I feel like life is trying to drown me?

That was a short way of saying it to be blunt. I'm not literally drowning but how life is going for me currently, it really feels that way. I just can't find a foothold in life. Whenever I try hard and make progress, it all falls apart.

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Comments ( 4 )
  • Billy247newaccount_35467829

    Some people's lives are like that.

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    Feeling overwhelmed in life is a sign of depression. Find a way out of it. Helping others less fortunate is a wonderful way.

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  • olderdude-xx

    Yes, at times it can seem that way... and some times it does.

    Here is the basic problem (which exist worldwide in all cultures).

    In every part of the world there is a local "economic self sufficiency" value which relates to being able to have basic housing, adequate nutritious food, adequate basic health care, and adequate transportation such that you are not stressed out and concerned about survival.

    Below that line you are in effective poverty.

    In the USA that value tends to be 2.5 - 5 times the federal poverty level depending on where you live in the USA.

    The problem is that you cannot work your way out of poverty with a low wage job or if you run a low income generating business. People in that condition are just stuck there.

    The key to getting out of that situation is to learn new knowledge and develop new skills such that you can get a better paying job or build a more profitable business.

    Job training may get you a better job; yet, I have rarely seen it get anyone a job that transitioned themselves from poverty to above the economic self sufficiency line unless they go massively in debt (which still keeps them in effective poverty).

    The cheapest way to get this education is via reading books that cover a variety of base knowledge and success principals.

    Here is a list of some of the base books that I have found to have made the most impact the fastest with working with people below the economic self sufficiency line. Most people in the USA can get these books from a local library if they cannot afford to purchase them on their own (and if you happen to live near me I will give them to you as long as you read them).

    Note: perhaps you are OK in some of these areas; but you can get better:


    "How To Win Friends & Influence People In The Digital Age" by Dale Carnegie & Associates (a modern update to the classic How To Wind Fiends & Influence People).

    Personal emotional/romantic relationships and make or break you.

    "The 5 Love Languages" by Gary Chapman. There are teenage, elder, etc. variations available.

    The basic economic system of most western countries and how and where you can get ahead.

    "Cashflow Quadrant" (subtitled: Guide To Financial Freedom) by Robert Kiyosaki.

    The financial and emotional importance of being able to work well with other people,

    "Emotional Intelligence" by Daniel Goleman.

    Basic success skills you need to practice to pull it all together.

    "The Compound Effect" by Darren Hardy

    If you like any of those PM me and we can talk more and I may be able to make other recommendations specific to your situation.

    Note: reread these books periodically... as your knowledge and skills get better you will find information in these books that you did not recognize earlier.

    You can overcome and be successful.... I believe in you,

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  • RoseIsabella

    Do you have diarrhea?

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