I feel like im the only one who feels this way...is it normal?
I just turned 18 last month and about my Junior year of high school i was diagnosed with anxiety and agoraphobia. Anxiety runs in my family and unfortunately i got it. It was really bad in the first year of having it, everyday in school before i started home school i would feel anxious and nervous. I could never hold still, and i absolutely hated being in the hallways and classrooms. I took medication at one point and also counseling but that really didn't help. Now im on no medication and i still feel extremely nervous in crowded places such as the gym and school talent shows. I think i have OCD as well because i always have unwanted thoughts. Honestly i feel like im a freak alone in this. Im so young and i feel like my life is over. Anxiety has stopped me from doing a lot of things i wouldve love to have done. I wish i could go back for at least one day before all this hit me..
Is this normal? .___.