I feel trapped and i don't want to live
I feel lonely and trapped inside my mental illness and if the rest of my life continues to be like it is now then I don't want to live any more.
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I feel lonely and trapped inside my mental illness and if the rest of my life continues to be like it is now then I don't want to live any more.
What is your diagnosis, if I may ask? *Also please be sure to check the little box to keep your response to my comment anonymous.*
I don't formally have one, but I'm pretty sure depression and anxiety come into it. I'm on meds for that anyway. I want to up my dose but really hate the side effects. I seem to get memory problems with every SSRI I try - but I've heard that the other antidepressant classes are potentially more harmful...
Do you have any experience of them?
Yeah, it's helped me, but I pretty much have only taken SSRIs, I take Cymbalta now, and it's been good for me. Cymbalta is an SNRI. I have myofascial pain, and osteoarthritis in my back which Cymbalta has helped me with. I have heard that if can addictive, but I haven't had any bad experiences personally. I'm no expert, I'm just a person who has, depression, anxiety and chronic pain among other diagnoses.
Seek a therapist and medication. Meditation can help a little bit as another suggested. But it’s not going to do much without actual medication and help from a medical professional. sadness and depression aren’t the same thing. Meditation would be good if you were just sad but depression can’t simply be thought away. You need an actual doctor who knows what they are talking about.
Meditation isn’t about thinking your problems away. This has been the only thing to keep my depression sable. You need to do more research. It’s more then just sitting in a pose and breathing deeply.
I’d rather do my research on actual medicine. No real doctor is going to prescribe meditation for depression. All meditation is is thinking positive thoughts. And that’s great but it’s not going to help with an actual medical and mental problem.
That's actually not true. Doctors do recommend this sort of thing quite frequently for depression and other problems as part of a patient's recovery. As you say though it is alongside other treatments.
(They do in the western world at least, anyway. Not sure about elsewhere.)
You should try meditation, and other forms of self healing. There is a lot of information on the internet on this stuff. You will never be truly happy in this word, but you seam like the person who surrounds himself with negitive stuff. I bet your YouTube home page is full of negativity. You need to break away from negitive imagery in your life.
i have had these feelings in the past. it took a near death experience to get me out of it. i really hope it will be different for you. if you can get to a doctor-a psychologist-they may be able to help you. just be careful if you have to resort to medicine to read about the medicine before you take it particularly when it comes to withdraw symptoms and of course side affects.
I have never had it so bad as what you did growing up. I just think that would drive people over the edge.
The problem though is that I think a lot of people who do or want to kill themselves probably are NOT wondering when they will get another meal, probably NOT sleeping in something that barely qualifies as shelter...
Pretty much all the people i have known who wanted to kill themselves or went through with it had it fairly good and plenty of opportunity to make it better.
I never got it when some people talk about not wanting to live.
It is like they live in a first world nation, have a home, computer, not starving, etc yet life seems unbearable.
I think, what about people in those third world nations where they can be sold off as slaves, maybe live with a dozen other people in a shack, working in a sweat shop, etc. They are probably tired, hungry, and thirsty all the time. Probably have nothing to look forward to and has the constant threat of disease, THAT would be a reason to not want to live.
So when someone is living in good conditions under a roof, ia mostly healthy, has food and water, their own bed to sleep in, and a phone and/or computer... Thinking, "I don't want to live anymore" is silly.
I hope you find comfort in knowing there are a lot of lonely people out there just as lonely and tired of life.