I feel like i need to give up on a software career
I can't tell if it's just the job market or if I genuinely shouldn't be in this field. I graduated in 2020 and I've been looking for a software engineering job ever since. I know Javascript (vanilla/node/jquery), PHP, Java, Lua, and Python. I obviously know HTML and CSS. I use bash sometimes and I have made using git a habit since day 1 with projects.
No one wants to go past the initial interview. Even then, one place did and decided they didnt want me anymore because I didn't have industry experience in a drag and drop program for building websites.
It's ridiculous and I need to pay student loans. I'm so tempted to just factory reset my PC, wipe the repositories on my github and just go apply at the local gas station. At least I'll make $16/hr and I know they'll want me because they need employees desperately. I'd be extremely unhappy but it's becoming clear that software engineering isnt the answer now, or ever in the future.
Is anyone else struggling to find work especially in the software industry?