I feel my stomach beat in my gut at night
I’m 26, male, thin and active. But lately I’ve been noticing my heart racing at night and I’ve a heavy pulse by belly button. I wake up dizzy and covered in sweat.
Is this normal?
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I’m 26, male, thin and active. But lately I’ve been noticing my heart racing at night and I’ve a heavy pulse by belly button. I wake up dizzy and covered in sweat.
Is this normal?
I Don’t felt my heart beating in my throat a few weeks ago when I was trying to answer a question I got asked and my nerves were really bad I am sure the rest of the class could tell how bad i was at speaking aloud
Are you having bad dreams or do you get panic attacks? If not it sounds like you may have a heart condition. Any impediment to your normal blood flow can cause all of the symptoms you listed. My dude, you really need to see a doctor.
Do you have problems with indigestion or gerd? This can cause that. Try changing diet, google food for gerd. Don't eat 2 hours before bed.