I feel nothing...

the title says it all. i simply have 3 emotions. happy, bored and angry. i'm curious to know other peoples views on this. my mothers best friend was murdered, and i was like, "oh... ok..." i feel somewhat attracted to this girl, and again, it's like, "oh... ok..." is it normal? and if not, what can i do about it?

please, none of that: "all you guys are heartless" crap. women are much less considerate for others feelings. i'm talking from experience.

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Comments ( 20 )
  • curt77777

    Yeah I'm actually very similar to that, and I am completely drug/alcohol/smoke free. I am almost always bored, and I feel almost no emotion either. Don't worry, you're not alone. It may just be a phase or something.

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  • vectorboy

    it is totally normal, you are just unmotivated, it is simply human nature to feel emotion, what you feel now is somewhat of an emotion. i myself have felt this way, and for some reason people become very annoyed with you don't they? now i do not claim to know why you feel this way but in my experience i have found that worrying about certain thing is pointless and a real waste of energy, perhaps you think like this? Either way im no specialist and in my opinion it is normal.

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  • alilinsane

    im not sure what I'm about to say will be much help as i can't tell too much about your state of mind and how long u have felt like this but I'll give u a quick (lol if that's possible) of what iv lived with since I was a child.

    I have major/clinical depression and have never told a soul apart from three docs when I was 18-20 hoping it could help, they were no help to me because I was and know for a fact know it's purely brain chemical related but they kept trying to tell me I need therapy which I had no use for. so this gave me a belief there was no point in doctors.

    October 09 was the first time any of my friends/family found out as it finally got to a stage where my charade snapped and friend found me in a f****** up condition and was rushed to hospital (bad panaic attack which believe mw ain't pretty to witness).

    Anywho up until this point, for about 3 yrs I had self medicated and was my own personal experiment which I literally took notes on with every illegal and legal medication obtained in a not so legal way. Most drugs which r highly strong and would have a "normal" person so off their head with a 10th of the dose i'd tried had no effect on me...through all this I found two classes of drugs which let me function and feel. I have always been incapable of finding pleasure in anything or having the correct emotions when something should upset me.

    I will not tell u what drugs I have been put on as I'm not sure u are at a stage of needing such things and hopefully u never will be. I am on the strongest dose of drugs authorized for my condition which have to be authorized by the Drug of Dependence unit before a doc is even able to prescribe to anyone and it is the best thing Iv come across so far but not the correct drug.

    After explaining everything to my now psychiatrist, she has done every test to prove my theory and I finally had proof after doctors looked at me like I was ignorant and just trying to get my hands on drugs to get high.

    My brain has slowly been producing less and less dopamine and now aged 25 alomst nill which has also affected the balance of all the other monoamines. So I should be on Dopamine but unfortunatley for now it is only approved for people with parkinsons.

    My advice to u if your situation is anything like mine, get a refferal to a psychiatrist for a GP and NOT a psychologist and be 100%% honest with them and don't do what I did and feel ashamed of seeking help due to the embarresment of having mental illness. Also don't get angry if ppl tell u to do things to "snap u out" of your depression as it's only because it's impossible for anybody to understand unless they suffer from it...everybody uses the word depression to describe what is most of the time just grief and hardship, therefor can only associate it with that.

    I was literally bedridden for 2 months straight and I would of had more chance being able to get out of bed if I was crippled and the only chance of a cure for me is deep brain stimulation, an

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  • kandoralmagra

    I am the same way there is a prognosis for it. It is called Schizoid Personality Disorder. It can be caused from a wide range of events ranging from environmental to mental.

    I'm in the Military personally and have been to multiple "shrinks" after deploying (sleep disruption, hyper vigilance) one of them gave me a test called MMPI-2 which diagnosed me with the above as well as mild PTSD. If it was for the PTSD I never would of gone to a mind doc. Best remedy they could come up with was be more social; unfortunately that never works for me and countless others.

    What I do is wear a mask, I might show emotion on the outside but in actuality I don't feel a thing. Took me years of mimicking others faces to be passable.

    It's not foolproof though occasional slip ups happen and I get busted for not really showing the proper emotion for the current stimuli. Upside to this for me is I'm extremely logical/rational lack of emotions mean no emotional outbursts which is great for my line of work. Downside you are more at risk of attaining schizophrenia. This disorder is more common in those of Scandinavian decent.

    I believe that will suffice look it up if you want to compare it to how you really are.

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  • cheesey530

    We decided that one of my friends was either pissed off, normal, or horny... He added horny

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  • monkyyy

    i think its could some emotional issue maybe a variant of depression, but those are normal sadly

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  • MissAimi

    its completely normal, you just take things the way they are and move on right? theres nothing wrong with that. im the same way. Trust me, when its REALLY important youll feel something.

    You're totally right about the girl thing, im a girl so i should know

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  • Sullivan

    i remember when i was like that. i faced so much rejection in high school that i just didnt give a sh*t anymore for about a year. then i got laid for the first time and everything changed. before that i didnt even cry at my grandpas funeral.

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  • reddawn17

    yeah thats normal im guessing you're like 12-16ish its not unusual to no give a shit
    that just means you're paying attention

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  • Gentleseaangel

    Well if your not normal then Im not either lol. No seriously no kidding. Im actually like that. When my grandpa died I was like ok. When I won like this huge governors essay award I was like oookkkk. Then when the guy I liked dumped me I was like ok see ya later. or we may both be weird lol. Its ok I think it can be normal

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  • ExplosiveFurry

    EMotional detachment and a lack of emotion may be a sign of depression. Sudden extreme changes in attitude indicates bipolarity.

    Get it looked at.
    Not unusual, but not 'Standard human action', so not normal. :3

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  • You feel you are shallow, with little emotional range, and an inability to label the emotions you have. You may be depressed. Talk to a DR first. Then maybe get a bit of counselling.

    It is good that you realize there is more to life than happy, bored & angry.

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  • lemon

    Have you read 'The Outsider' by Albert Camus? The main character didn't really feel anything when his mother died. It might be a really interesting book for you to read.

    It's okay to not fit the emotional social expectations of someone dying or whatever else.

    Emotions are just a social construction. People have classified them and boxed them up and if you don't relate to certain emotions, that's okay.

    A lot of people, for example, can't feel sad - they go straight to angry, like my dad.

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  • lawliett

    No, that isn't normal. You should get psychological help... for your emotional numbness and your issues with women.

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  • TheSociopath102

    hey dumbasses ! his saying he doesnt feel them fully like most people , he feels them once in a while and its never alot of emotion running thrue .

    btw man it might be normal depending on just how far it goes . the whole girl you like thing might be normal and probably is, once you realize most girls are a wast of time , chasing them insnt realy emotional anymore .

    as for the murder thing , you should watch out for that , might be alot of supressed emotions in it , bab bad shit trust me man .

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  • Judgeofbros

    Super meh story bro.

    Simply put, your brain isn't functioning to its fullest extent. Various things can cause parts of your brain which control emotion to cease functions, particularly drug use. Have you been using drugs?

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  • pinksugardots

    You claim to feel NOTHING and yet you experience happiness, boredom, and anger. WTF? You are somewhat phlegmatic which is normal. But it must suck not being able to experience the whole spectrum of human emotion, ae?

    By the way are you getting loaded?

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  • biblebashingtreehugger

    Its not exactly normal, but not everyone gets that emotional over things. Dont look to much into it, you might just not get emtional/upset about things, have you been to a psychologist or psychiatrist about it? you might get a some useful information about it.

    Also thought I should say well done for telling any of the sexist-feminists reading how it is.

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  • mjl84

    I'm confused, you say you have no feelings, but you also say that you're either happy, bored, or angry...are you on drugs?

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  • are u on dope??

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