I feel sad when i see devoutly religious people leave their religion

I don't know why, but when I hear of people who were once very religious in one religion, but then eventually break and quit the religion, I feel sad.

For example, there was a Time article about a former Catholic who was once doing devotions and praying, and eventually she quit and refused to return to the Catholic church. Then there was a man who was once a very religious Muslim, and eventually he became an agnostic.

I'm not saying that it's a bad (or good) thing that they left their religion, but there's something that makes me feel sad about seeing a formerly devout religious person quitting their specific faith (well most faiths).

P.S. I am not talking about those people who were religious in their childhood, only to drop it in their adolescence or early adulthood, nor am I talking about people who were never very religiously devout in the first place. I mean those who were in a certain religion as an adult, and then left their religion.

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Comments ( 12 )
  • I don't mean to bash on anyone's ideas but I think organized religion is one of the biggest things wrong with the world.

    People should all come up with their own beliefs based off their experiences. I think having beliefs is great but they should be something personal to each person rather than something they were told.

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    • Tommythecat.

      Shut up bugs, no one wants to hear rational, intelligent responses.

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    • ilovetoiletrolls


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  • mountain-man82

    People change. Its sad, but its a part of life.

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  • thegypsysailor

    I am exactly the opposite; I want to throw them a huge party celebrating their freedom from tyranny. They finally have an opportunity to live a happy, guilt free life, making decisions based on their own personal beliefs, rather than those imposed by a system meant to control, subjugate and suppress individuality.
    A liberation party!

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  • ilovetoiletrolls

    That makes me happy. Makes me feel like the world is becoming more intelligent in that aspect :)

    Sorry if that offends religious people.

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    • DivinkMaggot

      Religious belief or disbelief isn't an assessor of intelligence. Your post just proves you're biased and nothing else.

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      • ilovetoiletrolls

        See, I have to disagree because religion is just like fairies. Only the naive and ignorant believe in it, so how does that ever translate into intelligence? I can't say I've ever even encountered an intelligent religious person in my life. Most lack common sense, don't know very much about anything and believe in their beliefs "just because".

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        • DivinkMaggot

          It's both naive and ignorant to say an entire group of people are naive and ignorant.

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          • Mikjall

            Indeed it is. Congrats, "ilovetoiletrolls," you've successfully put yourself amongst the pretentious and condescending. "I can't say I've ever even encountered an intelligent religious person in my life." What are you doing here? Don't you have some sort of pseudo-intellectual circle-jerk to attend? Nothing quite like someone being condescending AND throwing around hasty generalizations. Priceless.

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  • golden_showers

    I can't stand organized, commercial religion. The bible doesn't teach respect, or responsibility, etc. It teaches shame and judgement. And how can a loving god send someone to hell for eternal torture and not give them a chance to redeem them-self? and how can science contradict religion? it's a crock of shit.

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  • Gspyder

    It's usually because the legalism becomes exhausting. People get tired of feeling like they have to live and think a certain way of others in the church will see them differently. I think that's why I'm religious but currently not a part of organized religion anymore. I had enough of being told who to date and what I should and shouldn't participate in and what my time and money should go towards. It's just too much.

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