I feel paranoia in stores?
Whenever I am in some type of shop or store, especially a small one such as a local gift shop or something similar, I always feel as if the shopkeeper is watching me the entire time. I am not a thief, nor have I ever been one, but I cannot shake the feeling that they are watching me, waiting for me to steal. I start to sweat when I go into a store if the shopkeeper looks at me for too long.
Sometimes I even buy things I do not want just to show that I'm not a shoplifter. Interestingly, I do not feel nearly as much anxiety if I'm shopping with another person. But if I'm in a small store alone, I feel anxiety and pressure the entire time I'm in there. I know that these small shop owners do watch for shoplifters, but am I overestimating how much they are watching? And how can I reduce my paranoia while in stores?