I feel sick when i see gay scenes in movies and tv shows... iin?

I'm not homophobic, but I don't want to see that shit constantly just because some hollywood producer is surrounded by queers and thinks it's normal.

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Comments ( 77 )
  • Iamagirl

    You're involuntarily homophobic. I know you think that you aren't, but being disgusted by gay people showing affection is basically the definition of homophobia. I know you're probably mad at what I'm saying, but think about this: gay people have to watch straight romance movies all the time, they get no choice. But when gay people finally get representation, straight people feel as if it's invading their straight media. There is hardly any queer media compared to straight media. Society brainwashed the heterosexual people into thinking that gay is disgusting and abnormal, and that's not your fault. But it IS your fault that you're not doing anything to try to change that. Most people find that if they form a friendship with a homosexual, they gain more respect for them and see differently than before. Try it if you are willing and wanting to change.

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    • rayb12

      Additionally you are ignorant to the visual nature in which men experience sexual desire and repulsion. A straight man who is not interested in men is bound to be repulsed by a display of sexual flirtation or intimacy between two men. As this individual is attracted to neither of them. For a woman it would be analogous to an intimate scene between two people the woman despises or who display no traits the woman finds attractive.
      It is not influenced by society as they would have no reason not to be grossed out by this in the first place. And again, this person is saying nothing against queer representation. Trust me, I have been where you are, where everything is a narrative and intent doesn't matter and minorities must be fought for and protected at all costs. But one day you will realize so many of the black and gay and trans people you fight for dont even agree with you, and you will realize you were just being rude to a lot of strangers on the internet and acting like you were better than them. And you will feel kind of dumb and bad

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      • Iamagirl

        I'm pretty sure straight women aren't repulsed by lesbian scenes, though. I can't speak for them because I'm a bi woman. But I do know that in society, it's different for men. They were taught that gay is wrong and it means lesser than, so they act out against it in hopes to boost their fragile masculinity. Women can appreciate other women's beauty and call each other out on the fact, but if men do it then they're faggots. I just think it's kinda fucked man. I'm not an LGBT activist who goes to parades or whatever, and I don't go waving my queer around, but I stand up for shit when I think it's wrong, you know?

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    • rayb12

      You do realize most gay men could give a damn what some random straight dude feels when seeing them kiss. As could everyone else for that matter. They don't need you to speak for them. And are not the fragile faggots you make them out to be. They're normal ass men and most of them don't want anything to do with this queer shit or pride, or any of this annoying garbage that is really just you drawing attention to yourself, making them sound like babies.

      There are far more straight white women that are in a tizzy over homophobia in the west than actual gay men.

      Speaking to people like they have to change or are homophobic are serious accusations and is an extremely disrespectful and unproductive way to meet strangers.

      In fact, now many people confuse the LGBT movement, which is supported by mostly straight people, with actual gay individuals who for the most part don't tell others how to act.

      You should be more cognicent of your behavior and its consequences as well as your ignorance regarding the complexities of groups of people of which you're not a part of.

      And please don't be rude or mean to other members here.

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      • Iamagirl

        I'm queer and trans though. And I know a lot of lgbt people don't want all of this gay pride fuss. But I think that until it is normalized, it needs to be represented abundantly.

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        • rayb12

          I appreciate you responding so humanely, but like I said, you are ignorant to the visual nature in which men experience sexual desire and repulsion.
          You are not responding to a person who said anything to indicate he wishes these films weren't made.
          He said his reaction. And you are shaming him for his feelings that he voiced respectfully.

          You are being intentionally inflammatory making statements like "fragility of masculinity", do you know that most men just feel bad for women that behave so unempathetically?
          And you are willfully ignorant to how men actually experience their sexuality which is very different than women in most cases.

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  • amg1028

    Why does it make you so uncomfortable, that you feel sick. You are putting too much feelings and logic into something that isnt a big deal. but men and women have been dominating the big and small screens for decades, of passionate making out and sex but of course thats fine, Some boobs flashing here and a guy thrusting into a vagina there, perfectly fine but two guys or two girls kiss and do the same things, and you feel sick? lol get over yourself and stop overreacting to shit that shouldn't matter to you, t.v and movies are reflecting real life and people you can encounter in real life. Gay people exist and you may even catch them kissing in public. Look away, keep living your life they you want and you will be fucking fine.

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  • Platinumline

    Hollyweird is cancer.

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  • redrainbow22

    I dont like those people who try to FORCE everyone to be gay or okay with trans people, just because they are.

    Its unnatural to not be able to reproduce, and its crazy to think you're a different gender.

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    • amg1028

      no one is forcing anyone, literally all gay people want is to not be judged, hated on and just treated like a person, treated with human decency. Thats it. Just dont be a dick to a gay person. you can keep your personal beliefs but it becomes a problem when you saying it to a person who differs from it in a hateful manner.

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      • redrainbow22

        I didnt say EVERYBODY, I specifically am talking about the people who think EVERYBODY needs to be gay

        Like they have a weird obsession

        You cannot speak for all gay people. Most gay people want that.

        Sorry but homosexuality should NEVER be normalized. That doesnt mean you have to be mean, it's just people shouldnt accept that as normal.

        It's moral beliefs.

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        • amg1028

          "you cant speak for all gay people. Most gay people want that."

          Its going to be normalized whether you like it or not. Majority people are okay with it now(thank goodness) and that will continue to grow. They can see there is literally nothing wrong with homosexuality. Break it down and all you get is a person loving another person. Just like any other typical straight couple across the world. Its doesnt seem normal to you because all you ever saw was mom and dad, on t.v and in movies, male and female, thats all you have ever known to be true, what you were taught, black and white vision but what people are now realizing is that people are way more complex and colorful than what they originally thought. Go back in time to Rome where everyone was fucking everyone and no one batted an eye. You can stick to your "Moral Beliefs". Raise your future kids that way, keep thinking that way until your dying breath. You have your opinion and i have mine, i dont know why i even bother to write this. its pointless, you are gonna do you and im gonna do me. I guess all i can hope for is that despite what you believe that you can treat everyone with kindness and fairness.

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          • redrainbow22

            its called being realistic

            yes most people in general want to be treated good, but im talking about just the rare exception where they have their minds twisted, and actually dont care about being treated poorly

            no its not

            you really crack me up. its not a good thing that it's a little normalized
            it may stop or may actually not even be growing at all. it can actually even be reversed.

            there is. DO. NOT. NORMALIZE. HOMOSEXUALITY.

            thats not all it is. you simplify it too much. you downplay everything that comes with normalizing something that SHOULDNT be normalized

            because without mom and dad, we wouldnt be here genius

            its not that deep. lol it's quite simple really.

            Rome was immoral

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            • amg1028


              If i'm simplifying too much, then you are making things way more complicated than it needs to be.

              Just because mom and dad can make babies doesn't give them any justification to say thats normal and thats the way it should be. i mean the world is overpopulated as it is and we will run out of our natural resources in a few decades because of that.
              ALSO THE MALE G SPOT IS IN THE ASS LOL. i mean that fact alone speaks for itself.

              I honestly dont know why i am even bothering, have a great small life stranger i will never meet.

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    • Ellenna

      Who is forcing anyone to be gay? Name ONE example.

      It is actually quite natural for some people not to be able to reproduce, regardless of their sexuality.

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      • redrainbow22

        "people who try to FORCE everyone"


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        • Ellenna

          OK, name just ONE example of someone TRYING to force anyone else to be gay. Stop panicking, no-one's after you

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          • redrainbow22

            people on youtube

            yes stay calm, so i can be eaten by the snake while im not looking

            how about you stay calm, and let the public cleansing on this dirty world occur

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            • Ellenna

              You are delusional: how can people typing words into a computer be trying to force you to do anything?

              Snakes, calm, public cleansing??????? Pardon?

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    • Nickvey

      its OK for a guy to pretend to be a women , it makes the whole anal experience for them good . so long as they understand it just pretend and they are not nor can they ever be a woman no matter the sexual mutilations they get. And i dont have to pretend they are a woman either that would be my choice not theirs

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      • redrainbow22

        so anal penetration is fine as long as you pretend?

        two wrongs dont make a right

        i dont agree with homosexuality either

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        • Nickvey

          scary .fine with it. simply.

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          • redrainbow22

            its unnatural

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            • Nickvey

              unnatural yes and it feels so nice when its in decent . your right to feel repulsed has not been infringed.

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  • MrDexter

    Obvious homophobe is obvious.

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    • They can do whatever they want. Why shove it in a straight person's face.

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      • Ellenna

        Yeah, like most movies and tv shows don't shove heterosexuality in everyone's face

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      • MrDexter

        The way you talk about it shows your homophobia. They are not gross or abnormal for not being straight idiot.

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        • redrainbow22

          It is gross.

          Im still like "ewwww they're gay?" everytime I see something like that.

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          • It's not gross for those that enjoy same gender sex! Get over yourself! I was raised to be homophobic by a "religious" family. Once I had the "opportunity" to experience sex with another male (at a church camp by the way), I was hooked. I truly love sucking cock, swallowing cum, having a cock deep in my ass, the feel of warm cum blasting into my ass! Give it a try, you just might find it the best experience of your life!

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        • bob7

          they are lol

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          • MrDexter

            Same can be said about you couldn't it?

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            • bob7

              i think ur gay , i also think that gay people should have their own country just like jews

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          • redrainbow22

            I agree.

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        • Kevinevan

          Sticking a dick up a shitter isnt gross?? What planet do you live on.

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          • Gross to who, you? I love having cocks up my ass! I once had four guys cum inside my ass, it was an amazing experience! As they would pull out, I would lick and suck their cocks clean! I then pushed out what I could and licked it up and swallowed it! I loved it, they loved it, so who was harmed? Anytime I use a dildo or butt plug, I ALWAYS lick them clean! Gross.....nah, I LOVE IT!

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  • Stiffone26

    Gays make up like 2% or less of our population. IMHO they are being way over represented these days! I rarely watch tv shows made later than 1987. Don’t care if I am disconnected. I don’t buy into bull shit political correctness culture.

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  • Nickvey

    im repulsed with animal human sex. so i can understand the repulsion you feel when two hairy men copulate an hairy asshole. i wanna just gag a bit. then if a hairless twink is getting bottomed i dont get all gagged on it. weird right. i also hate old fat people fucking, all sags and runs drooping all over the place. but the worst of all is the TV gay folk , they are so prissy faggot with every line i automatically turn it off.

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  • randypete

    Don't watch them simple

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  • Pumpurrnickel

    If you're straight, I think it makes perfect sense to feel uncomfortable and a little sick when it's people of your own gender.

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  • Kboi101

    You’re homophobic simple !! Don’t try to cover it . So what if it’s its just a scene !! Oh please

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  • Algum

    You wouldn't definitely hated late 1990s film "Wilde", a story on homosexual Oscar Wilde. There were some explicit gay sex scenes in it. Also, you I'm sure you would've hated "Brokeback mountain".

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  • Electra

    Yeah sometimes I feel like that too.

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  • deepdrowning

    It's called representation. Get over yourself.

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    • Kevinevan

      No deepthroating its overrepresentation.

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      • deepdrowning

        Then.. don't watch shows with gay sex if it bothers you that much??

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        • Kevinevan

          When did I say it bothered me fuck stick.

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          • deepdrowning

            You obviously aren't happy about it.

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    • At only 3.8% of the population, they are way overrepresented.

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      • deepdrowning

        There are more and more LGBTQ+ people feeling brave enough to come out with this representation.

        How about you look at the IMDB page before watching something?

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      • amg1028

        are you fucking serious? FOR DECADES THEIR WAS NOTHING, IT WAS HETERO TYPICAL AMERICAN FAMILY BULLSHIT. Then very slowly but surely representation grew. its called diversity, not everyone is straight and people are all fucking shades of color not just black and white.

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        • Algum

          Very true. If there is diversity in a community, people need to allow anyone to do whatever makes them comfortable and happy as long as a) they're not breaking the law, and b) they don't try to force anyone into doing anything they don't want to do. Like if they're gay, they should not pressure anyone who isn't gay into doing their thing.
          Other than that, people shall feel free to do what they want.

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          • amg1028

            There is no "If", Diversity is all around us, no one is truly the same. Of course no one should be pressuring anyone into anything they don't want to do. But sadly people do pressure others all the damn time and its not just gay people who pressure, to clarify, teens pressure other teens into doing drugs/alcohol/sex, spouses pressuring their spouse into doing something they are uncomfortable with, Men pressuring women to be more sexually fluid etc.. and being gay isnt a thing, its apart of who someone is.

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  • McBean

    The world is being homofied by homos. They have all the choke points of society dead locked. It makes me sick too, but we will have to get used to it.

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    • The world is finally recognizing that there are people with different tastes and sexual desires that, for them, are quite normal.

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    • redrainbow22

      Never will

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      • McBean

        You're a homo. You don't ride cock. You're not used to anything.

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        • redrainbow22

          Set your illusion into place about how you think the world is gay land

          Delude your mind

          Enjoy your fantasies while they last

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    • Kevinevan

      We dont have to get used to shit. Fuck them. I never watch tv or movies any more because they are all gay af.

      If die hard were made today it would be about something very different.

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      • Ellenna

        "All gay"? Please please tell me the names of all these gay tv shows and movies so I can immediately watch them

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  • Dustyair

    I don't watch it either.

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  • Seems funny to me that all these homophobic people know so much about these gay movies, etc. Maybe they are more than curious and get just a little turned on! I would bet that most males, if they would admit it, have had thoughts of sucking a cock or being sucked, or of having a cock shoved up their ass! I love seeing it, AND love doing it! Not one bit embarrassed or ashamed!

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  • It's normal. Afterall, homosexuality (etc.) has by large not been normalized in 99% of the societies. As long as you don't discriminate against them, you're good👍

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  • Algum

    Yeh, when he quoted "a idea", he was just copying the other person's writing who wrote "a idea", hence the quotes. If he wrote "a idea" minus the quotes, then he's writing on his own terms and you can say that he's contradicting and that he can't spell either.

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  • unseriousness

    I think you're the one who should learn to read. OP quoted Polterguest who wrote 'a idea'.

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  • Kevinevan

    I hear Brokeback Mountain is a mans movie. You should be safe watching that.

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  • CreamPuffs

    Guess you're just not into that. I understand.

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  • Nickvey

    its all the Hollywood producers fault , they all have the same name ending in stein , Frankenstein. Wallenstein, you get the picture.

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  • wigz

    Imagine being gay and having to sit through all the disgusting straight sex scenes! All those straight married couples and bf/gf's...practically every movie and show has not just one but several of those! It's rampant, that damn straight agenda!

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