I feel like i need to move out at 18

I'm only a high school junior and I feel like I've missed the opportunity to get a job and earn money. By the time I'm 18, I need to have moved out and work a stable job. If I don't I feel like I'll be marked as a degenerate. I believe people who live with their parents are not appreciated by society, so I try not to be that.

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Comments ( 14 )
  • Cuntsiclestick

    Living with your parents at 18 is fine. Now if you were thirty, close to thirty, or older than thirty, THEN you'd have to worry.

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  • SkullsNRoses

    No sane person in this day and age will consider you a slacker for not being totally independent at 18.

    I am 24 and have been full time education or employment for most of my adult life. I moved back in with my parents at 20 (they were paying my rent in uni and it got too expensive) and nobody gives a shit. Granted I live in London where rent prices are revolting but it still takes longer these days to “find your feet”.

    You’re a degenerate if you leech off your family without even trying to find a decent job. Don’t call yourself a degenerate just for being young.

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  • Boojum

    You're already a slacker. I moved out when I was 16.

    Seriously, though, I think your prime motivation for getting your own place is absurd. Making major life decisions because you want to gain the approval of 'them' or 'society' is damn stupid. Why should you care what 'they' think of you because you live with your parents? Constantly chasing the approval of some vague, invisible group of people is a really crap way to approach life.

    Some people who live with their parents as adults are indeed leeches and basically children in adult bodies. But some people continue to live with their parents because (unlike how it was when I was 16) it's financially impossible for them to live independently on what they earn from an entry-level job that requires nothing more than a HS diploma. And some of those people make a financial contribution to the household that makes life a lot more comfortable for themselves and their parents.

    If someone really can't get along with their parents or if there's any sort of abuse going on in the family, then it makes total sense for a kid to move out the moment they can do that. But these days, a HS diploma won't get you far in the job marketplace, and the sort of job you'll be able to get is likely either minimum-wage and dead-end or one that could disappear at any moment due to automation or it moving to a country where people are paid even less.

    If you and your parents get along reasonably well and they're willing and able to support you until you get some sort of qualification that will let you get a reasonably decent job that probably has some sort of future, then be grateful for that and make the best of it. Nobody with any sense would criticise you for living at home while you're actively working towards some goal that will prepare you better for the rest of your life.

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    • FromTheSouthWeirdMan

      17 here, not by choice tho lol

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  • have_a_good_day

    I feel like school should be paid fo by da parents until age 16. THEN there is still 6 years left of school that da kids will have to pay. in those 6 years they get taught real world skills. little things like building, plumbing, accounting, how to make crack cocaine, real appliable mothafuckin skills.
    they must teach it to you as well as give you on da job training and pay you.
    every child should learn at least 3 or 4 of these skills. you'll never be jobless then.
    depending on how good you do, you get placed into industries instead of universities. fuck tertiary institutions

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  • TruthandReality

    You have to live with your parents before you find anything good. If you live elsewhere your gonna start that life to early and your not even ready for that. First get Money together and also make sure to learn more about things before you head out. And btw, since your parents helped you out while you were little you should contribute while your at home for at least 2-3 years. Itll help them out

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  • bigbudchonga

    People are staying at their parent's houses for ages nowadays. Don't worry about it dude. I moved out when I was 18, and most of my friends still live at home. Frankly, they're more accomplished than me. Moving out at 18 isn't something you're expected to do.

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  • BleedingPain

    Oh no! A minor on IIN!


    This is the mod police, it’s time for you to stay inside like a normal child until you are at least 21

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  • ellnell

    A lot of people lives at home past 20, it's very common.
    People mature at different rates for different reasons, finding a stable job can be hard for different reasons both due to a lack of jobs and mental health or even both, and apartments can be hard to come by. Around here if you get in line for an apartment it will take around 3 years before you even get offered to go to viewings.
    Do whatever works best for you and what you feel ready for. I'd say don't move out if you don't feel you can cope with that yet, that can turn pretty bad but if so you can probably prepare by doing the things that makes you doubt you are ready to move out yet, such as learning how to cook if that's something you can't do.

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  • emanwon

    Im trying to move out by 17.

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  • SwickDinging

    Nah, these days it's pretty normal for people to stay home longer than that.

    I moved out at 18 and honestly, it wasn't that great. It was much easier to do back then so it wasn't exactly a big deal, but the reason I was keen to get out was that my parents were abusive. I struggled standing on my own two feet for years before I settled in and became happy. In hindsight I think it would have been better if I didn't have abusive parents (duh) and I could have stayed at home for another year or two to save some money and mature a bit.

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  • FromTheSouthWeirdMan

    Thats good to feel that way. That will make you successful to be hard on yourself.

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  • olderdude-xx

    Good question: It all really depends on your specific family situation and you.

    There are so many variables in those that I cannot comment more on that.

    It's quite appropriate to need to move out at 18 (or even before) and be supporting yourself in some situations.

    It's quite appropriate to stay and develop yourself and your future before moving out in other situations.

    I wish you the best in figuring this out for yourself and your situation.

    Go fourth and be successful,

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  • Somenormie

    Y'aint normal.

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