I find the campaign against the word "retarded" hypocritical
While I do realize that words can hurt, I find it silly how so much taboo and effort is put against the word "retarded" when we in turn use a whole bunch of abelist language all the time. I mean in everyday speech, we use the word "dumb" which means mute, "demented" which means a type of severe brain disease like Alzheimer's, and "lame" which means unable to walk.
I've seen people say stuff like "Don't say retarded, it's wrong. Use dumb instead" and I facepalm. Do the mute deserve to be derided anymore than the mentally challenged? Even worse, while the r-word gets so much attention, people use the word "demented" so frequently and even use it in kids stuff (ex. Super Mario World). I know people with dementia and it is a really crippling and heartbreaking process, yet the word "demented" as an insult rarely gets called out by the media.
I do not think it is right to treat the disabled (and that includes the mentally challenged) as lower beings, but I find the emphasis on the r-word idiotically hypocritical when in general our vocabulary is full of and rife with "abelist" words that don't seem to offend most of their respective referred groups of disabled people. It's hypocritical.
Is it normal to think this?