I feel like i'm a mixture of being christian and being agnostic

I was raised in a Lutheran (Christian Protestant) household, but became less and less religious over the years. When I was in middle school, I went through a brief atheist phase, but it was solely because I resented my parents forcing me to participate in Confirmation (Which lasts all three years of middle school). Even when I grew out of that phase, I became less and less religious- I still went to church in high school and in college (when I lived in the house) because my dad would be disappointed if I didn't.

My church is very friendly, positive, and accepting- to me, my church is proof that Christianity and religion aren't inherently bad. I don't hate religion, but I'm still uncomfortable around overly religious Christians whose lives are basically tied around their Church. I think a part of that is because I know that there's a possibility that God doesn't exist- part of me does believe that he exists, but then an even bigger part of me doesn't believe that he does.

So is it normal that I'm a mixture of being both Christian and agnostic?

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85% Normal
Based on 40 votes (34 yes)
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Comments ( 55 )
  • Holzman_67

    It's normal. Your faith is being tested.

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    • Good answer. Sums it up in much fewer words than I was going to post.

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      • Your god doesnt exist your a brainwashed christian.

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        • SomeGuyWithAMop

          ^ Butt hurt

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        • Sunshine:)

          Get outta here. We are free to comment and shouldn't have to worry about being judged.

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          • You Christians spam your bullshit everywhere I should be free to spam my antibrainwashing anywhere I want. You want people like me to shutup you guys shutup first and stop using fear tactics to try and convert us.

            Why am I not free to have a say in this matter? Christians butt into everything yet when someone butts into there religion you say its not allowed.... why are you guys allowed to but into everything.

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            • Sunshine:)

              I am not trying to convert you, I was simply writing my opinion on a story. I am not trying to shush you up; But really what is the big deal?! Whatever happened to freedom of speech?

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        • Your assumption that I'm a Christian amuses me because it proves your stupidity.

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        • Goomats

          *Your God doesn't exist. You're a brainwashed Christian.

          Your grammar doesn't exist.You're a brainwashed ignoramus.

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    • suckonthis9

      To have 'faith', means 'to trust'.

      Who do you trust, and why do you trust them?

      How can one's trust be tested?

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      • Holzman_67

        I trust my father.
        I lived with him for 27 years. That was enough time to test his trust. He loved me unconditionally.

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  • GoraIntoDesiGals

    It's normal to doubt such a load of non-sense.

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  • DiamondGirl

    I am Jewish, And believe That there is a God. There's no way everything evolved from an atom. I sorta believe there's a Jesus. I am kind of grappling with that. But's it's ok to have mixed opinions. Because no one really knows what the truth is.

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    • suckonthis9

      You have used a term which divides yourself and others from other people. The use of this term might be offensive to some people, whether they are religious, or whether they are not religious.
      You could have almost as easily described yourself as being a religious person from Israel, or as a religious person with ancestry in the ancient land of Judea, or similar to these, without being offensive to anyone.

      Why are you creating division in society?

      You have made a statement that you believe there is a deity. Which deity do you believe exists?

      You are correct, in your statement that, "There's no way everything evolved from an atom." I have never heard of anyone, learned or unlearned, who has ever made such a ludicrous claim.

      "Sorta", is not a word; 'somewhat', would have probably been appropriate to use in this instance.
      There are, and were, many people named "Jesus".
      I believe that the person to who you are referring to, who is better known today as 'Jesus of Nazareth', was a real person. [Many people at the time of his life did not have surnames. His real name, translates more closely into English, as 'Jesua' or 'Yeshua'] This person was probably born on 8 Tishri, 3759, and died sometime in the years 3791 to 3794 (Hebrew Calendar). [Please note that these dates are disputed]. He lived in the vicinity of Nazareth and Galilee, in the Roman Province of Judaea. He was an ordained priest in one of the religious sects of Judah, and he also was a teacher. He was rebellious, and participated in forming a new religious sect, becoming the leader, and he was brutally executed for doing so.

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      • DiamondGirl

        That's how I tawk, Im from New York. Don't be a hater, oh I didn't know u were a rabbi. Your too smart 4 me. oh well! who cares.

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        • Trust me...he's not too smart for you.

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          • DiamondGirl

            Thanks, who's he's smart enough 4, a squirrel? or something with an equally similar brain? Probably not, oh well let him keep correcting me and others, it just shows how empty his pathetic life really is.

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        • suckonthis9

          Because someone is from a particular place, then they are automatically divided? I don't think so.

          You are divided because you stubbornly cling onto outdated, archaic thoughts, ideas and / or concepts.

          I am not a "hater". Hating anyone, is not politically correct. I avoid being involved in politics as much as possible (although I will discuss important political issues from time to time), as I choose to be diplomatic instead.

          I am not a "rabbi". If I were a "rabbi", or any other type of religious leader or advocate, then that would make me biased and therefore unable to impartially impart a very important message.

          Please do not use textese, where it does not belong.
          Thank you.

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          • DiamondGirl

            Please stop being a smart ass, that is politically incorrect. And stop being judgemental there's enough of that. If your so smart why r u on this site. Just to pick on women who aren't as educated as u. Yeah your a real man. Pathetic. Well if u want too start with me, you picked the wrong bitch. Bring it!

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            • suckonthis9

              I am not "being a smart-ass" (please note the hyphen). This term is synonymous with the phrase 'smart aleck'.

              smart al·eck noun \ˈsmärt-ˌa-lik, -ˌe-\

              Definition of SMART ALECK

              : an obnoxiously conceited and self-assertive person with pretensions to smartness or cleverness

              I am not 'obnoxious', nor would I describe myself as 'conceited', although I am usually quite thoughtful. I am not always self-assertive, and I do not make 'pretensions', but I actually do know something which is very important for everyone to understand. Is there something incorrect with being clever?
              I am trying my best to be 'diplomatically correct'(since I usually try not to get involved in politics). Does that make you feel better?

              Please note that there is no "E" in 'judgmental'.
              Most people are 'judgmental', whether they admit this fact or not. Would you like me to change human nature? How would I be able to accomplish such a task?
              Do you often issue orders like a petty dictator?

              I have never bragged about being "smart", and I certainly do not need you to brag about my intelligence, or lack thereof, for me, thank you.

              Please do not use textese, where it does not belong.
              Thank you.

              I am on this Website in order to communicate with others.

              I do not 'pick on women', whether they are well educated or not, as this would constitute prejudice or discrimination based on sex, and is thus unfair. I try to treat everyone fairly.

              Please try to improve on your sentence structure.
              Thank you.

              I am not your enemy. Why are you attempting to cause conflict?

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  • suckonthis9

    You seem to be confused, I can help you.

    I, too, came from a religious background (although not an extreme one).

    You had made a statement that you are less and less religious, but then spread corrupt, archaic and divided terminology around the world (seven times). The use of these terms might be offensive to some people, whether they are religious, or whether they are not religious.

    Why are you creating division in society?

    Instead, in future, you should refer to yourself and / or others simply as either religious or not religious. This is rather neutral, and should not be offensive to anyone.
    There is no such thing as being partly religious, or unsure about one's religion. You are either religious or you are not religious, period.

    The term which you had used, with the -ist suffix, is nonsensical. It purports that and assumes [incorrectly] that a deity actually exists. It means that, ' one who does not believe in something that does not exist'.
    These -ists and -isms also contribute to division in society.
    Please do not use -ists or -isms.
    Thank you.

    You had made a statement that you are a person who believes that an ancient anointing ceremony confers special or magical powers on certain people. What do you know about this ancient anointing ceremony? Is there any empirical evidence whatsoever that this is true? If so, then please provide the details.

    You had also made a statement that, "My church is very friendly, positive, and accepting- to me, my church is proof that [archaic divided people] and religion aren't inherently bad." This is false pretense, and is misleading. In fact, a 'church' was originally a place where ALL the people could gather and meet, and these replaced civic buildings (town halls). Times have changed. They have since become very corrupt and divided.
    Not one day has elapsed for the last two thousand years or so, where these archaic, divided religious people have not caused hatred, war and bloodshed.In fact, we are continuing to battle in several conflicts around the world, primarily over these archaic religious beliefs. It is often easy to blame 'someone else', but you, yes you my friend, are partly responsible for spreading this hatred around.
    You had already made an admittance that your own father forced you (or manipulated you) into some of these religious beliefs against your own will. This sounds more like a totalitarian regime than anything else, not very friendly, positive or accepting.

    You had also made a reference of [and alluded to the actual existence of] a generic deity. Which deity you are referring to?

    You pretend that you are not very religious, but by your own words, you are still very religious.
    Please be more careful with your words, in future.
    Thank you.
    How can you be certain that this nondescript deity is

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  • Sunshine:)

    Same thing I'm going through right now. Nice advice Holzman 67.

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  • tearwatertea

    This is completely normal. I am a secular humanist, most definitely an atheist, but I am still culturally Catholic in a lot of ways. I respect the strength, comfort, and sense of community my family draws from their faith, even if that respect often feels unreciprocated. I know exactly what you mean by those uncomfortable conversations. I went through a long and stressful crisis of faith in my mid-teens and wasn't quite sure where to turn. Julia Sweeney's monologue, "Letting Go of God," was surprisingly helpful. I think it does a good job of what a lot of us go through when we find ourselves becoming less religious. It's also very funny. Look for it on YouTube if you're interested.

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  • Avant-Garde

    I think it's normal. You have the right to believe what ever it is that you want to believe in. As a kid, I certainly never thought that I would grow up to be an atheist/agnostic. Life is full of surprises.

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  • otakufreak40

    If I remember correctly, an agnostic is someone who believes that it is impossible to prove the existence of God/a god/many gods. It's possible to be theistic and agnostic. It's basically saying "I know it's impossible to prove, but I choose to believe." Similarly, it's possible to be a gnostic atheist. "I know there is no god, therefore I don't worship one."

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  • foolish is an evil go figure

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  • Goomats

    It's normal. Every Christian has doubt. I suspect that every Atheist has times where he/she wonders if there IS a God.

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    • suckonthis9

      Your suspicions are unfounded and incorrect. To which 'good deity' are you referring?

      You are a very badly divided religious person, who stubbornly clings on to archaic thoughts, ideas and concepts. Please strive to correct your division problem.
      Thank you.

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      • Goomats

        Okay, I concede. I exaggerated. Not EVERY Christian or EVERY Atheist has doubts, but I know many do. It takes a leap of faith to claim either stance as a truth. Everybody has their opinions, testimonials and personal journeys. I, for one, believe in God. This does not make me archaic. This is just my personal belief. I don't think anybody's religious opinions make them "modern" or "archaic". People have had many religious opinions since the beginning of humanity.

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        • suckonthis9

          You have once again used a term which divides a group of religious people, from other religious people, as well as dividing them from people who are not religious. The use of this, and / or similar terminology, might be offensive to some people, whether they are religious, or whether they are not religious.
          Please discontinue dividing yourself and / or others.

          Please do not use -ists or -isms.

          Thank you.

          To have "faith", means 'to trust'.
          How does one 'take a leap of trust'?

          Is / are the person or people to who you are referring cadaver(s)?
          In future, please use 'everyone' instead, but be extremely careful with 'blanket assumptions'.
          I do not believe that 'bodies' have any opinions, nor do they give any testimonials. They might take a journey, however, with the help of living people, to such places as a mortuary, cemetery or crematorium, etc.

          Which deity do you believe exists?

          Please delineate the approximate period of time that 'humanity began', in your opinion.
          Thank you.

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    • GoraIntoDesiGals

      I never doubt that there is no god because evidence that one or several god(s) exist(s) was never presented to me.

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      • Goomats

        While that is true in your case, I know many Atheists who have doubts and many Christians who have doubts. I think right now, we do not have the science, brain-capacity or information as a collective species to prove or disprove a God. Every person has to make their best choice and while I believe in God, I cannot prove His existence to others and nobody has disproved His existence to me. This is why many people, regardless of their faith or lack there of, are confronted with doubts, even if you are not.

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        • GoraIntoDesiGals

          Disproving is a fallacy. You can't disprove Zeus, Jupiter or unicorns.

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          • Goomats

            True, Zeus and Jupiter could be real. Unicorns have not been documented thus most people, including myself, do not believe in them, but I am sure some people believe in them somewhere. Do you think it's important to convert people to Atheism? If so, why? There's no theoretical reward for Atheism or punishment for faith in the Atheist standpoint. Everybody just dies and ceases consciousness.

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  • RomeoDeMontague

    Also I think a lot of people are uncomfortable around those who are way to into church. That includes other Christians.

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  • RomeoDeMontague

    Agnostic just means you believe got may or may not exist.

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  • LMFAO_1

    If your question is 'is it normal to be unsure?' Then yes. Since the presence of an after-life is only truly determined by death it is impossible to be 100% sure that an after life truly exists, and if it does it is more (101%) impossible to know which religion its based on, so it's normal to feel uncertain.

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  • GuessWho

    Christianity is not about going to church and getting on well with the people there. At least it shouldn't be...
    The important thing is your personal relationship with God.
    You don't need to conform to the rituals of a specific church or deal with "overly religious" people (in fact that can even be bad for you).
    Just read the Bible and live your life accordingly.


    So many churches follow specific rituals - Which the Bible even says is bad. (In some extremes, even conforming more to the characteristics of Satanism than Christianity)
    Then there are also many others that preach "new-age theology" (A corrupted mix of all religions that equates to saying everyone is acceptable to God and that certain sins are okay, despite the Bible stating otherwise) - Which is also a bad thing.

    So, find one of the more accurate translations of the Bible (i.e. KJV) and find your own way to God.
    Other people can't save you - only you can do that for yourself.
    (Yes, some versions of the Bible are grossly mistranslated to spread a false message)


    Even Non-Christians can benefit from reading the Bible, as it contains a basic moral code for all humans as well as some world history. It puts so many things into perspective.
    It's also far more interesting than many of those crappy novels so many people are polluting their brains with these days.

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    • suckonthis9

      You have, three times, used a term which divides a group of people [who believe that an ancient anointing ceremony confers special or magical powers to someone] from other people. The use of this term might be offensive to some people, whether they are religious, or whether they are not religious.

      Why are you creating division in society?

      You have made a reference to a deity. To which deity are you referring?

      'Satan', is not, or never was, a real person or thing. This is a fictitious character created through a very badly corrupted old story of a man who fell off a horse.
      Please do not use -ists or -isms, as these further contribute to division in society.
      Thank you, and please make a concerted effort to make yourself indivisible.

      The King James Version of the Bible not corrupted? Are you serious? Try Young's Literal Translation. This version is less corrupt, but is also very corrupted.
      The truth of the matter is: a version of the Bible that is not corrupt, is simply no longer available. The Bible had already become very badly corrupted within a century after Jesua's death. There are simply no copies of earlier texts available, from which to translate.

      I think that Ron White had said it best, "You can't fix stupid".

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      • DiamondGirl

        shut the hell up already. please Rabbi ur killin me oy vay!

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      • "Thank you, and please make a concerted effort to make yourself indivisible."

        This...from the most divisive person on this site.

        Unjustly insinuating that GuessWho is stupid while quoting a comedian, might be an attempt at humor, but would qualify for dividing people beyond anything using "ists" and "isms" ever could.

        Despite being correct about much of your biblical critique, you cast stones at those you intend to help, rendering your words obsolete.

        You're almost starting to sound human...but every time I've thought that before, you returned to your mechanical and repetitive diatribe of insults and nitpicking.

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      • GuessWho

        Society is divided. Deal with it.
        If my anti-globalisation comment pisses you off, good.

        The people that attempt to unite the world into a single way of thinking (in order to rule over them with a global government) are the Satanists.
        It doesn't matter whether Satan is real or not, for Satanism is. And these people have evil intentions.
        They want a society without divisions, so that they can be its dictators.

        So, let society be divided. For division is good. I embrace the difference and uniqueness of different people and strive to keep it that way.

        If society was undivided and all shared the same mindset as you, you would have no need to comment as there would be no comments by others representing any opinion different from your own, and thus, you would be come very, very bored.

        The KJV bible IS, itself somewhat corrupted. I never said it wasn't.
        It is just significantly less corrupted than many of the newer translations that have been purposely mistranslated to spread the message that the origination that translates/distributes/sponsors it wants you to read, rather than that of the original authors.

        Playing into the hands of Satanists by fighting divisions in society is the real stupidity here.

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        • suckonthis9

          I am 'dealing with it'.

          I am attempting to put an end to all [destructive] divisions in society, and to put an end to politics.

          Your statement that,"If society was undivided and all shared the same mindset as you, you would have no need to comment as there would be no comments by others representing any opinion different from your own, and thus, you would be come very, very bored.", is a fallacy and is ludicrous. There will always be differences of opinion in society, and plenty of interesting topics to communicate on. These can all be discussed in a civil, meaningful way, which is true and factual with the actual nature of the Universe (as well as things which you presently know nothing or very little about, and can't quite be classified as 'natural').
          This is what living within 'Civilisation' means.

          Please do not use -ists or -isms, as these are religiously and / or politically charged, and contribute to divisions in society.
          Thank you.

          "Satan', is a fictitious character.
          Who are you fighting against, people who support fictitious characters (in general), or people who support just the one previously named fictitious character?

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          • GuessWho

            You're fighting a futile battle for society will always be divided as that's what makes it work the way it does.

            People don't like change and will never accept a society without these divisions.

            Your anti-division commentary is nothing more than a slight annoyance.

            ...so go back to living in your little dream world where you can actually do something about it.

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  • Dot123

    Ancient astronaut theory.

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