I feel like i need to give up on a software career

I can't tell if it's just the job market or if I genuinely shouldn't be in this field. I graduated in 2020 and I've been looking for a software engineering job ever since. I know Javascript (vanilla/node/jquery), PHP, Java, Lua, and Python. I obviously know HTML and CSS. I use bash sometimes and I have made using git a habit since day 1 with projects.

No one wants to go past the initial interview. Even then, one place did and decided they didnt want me anymore because I didn't have industry experience in a drag and drop program for building websites.

It's ridiculous and I need to pay student loans. I'm so tempted to just factory reset my PC, wipe the repositories on my github and just go apply at the local gas station. At least I'll make $16/hr and I know they'll want me because they need employees desperately. I'd be extremely unhappy but it's becoming clear that software engineering isnt the answer now, or ever in the future.

Is anyone else struggling to find work especially in the software industry?

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Comments ( 3 )
  • 1WeirdGuy

    You probably should find something for now but dont give up on the software jobs. Thats gonna be your meal ticket. If you stay at it eventually you're gonna find something. At the very least apply for one job a day. In 2 months that 60 jobs and it wont be overwhelming for you.

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  • olderdude-xx

    I'm sorry you are going through this. A fact is that the Engineering schools graduate 4 times the amount of engineers needed long term. About 25% never get an engineering job, the next 25% is flushed out by year 4, and the other 25% is flushed by year 10.

    I'm one of the extremely few engineers who was able to get back into engineering after being flushed out about 5 1/2 years after I graduated. It took me about 12 years to get that extremely rare chance to get back into engineering, and then I was flushed out again in my late 50's.

    I've found more pleasure in assisting people to do better and building companies than jobs (which is what I do now); but, I sure took a lot of menial jobs to pay my bills in the meantime at various parts of my life.

    I wish you the best. PM me if you want to talk in person.

    Note: my numbers of 4X and when people are flushed was from an article published by The American Society of Mechanical Engineers, and it covered all types of engineers. Only petroleum engineers did better in that article, and my recollection was that 1/2 to 2/3 of them were flushed from the industry.

    The article questioned why the colleges were graduating so many engineers. The answer is that they get paid per graduate, not on if the graduates can get and keep a job.

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  • billy_poopoo_69

    give up on living

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