I feel sorry for religious people, iin?

I just feel so sorry for religious people because they are tieing their life down over something/someone that doesn't exist. I just think they're wasting their lives

I mean lets face it, there is no god, im sorry, there just isn't. I really do wish there was, but anyone logical will know that there is no god...

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Comments ( 57 )
  • kelili

    You're wasting your time pitying religious people, live and let live.

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  • GreyWulfen

    Religion is not just about what's right or wrong. Believing in something can make you a happier and better person. Yes, the opposite may be the case as well, but you can't just say that all religious people waste their lives.

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  • anti-hero

    99.9999999% Of people waste their lives religious or not. Hail Satan.

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  • Terence_the_viking

    Do you feel sorry for them because they have a purpose in their life.

    Wrong or no at least they know what they want from life do you?

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    • throat_cutter

      Ahh yes religious people exclusively have fruitful purpose in their lives, rich with faithful prayer and bountiful meaning..


      By the way breaking news the atmosphere is found to contain 7 percent nitrogen 3 percent oxygen and 90 percent made from worldwide thoughts and prayers, emotional pleas begging for everything to be ok

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    • ye i do know what i want from life

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      • Terence_the_viking

        You know you could just not pay them any attention.

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  • throat_cutter

    Hey OP. I feel most sorry for the brainwashing of the children mostly, the systematic brainwashing of their minds in believing such fairy tales as a magickal sky daddy, in saying "my child is a catholic child" no the five year old is not remotely congnizant nor has any understanding of the religion. such beliefs limits and narrows and promotes bias in his or her exposure to anything that challenges otherwise, later on in his or her lifetime.

    documentaries of such "Jesus Camp" just straight out infuriate me at the stupidity extreme end of religion

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    • Agreed

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      • throat_cutter


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  • Ilovewinter12

    Well, I won't lie, I'm religious, and I really don't waste my life on my beliefs. Just because I'm a certain faith doesn't mean I'm constantly spending my time practicing the faith/praying.

    Not everyone religious person is a nutjob/strtic,
    I think it's unfair that you put everyone into one group, but I can see where you're coming from.

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    • Ilovewinter12


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  • NeuroNeptunian

    I don't know why I feel the need to say this.

    In Basic Training, on Sunday mornings, it was church time, right? I wouldn't go to church simply because I always had a ton of shit to do. However, Sunday mornings were the most quiet, peaceful mornings. By the afternoon, shit would get loud and horrible.

    After a couple of weeks, us girls in the bay on Sunday mornings realized that it was quiet and peaceful because the biggest bitches in the bay were at church. Legit. The ones who fought, stole and made a shit ton of hell... were at church.

    However, the Catholics here are some cool motherfuckers.

    As my Drill Sergeant says,
    That is all, good talk.

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  • Even if there is a God, none of the religions are correct.
    Obviously they're man made concepts that each have changed several times.

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  • Karmasbitch

    I think that saying there is no god, is just as close minded as saying there is. If that makes sense.. I'm open the idea of god, but I'm also open to the idea that there isn't. I'm completely indifferent. But yeah, I do kind of feel sorry for certain religious people.

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  • myboyfriendsbitch

    Well, I say, I never got the notice that God isn't real. You must be super intelligent. Can you also tell me everything about the bottom of the ocean and how far the universe stretches?

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    • I wouldn't say im super intelligent

      Super logical

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      • myboyfriendsbitch

        If you are so logical you must know that God can be neither proven nor disproven.

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        • I blew my load.

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  • RomeoDeMontague

    In the old days you would be the one arguing the earth must be flat. As you see those people never got anywhere did they?

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  • Dad

    Yes its normal to pity ignorance, especially when we already have the information in front of us.

    Evolution is correct.

    We are as strong on biological evolution as we are on gravity, actually pretty sure evolution is on top.
    We have just about all the FACTS on the matter, and there is NOT one bit of evidence against it. If there were, then evolution would be thrown out immediately.

    Universe 13.81 Billion years old

    We are so positive that our universe is 13.81 Billion years old, that each independent experiment ALL point to the same amount of time. So far there is NO evidence against it.

    God is not only never been seen, he doesn't need to exist.

    We do not get our morals from the bible. If we did we'd be stoning our children to death and still keeping slaves.
    Everything happens naturally, so far all that we have seen anywhere has a natural reason that it developed. No super natural stuff anywhere!
    People (who have only been around for about 200k years ie NOT long) don't have souls, NOR does vegetation or insects or dinosaurs or even entire planets! I mean if I were this magical god, pretty sure I would have made the first thing created to have a soul ie stars. Not wait 13.79 BILLION years and THEN say yep there they are now!


    It is no only obvious that life is on other planets. We are actually extremely close to finding signs of life on Mars. Pretty sure just about every planet that has had water on it once, will also have had life. I mean its just obvious, I don't even like writing this because who wouldn't agree??
    Finding life on other planets goes fully against the bible. Since ONLY angels live outside Earth!! Lol

    God is myth.

    Which god anyway? 'God' has been redefined so many times that we now have multiple religions all with unique gods!
    Are all the Christians going to hell by Allah? Are all the Islamic children going to hell by Jesus?? Are we finally going back to our own planet one day, and all non believers will be wiped away??
    The thousands of religions are ALL nonsense.

    How do I know.

    Because as yet NOT one religious person has ever provided any reasonable possibility there could be a god. Not even a speck of evidence, nothing.
    But the abundance of facts for a natural scientifically formed universe and life is over whelming.

    What about children

    Tell them the truth.
    There are thousands of religions with totally different beliefs. So far all evidence points to NO god.

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  • Tyler_D

    No, it is not normal. You are arrogant, we are not, yet we can claim that the Divine Creator have spoken to us. We know everything. We have all the answers. It it written in our all-knowing-book called the Bible. We don't need Science. We don't cellphones, internet, computers, transportation, technology, medicine and every product of Science. All we need is our God and his love. We should stop thinking and ask why and how things work because an intelligent person knows that the answer is God. We have to pray everytime because God loves ass-kissing. We gather to one place every Sunday because sometimes God is not everywhere and omnipresent. It is wrong not to deny your biological needs. We must live in an ideal world where everything works perfectly. I know the Bible is the word of the God because the Bible says that it is the word of God, therefore God exists, no need for arguments, checkmate right there. I also believe in the intelligent design. I may be overweight, lots of skin problem, shitty looking hair, lots of family problem, no job, no opportunities, but still I can surmise that this is the work of a very intelligent Creator aka God. All you need to do is pray and if it doesn't work you just say that God works in mysterious ways. If you are going to think about it, a straightforward rule is bullshit. Anyway, I can argue anything about God. There are countless. Yeah, bitch! we're the absolute truth, nothing more or less.

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    • Tyler_D

      I am being sarcastic. "Everybody chill!" -Mr Freeze

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      • linchpin

        Lol I love how you quoted Mr Freeze

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    • throat_cutter

      Haha good one mate

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    • You poor man :( You have my pitty

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  • driedroses

    I feel sorry for you, wasting time making this post.

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    • I don't feel it was a waste of time. I find others opinjons interesting, even though they are wrong.

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    • randomthoughts


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  • randomthoughts

    It also works in reverse- think about how many religious people out there that would feel sorry for a closed minded person like yourself. Religion gives a vast majority of people purpose in life that causes no harm on others, at least they have not pursued a life full of chaos involving drug abuse, murder and other significant acts like that. If If I were you, I would think again.

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    • Thought about it and still feel sorry for them.

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      • randomthoughts

        Well they prob feel double sorry for you. Firstly cause you feel sorry for religious people and secondly because you thought about it and are still ignorant enough to still feel sorry :(

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        • Now i feel double sorry for them.

          Poor guys

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          • randomthoughts

            dry, you can't copy what I just said otherwise that makes u a dumbass. poor you.

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  • dybex

    I pity the fools who put atheism as their religion on their Facebook profile.

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    • RoseIsabella

      I pity tha fool that don't believe in Mr. T!

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  • dom180

    I feel sorry for people who feel sorry for religious people.

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  • Shnaz

    Why do you waste your time giving a shit about what other people do? That's sad.

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  • brookeM.

    This post made me cry. I hope Jesus will come soon...I pray for unbeleivers

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  • candybee

    The millisecond after you die you will realize the truth that God is real, I promise you this...I bet my life on it. Just please put more effort into researching God and hearing personal stories. This isn't something you want to be wrong about... As the rational person that you are please just make sure you are right about this.

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  • I don't want your sympathy, but you need mine.

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    • Well you have my sympathy

      What a waste of a life :(

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      • You wasted your life?

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        • No sir,

          You're wasting your life by worshiping an imginary friend

          I'm having the time of my life, with no restrictions :)

          I hope you realise the truth soon.

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          • I know, the truth is that I don't care about what you think. I guess you'll just have to wait after you die.

            But you seemed at least a little sincere, so thanks I guess.

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  • irregular

    As an agnostic, you sound like a very judgmental person, and so very sure of yourself. I pity you. For being so close-minded.
    How can you know any God doesn't exist? Huh? You can't. There's just as little proof against it as there is for it. How can you so firmly believe that there isn't? You can believe that there isn't one all you want, and that's fine. But please don't ridicule people who like to believe in such a thing. For it's perfectly 'logical' to believe in some form of deity.

    Not all religious people are completely fanatical, you know. Those kinds of people I do feel sorry for. Those who are so completely and utterly brainwashed. But some just like to think that there's some sort of afterlife. Maybe so they feel like they have some sort of purpose in life. Maybe so they aren't completely terrified of death.
    Who are you to deny them that comfort?

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  • OddBallBrat

    I am atheist and I feel sorry for religious people all the time, but you cant let them know that or they start calling you devil spawn.

    That's my grandmother's (a good catholic) favorite name for me. The devil spawn. Then she shoves a cookie in my mouth. got to love religious families.

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  • Dad

    I still say that believers should wear big fluffy red noses so the children know to laugh at their nonsense.

    Yes I feel sorry for believers too, but you do get to a point where if they are actually going to debate their nonsense with you, they become a joke.

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  • Caryopteris

    I think it is a need of certain personalities to be religious and feel dependent on someone to protect them. I'm not saying I know there is no God, but I am saying that what the religions teach seems to be unlikely tall tales that serve man rather than sound like something that would be useful to an all-powerful and all-knowing God. It does seem like a lot of brainwashing to keep people in line. Maybe I'm wrong, but various religious beliefs seem completely illogical to me, but that doesn't seem to completely rule out that there is a creator. I just think we are way off and he isn't all that interested in us or testing us to see if we can pass his test to get into heaven.

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  • Lynxikat

    If their religion is truly making them a good or better person, then their lives aren't being wasted. If a person's religion has encouraged them to help others, then no, that person's life hasn't been wasted just because they believe in something that doesn't exist.

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  • Erik963

    I feel sorry for them because they are brainwashed and beyound any help.

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  • GoraIntoDesiGals

    I rather envy them because they have this blissful ignorance and really imagine that some man in the sky or some dead hippie helps them in time of need. I know better and that's why I'm so cynical about the absurdity of life.

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  • thegypsysailor

    So many people have died in wars over religion and even today, we see it every single day.
    It doesn't make me feel sorry for them all (religious people), it makes me angry. The christians want to convert or kill all the pagans. Muslims want the whole world to be Muslim or die and even Buddhists (remember, this is a religion that prohibits killing even an ant!)are killing Muslims in Myanmar these days.
    I hate all religions for in my travels around the world I have seen the horrors and pain it has brought to so many and so little good.
    Maybe if all the "true believers" died and each went to their particular heavens or hells this world would finally be a peaceful place.
    Perhaps I will pray for that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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  • YourMomSaysHello

    I respect all people regardless of their beliefs, as long as they don't try and force me to convert to their lifestyle.

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  • RomeoDeMontague

    You believe it does not exists but you have no proof. There is many things we have yet to discover having such a narrow mindset makes you stupid.

    We don't know if we have a soul. To know this we would have to talk to a dead person who was revived. Your brain starts to deteriorate very quick after death. Some people have had near death experiences where they were truly dead for a short time and come back claiming they saw themselves leave their bodies.
    If we have no soul that mean when you are dead you will just see black. Which mean the person coming back would not remember anything anyways.

    So how are we really going to test this? We cant start putting people into coma if we leave the brain alone too long we might very well kill them or create irreparable brain damage.

    Also believing that relatives are watching over you has to be a lot more peaceful than just believing "Well they are fucked now. HOORAY!" I pity you for being so narrow minded. Open your mind you arrogant fool. Sure they would have never made airplanes with your mindset.

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    • Dad

      Yes and there may be a teapot floating behind the moon. Prove me wrong ;)

      The onus of 'proof' is for the ones making the claim.
      Atheists do not believe in a ridiculous pathetic god, for GOOD reason. BUT we are very happy for idiot believers to provide ANY proof, so far nothing at all.

      Why I replied is not to inform you of the above, that is not just obvious but also stated everywhere.
      I replied because you questioned about testing people who have died.
      Recent SCIENTIFIC tests state the the brain shows spikes of activity in the memory area of the brain AFTER what used to be classed as death. I think. It has been concluded that you MAY actually see images of your relatives or even yourself, but they are just MEMORIES, being the last bit of survival that the brain can make to try to save you from dieing.

      Remember THAT when you die.
      So far NO evidence of ridiculous notion on an afterlife.
      'Opening up your mind' means realizing the truth. Everything is natural, not supernatural of course. Wake Up.

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      • RomeoDeMontague

        So according to you we should believe things even though there is no evidence for it. Wow that sounds a lot like what atheist say Christians do. So if both sides are going on assumptions based on no real evidence that means both sides are just as stupid right? Good job you just proved that Atheists and Christians are equally stupid. Good for you sir.

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