandchild all of the time

My girlfriend is obsessed with her grandchild. She talks about her all day and night looks and shows me pictures all day. We work all week and then we have her on the weekends. I love her also but damn it is too much. I feel her daughter takes her for granted and she let's her. I also need time and attention. I have grandchildren too but I set boundaries. I don't know how to approach the situation. I feel alienated. Please help. Thank you.

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Comments ( 6 )
  • mafioso

    How about to tell her exactly that? I feel like she should understand, that you need time for each other too. Maybe propose, that you can have her on every second weekend, or third?

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    • Loveher52

      Thank you so much. I will approach the situation that way. I don't want to have a big argument with her. But I feel she will be very confrontational.

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      • mafioso

        No problem, seems like she might be confrontational, but as long as you will tell her, that you love her too, but you love your wife even more, it should be okay. Good luck

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        • Loveher52

          Thanks again.

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  • SwickDinging

    Obviously talk to her about how you feel but be prepared for her to say that she won't be changing her behaviour. If she's really close to her grandchildren then I imagine she would prioritise them above a relationship.

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  • darefu

    I believe you said it's your girlfriend's grandchild if that's the case get it out now if you or she has a problem now is the time to iron it out. Grandchildren are a little different but I had young children from a previous relationship and I told every new person that wanted a relationship with me they were part of the package and came first. Their weekends and visiting weeks were theirs and if my then current fling wanted to enjoy them with me fine but it was their time. That doesn't mean if you're serious about this gf that you can't negotiate a little better arrangement, but get it out in the open.

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