I feel turned on when i hug my same-sex friend

I'm female. My flatmate is a very close friend, and I am not used to having very close friends in my life. I don't like the idea of kissing her or having sex, so why do I feel aroused sometimes when we hug?

I mean, 'wet down there' aroused, as a bodily function; not 'I want more' aroused.

I like men generally and I sometimes like women, but I really do not feel I would want a physical relationship with this friend.

What is this?? Can other straight-ish women share if they have experienced anything similar with close friends?

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Comments ( 3 )
  • JellyBeanBandit

    Yeah it's normal, you can't help how your body reacts.

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  • sweetone89

    Probably just a normal body reaction to stimulation. Sex starts in the brain!

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  • Thank you 💕.

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