I find many christians to be utterly ignorant
To put this straight, I am talking about several Christians and not Chritianity as a whole. I do not hate Christianity or any humans, and I do not want to judge people. But I feel that a whole bunch of Christians act like clueless sheep who use their gut rather than their head or making an effort to understand what the scriptures mean.
Rather than using solid arguments and understanding what the scriptures really mean to judge something as a sin or not, they say stuff like "Because it looks disgusting and creepy and therefore God hates it" and then use Bible verses that are sentimentally pleasing and not necessarily as defense.
For example, I see Christians saying that oral sex within marriage is a sin simply because they think it looks gross and because it's not beautiful, as if they have the authority to say what beautiful and what is ugly. I mean I won't complain if they use solid evidence to say it is a sin like how Catholics bring up the Catechism's teaching that sex is supposed to be "open to life" (which oral sex is not) or if they conclude with at least some thought that it falls under the sodomy law, but I find it really irritating when they say it's a sin simply because it is different and looks ugly to them. Also, I see them say stuff like the reason why sex before marriage is a sin is because it isn't romantic, when marriage in Christian times had absolutely nothing to do with the current I-love-you-and-I-want-to-spend-the-rest-of-my-life-with-and-cherishing-you attitude about marriage - it was about all protection, resources and children up until the 18th century. Yes I can probably say that sex without tying the knot is a sin in Christianity but it is the clueless arguments against it that annoy me rather than the ruling. Or another example is that how some Christians think that wolves and snakes are intrinsically evil simply because the Bible used them as metaphors for evil.
This goes the other way too, with many Christians saying stuff like how some things are NOT sins without using anything but their own personal feelings. For example, I see people saying stuff like "Gay sex not a sin because God is a loving god and he wouldn't impose boring rules like that". Sorry, but if the Bible already says it is then it is a sin according to Christianity unless you can conclusively prove that the verse was taken out of context. I do not take a stance whether or not Christianity actually says it is a sin or not, but again, it is the arguments which are all sentimental fluff and lack Biblically sound arguments.
Again, I realize that not every Christian is like this, but I feel that there are way too many illogical sentimental Christians who don't know a thing about what their faith actually means. I am not taking it out on Christianity or Christians in general, but the attitude taken up by many Christian individuals.
P.S. I am not a religious individual.