I feel lightheaded after getting hit in the head

I was at a concert and accidently got kicked in the side of my head by someone crowd surfing. I have been feeling very dizzy and lightheaded since I got hit and I just feel off, I have a very mild pain in my temple.
I have not drank any water and it is rather hot where i'm at, I asked my friend and they said it doesen't seem like I have a concussion.

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Comments ( 10 )

    Don't go by what your friend says and get to a doc now.

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  • GaelicPotato

    How about you seek medical advice from a medical professional instead of a bunch of dim-witted forum know-it-alls.

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  • sweetone89

    Doctor. Do not take advil or iburpofen for headache. Or aspirin.use only Tylenol.

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  • Boojum

    First, why the hell are you not keeping yourself well-hydrated when it's hot? Is this the latest insanely stupid TikTok challenge or something? Feeling lightheaded and just vaguely "off" are indeed symptoms of dehydration. Every summer, lots of people ignore those symptoms, a stupid design flaw of the human body and brain comes into effect where they eventually stop feeling thirsty, and then they end up with heat stroke and either die or suffer permanent brain damage.

    It's possible the mild pain in your temple is just bruising, but if you get yourself hydrated and the symptoms remain, you should seek medical advice.

    For some reason, YouTube's suggestion algorithm has recently recommended several videos where people have been smacked upside the head and then suffered all sorts of weird shit weeks, months or even years down the line. The possible damage from being accidentally kicked in the head is nothing like as bad as, for example, a motorcycle accident, but our brains are not designed to cope well with being forcibly jerked around in the skull, so it's not impossible that something unpleasant has happened.

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    • I just didn't think of it for some reason. I drank two bottles of water right after the incident and the symptoms seem to be subsiding.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    I use to box and I never felt dizzy by just like that after some time had passed. Just got a headache normally. Also felt kind of slow and care free.

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    • Tommythecaty

      I felt the same, but I didn’t box, I got hit on the head by a box.

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      • 1WeirdGuy

        I would lose shit after. Like go out to start my car realize I left my keys in. Then get them then go to the grocery store and I left my wallet home

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        • Tommythecaty

          Fuck that’s not good. Yeah I have similar issues with memory loss, confusion, aggression. Several head injuries and drug use can do that I found out lol.

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  • litelander8


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