I feel untalented

A lot of my friends can dance really well (c-walk, breakdance, etc.) and sing well as well, but I'm not really good at any of those. Sometimes I just feel inferior to them and a misfit. Is anyone else like me?

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Comments ( 15 )
  • winkletoes

    Contrary to popular belifes, not every one has talent. We are not all equal. Nature doesn't work like that. Some are gifted, some are able to achieve talents and gift, And others just suck at it all. I'm in the last group. True it hurts sometimes to be a loser but people seem to like to see a freak who keeps on truckin'.
    Learn to laugh at yourself and have fun with whatever you do, however you do it.
    Good luck

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  • joghie483

    We're on the same boat. I feel really untalented. My mom, sisters, and friends describes my dancing as a statue trying it's best to move and my singing as a bird's final screech before it hits a window[seriously though, WTF?]. I tried to learn how to play the guitar once and I took really expensive lessons and I quit after the 5th session[never got the money backO.O] so yeah...

    A couple of my friends tell me that I'm quite good in writing but I don't believe them. Self-esteem problems, I know. So yeah...I guess my only advice for you is stick to what you're good at and never make anyone make you feel inferior 'cause everyone's something they're good at and they're bad at:]

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  • chunkybongo

    I grew up with parents telling me that everything artistic that I did was awesome, so pretty soon I had artistic talent. Did your parents perhaps never encourage you? Then I got into music and pretty soon I could play the guitar pretty well, but not like the virtuosos at my high school who all went to New York and became famous. Then I wanted to write songs but I couldn't sing, but I wanted to do it so much that I made it my 'style' NOT TO BE ABLE to sing. Ten years later I actually KNOW how to sing just from doing it so much. Just find something you love and start doing it. Even if you suck, just keep doing it and celebrate any progress you make. I think "talent" is a relative term. PRACTICE. Do you think Michael Jackson just hopped on stage and started break dancing out of nowhere? No - he practiced and practiced for hours and hours and hours, over and over again...probably obsessively. But if you love something that much, you won't mind. Find something you love and you'll be able to practice it...

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    • eimoorpanda

      Very good advice

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  • uhhyeahidk

    yeah my friend is in a band, another other one is an artist. I feel like everyone else always has something to do, but I never do. i'm not that worried though. if I do have something, it will show up eventually. for right now, im ok.

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  • Ferrarifan

    I have been playing guitar for a while. A talent will show up just keep looking and trying different things.

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  • Do you think you are feeling sorry for yourself instead of getting off your ass and doing something about it, like learning to dance? Just asking.

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  • ObliviousAlky

    Im a drummer and a singer, but i absolutely cannot dance..so chill :)

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  • Moonlit_Heart

    Hey, I'm the same way! Only I have a pretty good ear for music on the piano...I can't sing squat, however, and I have two left feet when it comes to dancing. You are not alone.

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  • lurvejazz

    Well, if you really do mind that much, then take on the challenge and learn a talent too! It might not have to be what your friends learn, but go take on something that you are interested and confident of doing well on. :)

    But honestly, there is no reason why you should feel inferior just because you don't have those talents. They can always be learned.

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  • Dude relax i have talent in playing Fifa 09 on xbox 360 and play football in general!

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  • Montero_Mad_Man

    yea for sure, i have felt the same way, all my friends have that one thing there good at an i really dont have anything to go on .... all i can say is if your friends rub that you have no talent in your face there really not true friends and you should find new ones that will make you fell good about yourself

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  • candycane

    Yes, there are a lot of people like you! All my friends are good at dancing and singing and I am not really. I sometimes feel inferior to them. but it is important to remember that everyone has their own talent that their good at and that your true friends will love you even if your not good st the same stuff as them. They love you for who you are. So just be yourself and I promise, everything will be just fine for you.take care and best wishes!

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  • Malik

    Well, I'm completely tone deaf and have no rhythm whatsoever so yes, I am like you. Don't worry about it, just work on what you are good at, whatever it is. Everyone has a talent, even if it isn't something immediately obvious.

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  • jesusCpornstar

    Hey buddy don't take it so hard, the fact that you can't sing or dance just means your not gay. I know it sucks but believe it or not, not only was it okay to be unable to sing and dance but it was actually considered a good thing. Because people who sang and danced got the shit kicked out of them. This was way before American idol and shows like so you think you can dance. My how things have changed. Thanks to generation y I wouldn't be a bit surprised if one day we turn on the tv and seea man blowing another man lol

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