I feel like im the only one who feels this way...is it normal?

I just turned 18 last month and about my Junior year of high school i was diagnosed with anxiety and agoraphobia. Anxiety runs in my family and unfortunately i got it. It was really bad in the first year of having it, everyday in school before i started home school i would feel anxious and nervous. I could never hold still, and i absolutely hated being in the hallways and classrooms. I took medication at one point and also counseling but that really didn't help. Now im on no medication and i still feel extremely nervous in crowded places such as the gym and school talent shows. I think i have OCD as well because i always have unwanted thoughts. Honestly i feel like im a freak alone in this. Im so young and i feel like my life is over. Anxiety has stopped me from doing a lot of things i wouldve love to have done. I wish i could go back for at least one day before all this hit me..
Is this normal? .___.

Voting Results
83% Normal
Based on 58 votes (48 yes)
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Comments ( 18 )
  • I suffered from it from my teens well into my 30s. I know exactly what you're going through. Eventually I actually trained myself to look at life from a new perspective & not let things bother me. I no longer suffer anxiety. It is possible to conquer.

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  • JustDave

    I can completely relate. I have panic/anxiety disorder and depression. At one point in my life I was extremely agoraphobic & was unable to drive a car around the block. Things do get better. With me it took alot of therapy & medication. I hope you too can have the same success and relief.

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  • pinkcheerleaderxoxo

    I as well as everyone else who has commented understand. I wake up with panic attacks, have anxiety all day, and have lots of unwanted and terrible thoughts. Sometimes I feel like someone else is controlling me and I've been in counseling many times throughout my life. I started acting like this when I was really young and a very traumatic event happened for me. Now whenever I'm at a stressful point in my life the anxiety comes back. Maybe it's the same for you?

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  • thinkingaboutit

    -_- anxiety does not run in families and is not a genetic disease. You're inclined to feel anxious because you spend your life around people who were emotionally challenged. They taught you how to behave and the only person that can un-teach you is [drum roll] you. Oh, but its a fucking hard uphill battle.

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    • ENxoxo

      You are wrong, anxiety does run in genetics and that's one of the biggest roles of why some people have it. Try not to act like such a smart ass next time you want to put your false input in something. You look like a fool. Thanks.

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      • thinkingaboutit

        Try not to choke on all that garbage you're being fed by pharmaceutical companies. I am not wrong, there is no god damn gene for anxiety. Or any other behavior for that matter. Thanks.

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        • JustDave

          So do people learn schizophrenia or bipolar disorders as they also tend to run in families?

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          • thinkingaboutit

            It's funny that you say that because I almost wrote "anxiety isn't like schizophrenia". Psychotic disorders are ultimately product of severely 'overactive' nervous systems, they are pathological. Anxiety is fear? But to clarify, by "run in families" I did mean genetically determined (not some how correlated or inclined
            *under the right conditions*).

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            • JustDave

              You seem to be so full of "information" in things you know so little about. Very awe inspiring.

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  • nohatingplz

    Anxiety and depression DEFINITELY run in families genetically and not just as a learned behavior. They are not necessarily bad in some ways. Some people are just naturally more reticent to spend a lot of time with others. But in my own experience, when they truly get hold of a person so that they are running your life and making your decisions for you, and making it hard to work, miserable to go to school, etc. then anxiety becomes a major pain in the ass. Do get therapy but also.. please don't go around feeling like a freak, this is a very common disorder especially in crowded societies.

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  • 2????8

    I am like you and I suffer from anxiety disorder, i also have OCD so I know how hard it must be and believe me, it is totally normal.

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  • terralee20

    There are millions of people out there who feel the way you do. You have to belive in yourself and do things that help mek you feel better. And if you don't look after yourself no one else will. Best of luck x

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