I feel like somone is at my room when i sleep

This month every night around midnight I feel like someone is watching me standing over my bed or this blind spot from my bed from the door I feel if I wake up there is someone watching me and is about to grab me and I have the urge to keep looking around my room and look at the space behind my door a lot until I get really tired and fall asleep and the thing is I always wake up at 12:00 witch is bothering me can anyone explain this

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Comments ( 10 )
  • Pika-girl

    When I was a kid, my sister and I were separated to different rooms. When her bed was being removed from my room, my mom rearranged the furniture. And... My bed ended up being in the middle of the back of the room. I was like, "Oh god... Now I have to look on both sides." I got so freaked out that I used my little girl powers to push my bed next to the window, where it always was. Now, I had to look only on the left side... Which was great because I sleep on my RIGHT side... Now what? I just left it there.

    The point is that I never felt safe in my own room. I know that there are other people living with me, but our only protection was our own strength and a bat. Maybe some rocks from my rock collection... Anyway, I always felt watched, even up to this moment right now. You're not alone.

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    • kingofcarrotflowers

      I could never sleep in the middle of a room it always felt too open , no, i'd stick to the saftey of a corner.

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      • Pika-girl

        Once, I was going to turn off the lights (they were on the other side of the room) but I became scared and I froze there for 15 minutes before turning them off.

        Once they were off, I ran to my bed and quickly put on my blanket.

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        • kingofcarrotflowers

          I hated the walk from my light to my bed, I used to have a 20 ft room which made it worse :s

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    • shuggy-chan

      *hugs* haha too cute

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  • polina.janisevska

    I think you may be paranoid, go to the doctors if this is affecting you

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  • bent4u

    Ghosts or demons

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  • EdgeFencer

    it's best to stay away from all the horror movies and creepy pastas if it's making you sleep deprived and stuff..

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  • kebertxela

    I think it is normal. This past week I was house-sitting for my parents (who live in the suburbs). Our family has two dogs so every night I had two dogs sleeping in the bed with me. Even though the dogs were there, I still had this horrible feeling that I would wake up to find someone standing in the door! It got so bad that I ended up bringing their water bowl into the room and locking the bedroom door at night.

    I think this might be my karma for something I did in the past. I was staying at a friends' apartment. I was extremely high and accidentally walked into the wrong apartment. It was late so the lights were off. As I walked around the corner to enter "my" room...I realized that I was in fact in someone else's apartment! Their bedroom door was open and I froze for a second. There has got to be some sixth sense that humans have evolved over millions of years because it took the person no more than one second to sit up and start screaming! I feel so bad about that. He must have shit his pants!

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  • seakelp

    Look at the statistics for break-ins. It's a pretty rare occurrence.

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